Friday, September 16, 2011

Crash Test Audi Q7 does not justify the hopes of the company

Experts EuroNCAP crash test conducted off-road vehicle Audi Q7. According to, contrary to expectations, the creators of the car, the car received only four stars out of five. The main reason for this result has been an excessive shift pedal car site. According to experts, this is due to insufficient strength in the welding of the body. In addition, experts EuroNCAP car shot with balls for that sound, calling to fasten seat belts in the Audi Q7 is too quiet, and the information label with instructions about how to install child safety seats is not enough large. Representatives of Audi said that the shortcomings in the cars removed immediately after the crash test, and the new Audi Q7 as safe. It is worth noting that the occupant protection in side impact and pole impact of car experts EuroNCAP rated high ball. In addition, Audi Q7 has shown good results for the Protection of Children and Traumatic pedestrians.

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