Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Race car from Audi for the race of "24 Hours of Le Mans."

The world-famous automobile race called "24 Hours of Le Mans' in France are not far from the town of Le Mans. The organizer of the race, not a stretch longer than one decade, is the Western Automobile Sport Club of France. Racing "24 Hours of Le Mans" are themselves popular endurance races. Each year, this type of racing held in June, with the exception of 1968. Since the 1968 student revolution took place that forced the race organizers' 24 Hours of Le Mans "races start to move to the month of September of that year. Of course, the same, this race was not held in the Great Patriotic War, that is, from 1940 to 1948, as well as in 1936, as there was a general strike. Racing "24 Hours of Le Mans" pass on the highway Sarthe. Length of this route is 13 650 meters, is approximately 8.482 miles. Direct Myulsann occupies most of the race track "24 Hours of Le Mans," but at other times, when there are races, straight Myulsann used as a usual way for the movement of vehicles. Of course, the same can not be said that most parts of this line were designed specifically for the race, "24 Hours of Le Mans." Main point race "24 Hours of Le Mans" consists in the fact that fifty cars to be launched simultaneously and compete during the day. The winner is the crew of the car, which after twenty-four hours is a long distance race. One of the races "24 Hours of Le Mans" is a German automobile manufacturer Audi. Once this car company in the ninth won in these races, the company decided to release a new car with closed body. A lot of important information that will be, the fact that since 1999, the sports prototypes German brand Audi, such as the R8, R10 TDI and the R15 TDI, took first place in the race, "24 Hours of Le Mans." This company is to participate in these popular races of the world presented their new model called the Audi R18. This model will be used by the factory team under the name of Audi Sport Team Joest, such information became known after an official press release. Car Audi R18 has been approved by the German company's management Audi, and the official testing engine began in the summer of 2010, while track testing took place in November this year. The new car was "one piece" that is, in contrast to the previous participant of the race, the model was completely Audi R18 Coupe. According to head of Audi Motorsport, Wolfgang Ullrich has become clear that the closed body is used not casual. Since the tests carried out after the car Audi R18 in the wind tunnel and the track was clear that the model with a closed body has several advantages. The carrier body of the car Audi R18 makes this model easy and stiffness at the same time. Chassis and aerodynamics for some elements of the model Audi R18 were taken from previous models of the production. Main Line, the work of engineers at Audi, was the car's aerodynamics Audi R18. For this new model 3.7 liter diesel manned the six-cylinder engine, which will work in conjunction with the upgraded six-speed gearbox. Accurate information about the performance power of this model yet. This motor is replaced, until now existing, aggregate volume of 5.5 liters, 600 horsepower output, and consists of ten cylinders. In addition to the new motor vehicle Audi R18 was fully LED headlamps with strips of fluorescent lights that look like the number "1". According to the leaders of Germany's Audi, the race for "24 Hours of Le Mans," scheduled for release three cars. But the first car Audi R18 will be racing on the data in May 2011 in Spa. And in April next year, will present the car for a test day at Le Mans.

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