Friday, December 30, 2011

Audi A8 L 4.2 quattro

This morning I even dressed in a special way: after all have to pretend to be a personal driver of a certain hypothetical big boss. Short leather jacket driver's carefully ironed pants, comfortable shoes are strong and at the same time. Only the cap, such as prescribed by bourgeois standards, did not wear. We like it has been made. Maybe because the personal driver also wants to master the machine sometimes seem, at least on the way to the garage? To equip the workplace. How can there comfortably! And they say that this car only for the boss in the back seat ... Yes, everything is for me the driver! Ergonomics and set various "luxuries of life" is much better than in the car "for the boss behind the wheel" - the new Audi A6. Adjustments to the chair is more, an ashtray in his place, that is to come, and not under his elbow, and in general as something roomier. It is clear that the higher class car, but so much attention to the driver? .. No, it's nice of course. And a heated coaster for him, and small screen TV on-board computer can see and listen to music again without interfering with the boss: localize sound audio system in the driver's position (is there such a function), and fun. But the boss behind it will be boring. No, much to the comfort level is something else - it's already too much. Space for the "couch" - the sea. Even the most beautiful top manager be as comfortable to place their limbs. Chairs, of course, governed by servo - you can organize themselves sofa chaise, and you can build and something like an office favorite leather chair. That's just get to swing except with the suspension vehicle. The fact that the interior leather, of course, is clear: to sit and enjoy. Reading lamps are comfortable and bright. You can still look out the window. Or play back the climate control - it is, as expected, a separate, right and left. And yet - these options to occupy themselves for VIP-passengers to an end. Even for long unsold TV boss is not provided, although the machine is not the poorest set - more than 103 thousand euros. Could it there and deliver, such as the ceiling to hang - the hatch is not there, place car, that would be his back and pinned. Or is it a hint of the harsh business and the Germans that the soul (the head) is required to work night and day? Well, let's see how the couch in the back with the organization of the workplace. We possess a central table, armrest. Fulfillment of his most "authoritative" no name - rather cheap plastic. But it's not so bad. How to put on it a laptop? Put something it can only superudobnom and no less a prestigious chair in all respects will have to sit sideways. So the computer will have to keep on your lap (and pants can mash ...), and paper - in the air. Make notes in documents such Makar is not convenient. But in a miracle-table coaster, a double. It is useful, do not say anything. Only drink in your own limousine, perhaps, a bad taste. Solid man usually "uses" in not less than solid ground. A talk with a business partner? There is a car "pipe", but then again drove in - the phone "live" in the front seat armrest. Apparently, it is expected that this will cause the mobile of his boss car (removing the driver from the "bombing"), and he should speak on his own "pocket" tube. The same option, of course ... the side windows without blinds actuator. Disorder? In my opinion, and better, less redundant (in this case, of course!) Servo - fewer potential causes of "glitches". Look back cover, as expected, the electric - it is difficult to stretch his hand. But how many air ducts, pockets (all highlighted), going on lifter hooks, and other pleasant Labuda. Sit, chief, and taschites! Among automakers made in every way to show off their creations, the amount of luggage. It's almost a fetish - both for the individual dimensions of the stronger sex you know what. For family sedans, station wagons and hatchbacks that really matters for executive cars - rather secondary. Cargo space should be easy enough. But in the trunk A8L can quietly bury medium-sized elephant, but only in the form of dismembered. Place much even for two - so much luggage and other belongings in the trip not taken. Maybe boss likes to change apartment? Maybe, but not every day ... Okay, enough of fault, must go. To work, and then we ride. 335 "horses" under the hood briskly carried me right into the left lane, I'm in the car alone, to care about the comfort of passengers is not necessary. We will assume that I'm in a hurry to call his boss. Hurry it turns out - a solid car all strive to give way, and I "drown in full." Handling, braking, dynamics - for such a regime without all the claims. That steering wheel certainly pustovat rather, frankly, "no." But what can you do - it's not sports car, a limousine representative. In the evening, "recruit" a representative of the editorial boss and I'm taking her home. Type as a real personal carrier. The suspension is set to "comfort", gently work the gas-brake - the passenger is comfortable. So, only if the effort on the pedals very precise dosing - the engine then you know what, while brakes a little bluff for cars at this level. Nothing, it's a matter of habit. Ironically, the most comfortable speed on this machine - 100-110 km / h. I do not want to drive it, just a power move in the flow and you're taking the precious cargo. Let the maximum speed achieved on his street racers "patsanskih chisel." Petals manual transmission control on the steering wheel is completely unnecessary, and a more powerful engine (6.0 W-12 450 hp.. - There is a modification of the Audi A8L) do not know why. Probably, purely for pontov. Passenger delighted, although it is customary expensive machines. Maybe I did was wrong about the office space on the wheel as a mandatory attribute of these vehicles. You can simply enjoy the comfort and talk to her (and not the car) the phone. Took-bringing, brought to the entrance, and here shoferyuga free. The case for the night, the roads are empty now as the "Ladies of burning!" And he gave. Drove to his friend, and we began to experience a limousine to drive him in all modes. Found that the steep turn at right angles to the maximum speed is hampered not only ESP, but the gear ratio steering mechanism: it is necessary always to catch the wheel. The logic, however, clear: lead the smooth, nothing to stand on her head chef to peel. Incidentally, in the end I put the suspension on the mode of "sport" (which here is called the "speaker"), put a friend on the sofa back, forced him to buckle up. And drove - abruptly, with the rebuild, perestavka, acceleration and braking. The poor fellow was hanging on the authoritative site, like a chip in the hole, even belts a little help. And shaking too badly. Many new and interesting things I heard about myself in those moments ... Moral - this machine is not for racing with a passenger behind. Why should it then this mode of the suspension? Who the hell knows, perhaps, for "native" highways, of which Russia does not, by definition. That mode "lift" (in the stiff body position) - the choice is just right for our country. If the owner of this car does not drive a car or just not a fan of "donut" that he did not understand, and lost. Will ride on the couch and enjoy the comfort. If the boss likes to sit behind the wheel, then, once tasted, is likely to drive out of the driver. Or limit its stay at the wheel of the official-business trips. Yes, the head drive "udlinnenku" somehow undignified, but what a pleasure! Can one night of the soul drive, remove the stress of the day. It turns out like two cars in one - and for prestige and for themselves. Still, good that we have not taken trig in the cap of personal drivers.

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