Friday, August 26, 2011

Audi has developed a new generation of surround sound

Audi Company jointly with the German Institute for Digital Technology (IDMT) has developed a prototype acoustic system for Audi Sound Concept SUV Q7, which allows playback of surround sound effect. In this audio system can adjust to each passenger individually. The work of multimedia systems based on the principle of the sound field synthesis, where a few small sound sources, arranged in series, recreates the wave front. This allows the driver and each passenger to listen to music at the highest possible quality. To recreate this effect in the Audi engineers have installed 62 car speaker: five high, five low-frequency (including subwoofer) and 52 small mid-range, which are located in the doors, roof racks and the dash behind the windshield. Currently, the prototype Audi Sound System is being tested in the laboratory plant ingolshtadskogo: experts are looking for the best materials for the conservation of salon-quality sound. After completing the tests, the system will be installed on SUVs Q7 as an option. For the first time Audi has presented an advanced audio system in 2005. It was developed by Bang & Olufsen especially for the sedan A8, the total capacity of 14 speakers was 1000 watts.

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