Monday, December 26, 2011

Audi - What would chose Lenin?

By the way, here in the Lenin Hills, kept the famous Leninist wheel-track Rolls-Royce, by no means ascetic, and certainly not a domestic car Audi. And therefore, if the party in office lay a hundred thousand dollars on transportation needs of the leader of the proletariat, then, most likely, now Lenin could select one of the cars Audi, which we drove up to his last residence. So, Mercedes S500, Audi A8 4.2 quattro and the Lexus LS430. On the eve of this test, we had to overtake all the cars in the Audi garage of our technical center in Kuzminki. I had the place to deliver the Mercedes. I'm going with the Color Blvd. Friday, rush hour, packed with Moscow. A Mercedes is a version of Lang, which is "long". Taxied to the Boulevard Ring, squeezed to Petrovka crossed Tver ... And then realized that I was not afraid of this car Audi! I feel fine dimensions, one does not bother me, no one is annoying. Of course, the Mercedes S-Class readily give way. But I had gone to the big Mercedes, and in front of me, too, parted. But such lightness, such a "sense of Audi car" was not in sight. In the garage I found Divakova and Kadakova (they just drove here Lexus LS430). Hooray, a grateful audience! Mercedes praising, fill the nightingale, waving his hands ... A Divakov puts his hand on my shoulder: "A boy. You're on a new Lexus went? That's when the train, then let's talk ..." The guys that drove the Audi A8, we have not waited, went home. Why there is no "Seven" BMW? To be honest, at the end of February or in the representation of BMW, nor any of Moscow dealer was not a new car Audi BMW 740. But we are not very upset: wait for the new "Seven"! Apparently, she appears at the end of this year. Not far from Gourock, we found a car wash. And it happened just like Mayakovsky: "I am myself under Lenin peel ..." Mercedes is irresistible! From "one hundred and fortieth," there was not a shadow of bureaucratic arrogance. This - from the "new wave of leaders." Slim, smart, friendly. But it is not Crouch, knows her worth! Still, the 110 thousand dollars ... Audi A8 - Audi car a more traditional, there is in him something of the "red directors". But is it bad for the cars Audi is "representative" class? The share of conservatism is appropriate here. The right car Audi. A Lexus ... Only the blind do not see in it a Mercedes S-class the previous generation (W140). And it seems that this time the designers Lexus were still in a quandary. They managed to lick at all, "one hundred and fortieth," Mercedes, and when it went to production, suddenly there was a new Mercedes S-Class. And he was not pot-bellied, and slim! And the lights had not "rectangular" and waves. Abraham! What had then altered. But all attempts to move away from the similarities were some clumsy. The headlights seem absurdly big Lexus. This is because the lights on the W140 is less. Still want a little change shape falshradiatornoy lattice. And adapt the top star. Can the three-beam. And you can not change anything. Because in this way a large Lexus quite satisfied with those S-Class W140 Audi with a body like more than W220. It's time, finally, Lexus and get yourself! Otherwise, Europe will not conquer. For there, in contrast to America, the price of style rather than pastiche. That's what the Old World. And in a cabin, the cabin ... No, list all the things-dryuchki will not. Did not have enough space or patience! Simply to say that in each of the cars Audi is all that happens at all. And sometimes even more. For example, a Lexus rear seat. At first you might think that the services of the rear passengers with the same range that the Audi and Mercedes. Keys longitudinal adjustment of the front right seat (yes, sitting behind maybe the spot, to push forward the front passenger seat) at the back - foldable motorized curtain, separate air vents in the microclimate of the Audi, powered rear seats ... But if you tilt the wheel a luxurious leather center armrest, and then lifted his cap, we find that there - the whole deposit of knobs and buttons. Here and include heating and ventilation seat and control of the "music", a display informing about the settings, the radio and climate system Audi (separately for left and right passengers) ... But the funny thing - it concussor back. They say it helps. However, almost all of it, in varying configurations, and can be ordered for other cars Audi. But precisely this is the "conceptual" Unlike other members of the Lexus test. In Russia, only a Lexus LS430 is available in this form! A single motor and a single, very high level of equipment. Perhaps this is a rational approach: the dealers know that buyers of these machines are usually interested in the Audi "full stuffing." But anyone who has ever "to order" equipment selected future car Audi knows that it is a delight! For a few hours you become a designer, capriciously selecting from dozens or even hundreds of offers that you like. Now Audi car will be built for you and only you! And Lexus - here it is. 90 000 pay and leave. Only one option - a sunroof. But choosing the Audi or Mercedes, you can still order a long car Audi (Lang), and standard. Our "Germans" were in the version of Lang. So it is no wonder that the stock of the foot in the rear passengers have been greater. But elektromassazher Lexus ... In general, for the convenience of rear seat passengers, we awarded the Lexus the second place, relegating to the third position Audi. By the way, unlike other cars the Audi on the Audi was not "avtodovodchika" that after the first click he slams the door. But the door opened on the Audi largest angle. To this day the course of speculation that Audi cars in this class are created in the hope that the wheel will be hired chauffeur. So, say, an organization engaged in the driver's seat as a residual. This is nonsense. Although there are exceptions. For