Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"The fifth space»: Audi Russia opens an exhibition in GUM

June 30 in Moscow has opened a unique exhibition, prepared jointly by Audi Russia and the Central Museum of Contemporary Russian History. The project is timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the flight of Yuri Gagarin's space is devoted to technological achievements of mankind. Among the exhibits - two cars exclusive series Audi RS 5 Zero-G. The concept of the exhibition follows the definition of five "space velocity": the first allows the body to free movement come to a stable orbit around the planet, the second - to overcome the attraction of the planet, the third - to break out of the star system, the fourth - to leave the galaxy. And let mankind obeyed in practice only the first cosmic speed, we tend to look ahead - this is the essence of progress. "The fifth space" - a symbol of creative thought, which does not tolerate restrictions. The exhibition is hosted in five runways, the first and fifth occupied cars Audi RS 5 Zero-G - exclusive sports cars, available only to the 50th anniversary of human space flight. Aerodynamic contours of the body adjusted and the soft glow of devices in the cabin - the modern Audi cars are more like space ships. Like a rocket, they can break off and within seconds turn into a point on the horizon. In the construction of a sports car Audi RS 5 Zero-G uses high-tech space-age materials - carbon fiber and aluminum. The similarity of design and emphasizes the podium, staring skyward and remind launch pads. On three other podiums exhibits from the collection of "space age" in the Central Museum of Contemporary Russian History. Among them - the model of the first satellite and launch vehicle armor, aircraft logs and letters of astronauts. Each of the podium reflects a milestone in space exploration. The exhibition "The fifth cosmic" in GUM is open to the public daily during working hours of the shopping center. The exposition will run until mid-September.

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