Friday, September 30, 2011

Audi plans to switch completely to aluminum

In the future, Germany's Audi AG is planning to produce cars with only a light aluminum body, reports Automobilwoche. At the moment, only one plant Neckarsulm, owned by Audi, produced a model A8 and A2, with aluminum bodies. In the future, and aluminum will be used in other factories. Despite the fact that aluminum is 4 times more expensive than ordinary steel, its use can reduce manufacturing costs. To take one simple example: Audi specialists have developed a special technology of laser welding of aluminum body, which is 3 times faster than conventional technology manufacturing steel buildings, thereby reducing the production car. And if the earlier production of A8 have been automated by 20%, now it will be automated by 80% instead of 25 and 156 will be used by robots. In the development of aluminum production company has invested 300 million euros.

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