Thursday, September 15, 2011

German studio forced the Audi S3 engine to 360 horsepower

German tuning studio B & B Automobiltechnik announced three programs to force the 260-strong two-liter turbo that is installed on a hatchback Audi S3. The most accessible set of completions can increase engine output to 306 horsepower and its torque at the same time increases to 410Nm. The second program of modernization of the engine increases its return up to 325 horsepower, and torque - up to 425 Nm. The most extreme version of two-liter turbo from the B & B Automobiltechnik has a capacity of 362 horsepower, and torque at the same time reaches to 480 Nm. To achieve such performance specialists of German studio installed on the new Audi S3 engine control unit, a more powerful turbocharger, as well as an upgraded power system. In addition to Audi S3 in studio B & B Automobiltechnik offer undervalued by 25 millimeters suspension, more powerful brakes and new 19 - or 20-inch alloy wheels with original design.

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