Friday, December 23, 2011

Audi 80: deservedly popular

Even the theater begins with a hanger, and so in the car "clothes" - first and foremost. Therefore will concentrate on the body and interior Audi 80. From its predecessor, B4 differs increased luggage, modified wings, bonnet, bumpers and grille falshradiatornoy. Wheelbase has been increased to 70 mm, and the total length of the machine - up to 80 mm. Spacious trunk is just not enough of the old "vosmidesyatke" so as not to embarrass the company competitive. She got it at the same time adding to the solidity. Folding rear seats, luggage compartment volume can be increased from 430 to 712 liters. To this day, Audi 80 looks modern. Classic never gets old, not only morally. Body Model galvanized, corrosion and does not suffer. Quality paint too high, so the "red plague" should not be afraid. At least the owners of "peace" of machines, without the "battle" of the past. Broken and badly restored "vosmidesyatka" rusts much faster, but, interestingly, to the critical state it still does not get it. Pockets of corrosion can be regularly cleaned and touch up without fear pierce a hole in the back. In addition to the sedan and wagon was manufactured. As a major carrier to consider it not necessary, and for wanting to stand out - completely. Interior Audi 80 "kill" is difficult. High-quality finishing materials are aging slowly, and even ten-car with a mileage of 300,000 km is capable of pleasing to the eye an ideal state of the cabin. Squeaks and crackles panels also do not know the owners of this model. The seats are comfortable. Behind the seats is enough. Only careful with his head! Pillar heavily tilted inward, and potholes can be painful, "venerate". Of the nice features - a large number of vents blowing compartment. They have seven B4, so warm in the winter it is difficult. Of course, as with any Audi those years, you have to get used to the third shift paddles, which includes parking lights and dipped beam. All Audi 80 equipped with a proprietary system security Procon-Ten. So is a system of ropes, which are related powertrain, steering column and seatbelt tensioners. If you bounce when the engine is "running out" with attachments, it tightens the ropes that move away from the driver's steering wheel and provide a preload of seat belts. Flaming Heart "Zero Crew" in the line of engines was a 2.0-liter gasoline engine produces only 90 hp He does not hit performance booster, but a traction "on the bottoms." This power plant does not like the high speed if the tachometer pointer to keep the red zone, it is likely broken connecting rod. Central injection Monojetronic - not a model of reliability. There are too many mechanical systems that require special attention. Therefore, this motor - the worst of the whole gamut. It is better to buy another version of "dvuhlitrovika", 115 hp He has multipoint fuel injection corrector octane, and problems with the injection system does not arise. Five-cylinder engine of 2.3 liters - the best option for the Audi 80. His power is enough for a car, and fuel consumption will not make strain. The only pity is that cars with this engine a bit. Were in the range and six-cylinder units in volume of 2.6 L and 2.8 liters. By their nature they are very similar: soft, smooth, without the sports field. These engines - the first six-cylinder "pancake" Audi, so with a run they will have a "complex" problems. Poor quality material valve repair sleeves fraught head after about 150,000 kilometers. Unpleasantly surprised by the oil consumption. It is not only active in running out "to burn", but leaks on valve covers and joints of block heads. The drive timing works with high noise and vibrations, which are quickly "mop up" the pump and rollers. At the six-cylinder engine is better to change the timing belt a little earlier than prescribed factory manual. And the most unpleasant - "six" can not bore. For major repairs need to buy a new unit, which cost may be close to the very car. For all the petrol engines is characterized by rapid wear of the pump. In our market specific demand diesel Audi 80. Model could please two 1.9-liter turbodiesel with 75 hp and 90 hp The second - the famous tdi with direct fuel injection and consumption at 90 km / h in just 3.8 liters. But new technologies are good when they are new. After the run 250.000-300.000 km (and other machines we just do not) tdi-shny engine can deliver a lot of trouble. For the cost of the fuel pump and injectors can safely add value Validol - he really needed. It is best to choose a proven 75-horsepower engine. Both diesel engines periodically burns head gasket. Therefore, when buying is worth checking antifreeze and oil. "Under the curtain," production of the model in the range of engines appeared 1.6-liter 100 hp and different versions of the power two-liter engine. These modifications in our market almost never occur. The main drawback of motors Audi 80 - Coolers. Often fails sensor coolant temperature indicator, crack pipes, fan does not work. Absolutely all engines require a corporate anti-freeze and can not tolerate the mixing of "blood". If you do not Quattro, then what? Mechanical gearbox Audi 80 first years of release were defective, but they certainly have been eliminated by the first owner. Therefore, careful driver is unlikely to have to repair the transmission. Immediately after the purchase is necessary to change the oil in a box. In further operation is to monitor the seal backstage Gearbox - it often leaks. "Automatic" do not bring trouble, if every 60,000 miles to change oil, filter, pan gasket and check the gearbox oil level in the main transmission gearbox. In the non-aggressive driving style CV joints last much longer 150.000 km. The same goes for the clutch disc. And for fans of all-wheel drive better cars than Audi, could not be found. The longitudinal layout of the power plant makes a transmission, center differential and Torsen - a thing almost neubivaemaya. It provides a constant redistribution of drive torque between front and rear wheels and is very reliable. All-wheel drive cars have rear differential lock - another advantage over competitors. Do not forget that the Quattro to be used absolutely the same tires. Even if some axis, it would be "bald" - with the "old days" Torsen'om can say goodbye. All the other wheel drive cars of those years delivered far more problems, so Audi has to go under L1. The Princess and the Pea "creeps" along the road "vosmidesyatka" very tough. The machine does not razospishsya - shakes. Front suspension for Audi 80 - not a strong point, but the large holes in the budget will not do. Before other parts of the "give up" the support of shock absorbers (8-9 $ per share). Every 50,000-60,000 miles - replacement ball joints and bushings, blocks, bushings and stabilizer bar racks. Front shocks "nursed" a bit: sometimes after 40,000 km they require replacement. With the rear suspension on front-wheel machines trouble arises. Silent blocks rear beam - that's the only "expenditure" spare. They need to change the time, otherwise the dump "ask" rear shock absorbers. In all-wheel drive vehicle suspension is another, and to repair much more expensive. And the other actors what other surprises may prepare the Audi 80 to the owner? Leaking power steering and clutch - not such a rare thing for "German." Brakes smoothly. Only the inattentive owners after the break anther podklinivayut bracket supports. Reliability curtain - no reason to be proud owner of the Audi 80. The car will require repair frequently. In fairness, we note that many parts on the model, and the price is far from a "nuclear." In our conditions, it is important not only reliability, but also endurance. But on this indicator Audi has no equal. Strong galvanized body, high quality interior trim - that's it, "perpetual" car. The most optimal option in terms of cost / dynamic performance / reliability - two-liter 115-horsepower engine with a manual transmission and front wheel drive. All other modifications require large expenditures in the operation. Fans of diesel engines need to carefully choose a car. Find it in good condition is very difficult. And the last. Demand for "vosmidesyatki" high. Even too much. Therefore a good alarm system can not hurt. Dmitry NOVITSKY

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