Saturday, December 24, 2011

3,500 miles on Audi A4 Avant

The Audi for those who like to order I hate it when the trunk of the car Audi reigns mess. Particularly infuriates me when there anything rolling or fidgeting loudly on the turns. Behind the wheel "A4 Avant" I have not experienced such discomfort as to maintain a constant order of the boot fits wagon much more than the bowels of a sedan, say, or a hatchback. "Avant" is well adapted to carry not only large but also small luggage. On the left side of the trunk there is a deep mesh pocket where you can hide a couple of rags and a can or two of car care products. In the right side of the belt is built on a spring, which allows you to tightly pull to the side of the objects of different sizes, ranging from road atlas and finishing with an impressive briefcase traveler. Finally, if you picked up a couple of bags and suitcases, they will not remind myself knocking at every little bit fast turn - the large deposit is attached to the floor using an elastic net, covering almost the entire trunk area. And again, this grid can be transformed into a large hanging pocket that spans the entire width of the car Audi. You can put it in even more bulky packages from the supermarket, filled with various eatables in different-sized containers - all to arrive at the place intact, preserved, and the trunk becomes a visual aid on Brownian motion. I think it makes no sense to tell how much suitable wagon for those who enjoy mountain biking or windsurfing. These thoughts are already on edge stuffed, is not it? .. How much does the wagon "Audi"? Compared with the conventional "four" of such a body increases the cost of Audi cars Audi around .000. ... The road faced a long-range, long-block. So originally I was going to take some of the new modifications "Audi A6" - Audi cars business class makes it easy fatigue, in one sitting, overcome distance, expressed by four-digit numbers. When it became clear that I have to sit behind the wheel of a junior rank of "A4", at first I was disappointed a bit, but after just glad that fate had decided that way. Salon "A4 Avant" reasonableness bribes. Outwardly, he is humble, but many of its nuances evaluated in the process of everyday driving. For example, the ladies certainly pay attention to the artless "automatic", which includes the backlight in the mirror sun visor only when you really look at it. If the hood does its direct function - to protect the eyes from the sun - light zerkalets not included. Ergonomics is highly commendable. A complete set of adjustments to the steering wheel and seats can comfortably accommodate a man at the wheel of any body. Once I overcame one go 700 km (and not on highways), only two out of the car Audi to refuel - and after feeling quite normal. This will not every car Audi "family" class, which formally, based on external dimensions, and should include "Audi A4 Avant". In general, for comfort, "A4" is comparable to the model of the business class. This underlines the fact that the interior design, "four" is extremely reminiscent of a more solid "A6". In general, Russian drivers have not fully evaluated the merits of such prestigious compact models. We buy them only when it is not enough money for a more proportionate model. In Europe, these machines become Audi is not for lack of funds, and because the larger the Audi just is not needed. Thus, in an underground garage a small hotel in Munich and I'm just glad that I got a compact 'A4'. Parking was so cramped because of the numerous ceiling pillars underpinning that try to squeeze through there, for example, on a nominee, "A8" would be completely meaningless stunt. Ergonomics driving position is close to ideal. Compact size "A4" and rescued on the Alpine passes, when he had to enter a car in tight corners Audi, where the pair traveled cars are just barely. By the way, the mountain city of Europe affect the abundance of "Smart", which seemed only to metropolitan areas can serve as a harmonious habitat. In the Alps on these tiny cars Audi drive very many: from flaunting piercings on the face of youths and ending with gray-haired ladies. Indeed, in their "microscopic" scale double "Smart" is the perfect transport to close the mountain "serpentine" and even more cramped streets of old towns in the heart of the Alps. A little about engines ... Following the principle of purely Russian, "the more - the better," I was hoping that I get "A4 Avant" the most powerful engine in the range of V6 (220 troops). And he was kind of sad that under the hood of car Audi is normal aspirated engine Audi volume of two liters and power capacity of 131. Oh, sorry will not be able to really drive on the famous German autobahns! My sadness was short-lived - it vanished at the first gas station. You know, when gasoline costs about 1.2 euros per liter (about one and a half dollars !!!), you start with a bright happy to recall his native Russia ... Spreading at each station for about 70-80 bucks, and I think has forgotten about the coveted V6. I was fine four-engine, in real driving spend on average about eight liters per hundred kilometers. However, even with this engine Audi "A4 Avant" was not slug. Yes, the car takes Audi somewhat slow start (still working volume of two liters is not enough for the model of "family" class, in addition stuffed with equipment such as Audi navigator and separate climate control), but thanks to German wisely-chosen gears in the box on the German autobahn do not feel deficient. The Audi comes out easily enough on line 200 km / h. And to be precise, the maximum speed of two-liter universal "A4 Avant" reaches 208 km / h. Of course, at this rate of motion of the fuel economy of speech is not. When driving with the accelerator pedal is pushed the arrow pointer fuel load shall compete in speed with the clock minute hand, crawling to the mark "Empty" ... Even with a body of Audi car Audi wagon looks leaner and swift. If we talk about our market, the best option is to modify "A4 1.8 Turbo", is an attractive combination of price and rapidity. Due to the modest size of the 1.8-liter engine importers pay a moderate import duties. A turbocharged engine gives the Audi a sufficient capacity. This fall to begin selling "A4 1.8 Turbo" with a modified engine, develops 163 forces. This front-wheel-"Audi" is able to develop on the highway 228 km / h. On acceleration from standstill to 100 km / h the car Audi is spending 8.6 seconds. In addition, the fall of the same dealers will receive "four" with an updated turbodiesel. Modification of the "A4 2.5 TDI" has 163 forces. This is one of the fastest models in the class diesel "family" cars Audi. Its ceiling speed reaches 219 km / h. Europeans have long realized its advantage of diesel cars Audi. The benefit is obvious, especially when buying a large and prestigious cars Audi, - saving on gasoline amounts to several thousand dollars a year. One day, driving several hours in the right lane of Italian motorways, out of boredom, I spent an interesting experiment: consider how much diesel versions will be among the most prestigious models passed me DM. So, almost all "Audi A6", "Five" BMW and the "Mercedes" E Class sported fabrication "TDI", "d" and "CDI", respectively. Only once flashed past the petrol "Audi A6 4.2", but a hurricane whistled "BMW M5", which in Europe are buying not just wealthy, but really rich. If we talk about the future of "Audi A4" on the Russian market, the next summer sale will be gasoline modification "FSI" with the best engine, equipped with direct fuel injection. What are its advantages? The combination of high power (150 troops) and restrained appetite (average consumption is 7.1 l/100 km). Abroad, "A4 FSI" sold to the current year. The delay for the Russian market due to the fact that German engineers are adapting the new engine under our Audi diesel with high sulfur content ... Alas, we are lagging behind Europe not only for its atavistic attitude to the Audi with a body of Audi "wagon." Alexander VISKIN.

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