example, our representative ZILy. Oh, do not envy their drivers! But we are not talking about ZILah. Ergonomics of all three of our cars Audi - the highest level! Mercedes seat - with a noticeable but unobtrusive lateral support, while the seven elektroregulirovok provides moving pads back and forth relative to the backrest. There is a regulation and Lexus. But the driver Lexus, moving your right foot off the brake to gas, is forced to overcome a sizeable opposition from the right side of the roller support on the pillow. Audi seat - also with seven adjustments. But here, instead of changing the length cushion prefer to arrange an extra - the second! - Adjustable lumbar support. A pity. Due to the fact that the pillow more convex, the load is distributed evenly so no. Therefore, there is a feeling that cushion a bit short, but "extend" it, alas, is impossible. The range of longitudinal adjustment of the driver's seat is good on all machines in the Audi, but for very tall let you know that the Audi he was a little less than a Lexus, and the Lexus, in turn, is less than a Mercedes. Rudder most liked by Audi. But the instrument panel is not fancy: on the other machines themselves Audi spectacular scale ("light up" when the ignition key), and indications are perceived more easily. The general impression of the interior decor is as follows. Most "light" and stylish lounge - a Mercedes (of course, played a role that is light padding). The most severe - at Audi. Very nice and elegant salon Lexus. But when you get here after the Mercedes once again start thinking about the originals and copies. And these thoughts interfere with direct perception. Yet Divakov was right, when in Kuzminki interrupted my enthusiastic about Mercedes. Because the Lexus is going great! As smoothly as the car silently Audi picks up speed! How gently, without jolts and delays, "automatic" transfer goes through! And sometimes, when you need to accelerate with special intensity, transmission, consistent sorting through two programs "down", allows some delay. But it does not matter. In the end, if hunting poshustrit, you can disable the top level "box" by moving the lever on the winding (again, like a Mercedes!) Slot. Now - the devil you do not brother. But I'm not mistaken: Mercedes accelerates not worse! Only now the acceleration is accompanied by the booming baritone of the engine, causing a feeling of ease has disappeared. You make it clear that under the hood is a very serious job, can you hear it! Meanwhile, "machine" works, it seems, is better than Lexus. That's just the algorithm of transition from "manual" automatic mode is not very useful. And the Audi out of the "manual" mode is simple and straightforward. It is true that he "machine" does not work as well as a Mercedes (a little longer delays), but it almost does not prevent an exciting acceleration. Though on the pavement, just for the snow! First, even though the engine on Audi's most modest of "displacement", he is also the most powerful. And above all - wheel drive! Despite the fact that Audi was the only car in the Audi Summer tires, he broke away and vlegkuyu from Mercedes, and Lexus of! Moreover, the Audi "factory" to spur gambling riding. And the motor hums in combat. As if you're going on a powerful machine Audi-class golf. Limit opportunities for us to judge the brakes hard. And everything - from the weather and "raznoshinnitsy": Audi's on summer tires, Lexus - Winter studless, Mercedes - on the thorns. So let's talk more about comfort control deceleration. Lexus alerted great free lift pedals to push, and the desired delay for the first time there. A Mercedes pedal seems to "cotton", which is why there is a feeling again that the slowdown occurs with a delay. In the urban crush it slightly annoying. Audi responds to pedal the most logical, but say that it provided the highest precision control of deceleration is also impossible. Here are the observations in connection with the handling. On the Lexus - the "lazy" steering wheel from lock to lock makes it more than 3.5 turns. However, given the "upscale" car of Audi, this should not be attributed to shortcomings. Steering provides quite convincing feedback on the straight and flat in the turns, but turns abruptly to force this relationship begins to wane. Lexus trajectory holds great! Reactions to the steering always stable, precise and unambiguous. And if you exceed the speed, then ... No, more on that later. At the Mercedes steering sensitivity increased (from stop to stop - about two and three-quarters of the turnover), and the "sharpness" is completely offset "long wheelbase" car Audi. But the nature of the jet is somewhat different. Wheel "pustovat" in shallow turns, but in tight - all okay. But if for some reason it was impossible to kill two birds, it is preferable to compromise is made on the Lexus. Again, if you do not forget about the class and the appointment of these cars Audi. On straightaways Mercedes behaves better than the Lexus. As calmly as easily and confidently respond Audi car (or rather - do not react!) To replace the character of the coating. Just under the wheels of a pavement, and now under the snow left, but under the right - high frost. And he though henna! Flies and flies his Mercedes. Worse in tight turns. Here the duality of nature. Audi car suddenly turns on unexpectedly small radius. As if, like coming to his senses and began to taxi rear suspension Audi. All this is not dangerous, "within normal limits." But unpleasant. Audi - with a sporty character. And the steering wheel is very "hot": about two and a half turns. But that was at Gorki Leninskie further. Anyone else would have thought that Divakova roof gone. Gray in his beard, devil ... And the devil too! First we went to him one by one on different computers on the Audi very brief route around the same slides. Then drove together to share their