Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ace of Spades

DAY ZhESTYaNSchIKAPoligon Bundeswehr under Regensburg - unimportant change this road. This is not outside Moscow Kubinka, where tanks get stuck. All kulturnenko and neatly. The road - quite decent wood primer. Or maybe gravel road - a layer of ice and snow is not visible. Snow piled shortly before our arrival. His tightly compacted, then all melted, then podmerzlo - and the result is that it is in Moscow on the morning of the season tinman Day (when the ice is already there, and anti-icing chemicals on it yet). Figure skating at the Audi Q7 is possible in principle, if you disable the stabilization system, but it is - as vigilant mother: as if asleep, but all he sees. Allows you to make a row slightly, slightly pobuksovat, poskolzit, but if you feel that prank is about to come out of the discharge for children, intervenes immediately - stifles agility on the wheels, which are currently "not needed". In most situations, it saves, and only three from a large group of journalists came out sideways - in the sense that when a sharp turn in the car suffered side (bare ice, what you want!) And "pull" it did not gas. All three took turns venerated alongside the bollards. In one corner, to the same column. Consultation on the analysis of safety concluded that the drivers are just a little too far with the speed. Other incidents were not, tinsmith's Day no one else was celebrating. In general, Q7 on all kinds of pavement and off-road moderate (in our case - in the snow above the ankle, but below the knee) is a very confident, of course, if the driver not very confident. Full-drive quattro last generation tested for RS4, through self-locking Torsen differential distributes the nominal thrust forward / backward in the proportion 40:60. Depending on the driving situation at the front wheels can be supplied from 15 to 65 per cent of traction to the rear - from 35 to 85. Since the Torsen - this is pure "mechanics" (worm differential), it works instantly, no delays. Anti-tank ditches and other obstacles next to the landfill engineering obstacles Bundeswehr was not (there only fighters on the ice and snow on the field learning to fight, or what?). Whether they are there, the adaptive air suspension Q7, lifting up to 240 mm ground clearance, it is unlikely to help. And on sugrobchikah available - is even nothing. So, sometimes, that does not strike sharply belly ... BIG LITRAZhGovoryat that if the main market for Audi Q7 was not designated as North America, the car would make smaller and lighter. And so we have more than five feet long, three meters wheelbase, weight far beyond the two tons and seven maximum possible seats. Who better, but I like it. Big bad machine for narrow streets of a Paris, where, incidentally, only five to seven years out of fashion contact parking. And, as we know, who have more iron is right. But is it just that? Let's count the luggage displacement. If we take the seven-seat version, the rider at all (third row of seats - for the people rise up to 160 cm of any complexion, it's for fast food overfed American youths), we get back another 330 liters of cargo space - that's good. But the seven places most of us are unlikely to need, and it accounted for a powerful hurricane: the basic version for Europe (and Russia) announced a five-seat. And then - a record capacity in its class at the established second-row seats, trunk volume is 775 liters! Fold the rear seats and get 2035 hp maximum cargo capacity. Come bad ... In a typical European version of Q7 in the second row - three seats with a longitudinal adjustment (for the slide - 100 mm). But you can make to order, and two - Superior, with a folding armrest between the seats by which a large storage area. Plus two cupholders. By the way, all the cup holders can be six - that's not counting the holders for bottles polutoralitrovyh door pockets. Booted? All that is not in the cabin climbed (well, my dear fellow, you and magpie) - in the trailer. Only Moderate your passion tow up to 3.5 tons - is the maximum that can pull the car on the hook. When such opportunities do not quite superfluous to Q7 the system will be stabilizing the train. And it is here. Ince, Zvi - And OBChELSYaChego at Audi Q7 is small, so it's engines. Togo motor variety, which is famous for concern Volkswagen, will not be here. Well, maybe someday add to the range of some very brutal dvigun for greater slope. (I bet you are thinking about the V10 from the Lamborghini Gallardo - and rightly thought, he asks here. But to talk about it too early.) Today, the gamma motor Q7 consists of two engines - petrol and diesel. Both come with a 6-step "automatic" Tiptronic. On the test drive, I first "fell" on diesel and ... And, they say, got hooked on it. Oh, that did not want to get off. I liked this unit. Three-liter V-shaped "Six" TDI with Common Rail system of last generation (with piezo injectors) produces 500 Nm of torque at 1750-2750 rpm range. Do I have to comment on these tsifiri? What is striking, this engine is almost inaudible. You can say thank you to soundproofing the cabin, but Audi officials argue that this very engine - the "silent" record in its class. Readily believe. However, the alternative 4,2 V8 FSI petrol direct injection - also the guy does not miss. It was he who, incidentally, claimed to be a top engine for the Q7. And given the traditional distrust of the Russians to diesel engines (or rather, to diesel fuel), it could be argued that we take will be mostly gasoline version, if not truly crazy the difference in base prices. Diesel cheaper by thirty thousand dollars! (This is because the base equipment, it is much more modest gasoline). One can not help to think about: maybe she does not choke our diesel fuel? Gasoline something out is not always good, but then somehow tolerate

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