Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sales of expensive foreign cars in Russia has slowed due to a shortage of machines

Growth of sales of expensive foreign cars in Russia in 2008 has slowed compared to last year. According to the newspaper "Vedomosti", the reason was the lack of cars in the warehouses of suppliers. Among the most expensive models of growth (50 percent) showed a brand Land Rover, Infiniti, Cadillac and Jaguar. Averages (less than 50 percent) from Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and Volvo. Sales for the first quarter of 2008 in the premium segment decreased only Lexus - one percent. As explained in the Russian offices of car companies, the reason for the slowdown was a shortage of cars. In the Volvo admitted that customers had to wait for long delivery models, the XC70 and XC90. The same thing happened with the model of Mercedes-Benz ML. Lexus has not allocated enough for the Russian quota for new and updated models. According to sales director Gennady Baranov Porsche: "The slowdown is less affected producers from the dollar zone and more - from the euro zone." Sales at the German manufacturer of sports cars in the first quarter of 2008, according to the Association of European Businesses in Russia increased by 17 percent.

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