Sunday, December 25, 2011

Audi - Pros and Cons of alyuminizatsii

When I was shown a concept Audi Al2, few doubted that he will be released as a production model - too complete and realistic looking car Audi. But at the same forecasts were cautious: perhaps the smallest Audi will still be steel? And so it appeared. Aluminum. A2 were waiting, and some special furor he did not make - as always happens when the model is actually announced a few years before the official debut. Even when real living A2 are increasingly fall on European streets, believe in it is somehow not up to the end. Still, all-aluminum body Audi - Is it conceivable in the mass production of automobile Audim! Of course, aluminum - a great construction material. Very easy, lends itself well to many types of treatment, resistant to corrosion. But regarding his prospects in avtomobilest Audiroenii always been (and maybe still?) Doubts. On experience (very common!) On the strength of aluminum structures, perhaps we can see that three quarters of the dry weight of modern passenger aircraft accounted for aluminum parts. And nothing, fly ... But in reality, it is certainly not an argument: Planes and Audi cars to work in different conditions. The big issue - the cost. Chernyshevsky knowingly wrote on aluminum, "But how does all this richly ...». There has been mention about the earrings and brooches, in mid-XIX century aluminum was so expensive that it made of jewels. Of course, since then things have changed but today and aluminum - very expensive, much more expensive steel. In aviation, mass reduction - in the foreground, even at the expense of increasing the cost of the final product. In the mass avtomobilest Audiroenii such an approach is unacceptable. And one more problem - the technology. In the transition to the production of aluminum to rebuild significantly. Exact - to create, because so far no one on this scale passenger cars Audi Audie Body of aluminum did not. And do they not like steel. Audi A8? Yes, 7 years is available, and many production problems on this model, of course, been worked out. But "as is" move all to fail A2: A8 - it's pretty big and expensive car Audi, and make them only 80 per day. Do not expect the scale ... In general, a lot of doubts. It is therefore important to understand why one of the most pragmatic, if I may say so, car Audih concerns made by the "winged metal" a considerable rate. Let's start with the mechanical properties. Indeed, steel is harder and stronger than aluminum. But, first of all, aluminum is not used in pure form and in alloys: basically added magnesium, manganese and silicon, which improves the mechanical properties of the material. Let's not forget that we are important properties are not abstract, "a piece of metal," and very specific details. And their strength and stiffness are determined not only by the characteristics of the material, but also shape, size ... And even with large amounts of aluminum parts can still give a significant gain in weight. As for shaping, there Aluminum provides much better opportunities: it is made so difficult profiles forms that were not even dreamed of. And it largely explains why the panel frame and aluminum body Audi A2 has a higher hardness than steel. Given that it is 40% (!) Lighter than the size of the steel rotor Body Audi. Yes, of course, re-equipment is required - in the technology of production of steel and aluminum body Audi has some differences. Modern steel body Audi almost entirely of stamped parts, connected mainly by welding. In the "aluminum" production is possible in addition to handling the pressure to use more and casting, and it is used, because in some cases cheaper. As for welding, then this is where the big aluminum fastidious: it is brewed exclusively in inert gas and nothing else. You can, of course, as in aviation, joining parts with rivets, though mass production is not the best option. But there are also modern technology - for example, laser welding, which is quite amenable to aluminum, and which in recent years have fallen in price. And you can look for the best option: for those of Audi A2 was a combination of riveting (1800 rivets), welding in an inert gas (17 meters joints) and laser (30 meters joints). Perhaps it is more expensive than welded steel body Audi, but not much. However, there is something in the net assets. We have already mentioned that the use of injection rather than stamping gives a definite economic benefit. If you talk about these processes themselves, in each of the aluminum "costs" have become much cheaper, he pours better, more deformed and requires less effort at stamping, an order of magnitude less expensive forms of wear, molds and dies, is pressing for longer Equipment Audi. In addition, aluminum production is almost non-waste: waste immediately sent to the furnace where the temperature at about 700 ° C melt - and again in the work. Yes, aluminum is an expensive material. But in modern production, it becomes competitive - due to lower costs for processing. First of all - the car Audi, which weighs on average 150 kilograms less than the counterparts. Much or too little? Imagine that you drive a small car Audi four. Then stop and drop out of the car Audi two adults. Do you think this will go faster after the vehicle Audi? And fuel consumption? It is quite true: the dynamics will improve fuel consumption will decrease. Think about it: 150 kg - a sixth (!) Of its own weight of the car Audi! By the way, A2 with a 1.2-liter turbodiesel became a "three-liter" (consume 3 l/100 km fuel) vehicle Audi, while at the "Brothers Volkswagen" this title received Lupo, which is shorter than 300 mm below 150 mm, applies to a smaller class and weighs ... almost the same as A2! But that's not all. Add the body Audi, which does not rust (in the usual sense to us). The truth is subject to electrochemical corrosion of aluminum, especially when in contact with steel. But the fact that it was not, took care professionals Audi. In addition, the properties of the material body Audi, A2 have achieved a high level of passive safety: aluminum can produce a complex shape and is very energy-efficient elements. But in the minus (although this will be a purely Russian minus), we can include the fact that Audi aluminum body requires special welding and painting. So in case of damage to the road to "Uncle Vasya tinsmith" will be ordered. Only - in a specialized center. But in an accident

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