impressions. We go to Audi. Divakov behind the wheel. Ahead slippery - ice and snow - turn. On other machines we have for him Audi rolled at a speed of 90 km / h. I looked at the speedometer Audi 120! "The old, we're on the summer tires!" Whew ... First incurred, then skidded. Strekochet ESP. Here it is, a snowdrift. Now would be "ears". Had passed. A bearded pleased: "What can I do? She Turns Me On!" But really gets! With such a temperament that car Audi lacks only one thing: reactive action on the handlebars. Wheel "empty"! Sorry, but it's the same steering wheel, which we are so pleased ... Yet Audi is behaving perfectly. And on the line, and in corners (unless, of course, does not fly to him like Divakov) Audi car goes like on rails. Clear and unambiguous response, almost neutral steering. It is noteworthy that, despite the summer tires, ESP intervenes in the management of even less than on other machines on the Audi. Incidentally, the ESP. More precisely, the electronic systems in the Audi exchange rate stability, which are equipped with all three cars Audi (Audi to Lexus in the system is called VSC). Lexus manages a little deeper "fall" into a skid, and only then VSC draws its strict collar. ESP for Mercedes repress outrage earlier. And the Audi, as we have already noted, aid is rarely required ESP: Audi car can take turns with very high lateral loads. And if you turn off the ESP, the good, the corresponding buttons are on all Audi cars? In general, this is not necessary. But what if someone wants to pass effectively, a fan? That's us, guilty desire. And for that, we moved from Gorki Leninskie in Moscow, on a snow-covered field Khodynskoye. Lexus is easy to go into a skid, which is perfectly controlled by the angle change of traction. And best of all is that, despite the low sensitivity of the steering, the driver has time to fully "develop" skidding wheel. And the only non-studded tires Goodyear Ultra Grip disappointed us. Because of them, all the phases of the slip excessively stretched. Mercedes longer rests on a given path (thanks to studded tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta 1), but breaks down into a skid and sharper. But the more "acute" steering facilitates correction slips. Alas, not always ... We alerted the recurrence of an old mersedesovkoy sores: the fast rotation suddenly, the step increases the force on the handlebars. Steering wheel as a "shim". Unpleasant and even dangerous. Reduce the estimate for the control. Audi, as befits a good polnoprivodniku, shows a tendency to slip all four wheels. The trajectory can be easily controlled rudder and throttle. Those who have a stable management skills in these situations, it all take great pleasure. So, part handling Audi - the undisputed leader. I wish for another wheel "fill." And what about the cross? You already know the winner? Audi again? Do not rush ... We have not even mentioned that the Lexus and Mercedes - Audi air suspension. And Audi - for conventional springs. Hence, clearance of Lexus and Mercedes can be increased by pressing the appropriate buttons. We clicked. Lexus rose to 20 mm, and Mercedes - all at 25. And that's what happened. Audi, wading through a deep rut, does rub on the bottom of the snow. And Lexus and Mercedes come easily and without fuss! However, if we have complicated the task (for example, put these cars in Audi's ridiculous role tractors), the four-wheel drive, of course, would have helped Audi win the first place to cross. But imagine a person who on such machines Audi starts to storm off-road, not easy. Even looking at Divakova. A few more words of comfort. On a very flat road better than any Lexus. Peace and quiet! Motor is not audible, only a slight whistle of wind and tire. But should appear seams so vyboinkam - Lexus and folds. Salon filled with vibrations. Shaking the floor, shakes the steering wheel, vibration is felt even in the seats. And on the back VIP-field is much more acute. Mercedes on a flat road shows slightly larger stiffness Audi than the Lexus. And the engine hums. Although, to be sure, the level of comfort and the highest here. But the "real" Mercedes roads already in my head better than the Lexus. Stitches? Joints? Naledi? Pebbles? Overweening! A "clean" driving, no vibrations. That is comfort! Audi on the road unimportant behaves as a Lexus, and the good - as a Mercedes. That is, in general, at the lower boundary. It seems that by adjusting the suspension of the Audi engineers have paid more attention to handling than ride. Whether in front of us lower class car Audi, this balance could be recognized as an ideal. But the highest measurements of our test commit to reduce the Audi scores for comfort. * Oh, would an extra hundred thousand dollars ... And if it was? I would choose Mercedes. Even though such an unfortunate puncture as "closure" steering. Consider me a snob, but in this case, the name has a special role. Perhaps the home. A Mercedes - it's name. Lexus? He's great. Look at the expert evaluation: Lexus is almost on a par with Mercedes. But Lexus is secondary. Although I am one hundred percent convinced that the Lexus will be more reliable than Mercedes. On this way, they say, and special studies conducted in the USA. Plus, Lexus is 25 thousand dollars cheaper! Strong argument ... The most powerful trump card Audi A8 - four-wheel drive. This and dispersal dynamics and active safety, and confidence that the machine will be Audi's anywhere there's at least some of the road. What is needed for non-capital bosses. Especially for those who own and do not mind sitting behind the wheel. Turns ... And on our agenda is just one question: what would chose Lenin? We are on a never answer. Perhaps he would still prefer to Rolls-Royce. But Lenin died, and the brand Rolls-Royce remained in Russia neraskruchennoy: Putin travels in a Mercedes.

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