Sunday, December 18, 2011

Audi 100: The most our car!

There is also a great choice zaachastey "b / v" - no guarantees, but some of them may turn out to be very good. There is, finally, parts of "Soviet" cars, which are suitable for foreign cars, and sometimes - after a minor revision. Engine - five cylinders, volume - 1.9 liters, gasoline AI-95, the actual consumption: on the road - 7.5-8 l of the city - 10-11 (I confess, I like to push the pedal) ; oil "Texaco 5W-40" - synthetics. After switching from mineral oil to synthetic (or maybe just the time it was) appeared to flow of oil through the oil seal camshaft and oil pressure (more precisely, its aperture). Recently replaced the seal - now oil consumption should be reduced. The only problem created power system. First gloh engine at traffic lights. Or having worked long enough at idle. Let it managed in 30 minutes after the nth attempt. Then, the car was worth to stand for 20-30 minutes in the sun, began the terrible jerks. Randomly replaced fuel pump, and all passed. Then came the failure of the transition from idle to high. Fought for three months - at least five times trying to adjust the accelerator pump carb, and removed the defect by replacing the thermostat and turn the fan sensor. And he did it by eliminating other defect - overcooling the engine and, consequently, not effective operation heater. When adjusting the valves used the "VAZ" (from "Eight") adjusting washer, and did not require any special devices (!). Also from the WHA and the sensor is suitable inclusion of the fan, though he works at a lower - at 10 15 ° C - temperature. I would like to pay special attention to the timing belt timing. In the event of termination must take out the pistons to valves. So better to replace the belt immediately after purchase the car. He's not very expensive, work is very simple. The Council is also carefully inspect the wiring in the engine compartment, especially the wire to the carburetor. It passes over the exhaust manifold, so the warmth and insulation of time loses its elasticity and breaks on the bends. All the trouble with the transmission was only due to my illiterate operation. I had to replace the clutch disc and clutch basket after a long riding on an overloaded machine. However, to the point of failure of parts were about 200 thousand km. CV joints had to be replaced also due to negligence - with a torn protective case went to six months. I replaced all the shock absorbers - the age of our roads and have made themselves felt. Here is an example of high maintainability Audi: shock pillars easy to change from the top, so that the pit and does not require special devices. Tie the springs are not particularly needed and when replacing the rear if the vehicle has a flat floor, and Jack is able to raise high enough car. The most unpleasant moments were associated with the brakes. Once, on the advice of "Uncle Vasya", set in front of the shoe, "Gazelle" - they come up with a little refinement. But after three thousand miles there was a rattle at first, and then to the wheels came shavings. Our plates were "stronger" of the disk. I had to put the company details (including, of course, and disk). Shortly thereafter, emergency brake broke the right rear brake hose. Ahead was a "Volvo 960" and both of us were very lucky - not met. Broke hose very insidious: a seemingly without wrinkles and cracks, he popped in a circle in place of termination under the nut. Ignoring the advice of home-grown professional, I replaced all four of the hose - and on all the cracks of various sizes in these places! (Seems to be on older machines brake hoses should be replaced immediately after purchase. It is no accident, for example, the instruction manual of "our" car had contained a requirement of preventive replacement hoses due to a short-term aging of rubber). At some point in the park brake release sounded strong click and the car began to move like a jerk. After removing the rear drums, found that because of dirt and rust lost mobility lever hand brake cable on the y-axis block. Disassembled unit, cleaned fine sandpaper, washed with petrol and gently smeared "lithologic". Electric gave no trouble. However, once suddenly switched on the starter. It is installed from below and (maybe only on my car) is not absolutely protected from water and dirt. I had to clean and replace the terminal part, lubricate them, "Lithologic" and establish a primitive protection from a piece of old cameras. Exterior Condition is excellent. PAINT has only minor operational defects. Yielding to the advertising of the drug "Tekt" I decided to treat them the wheel arches. The factory covering them remained at 99.9%, with a steel brush, squeezed into an electric polukilovattnuyu when trying to clean up the arch did not leave even a noticeable scratch. Small pockets of corrosion is at the bottom of those places that seem to have experienced strikes against something hard. In general, the body of impressive originality of design decisions. The front of the car has almost no welds - it is collected by screws. If you unscrew the fasteners and remove all the hanging items, leaving only the front engine, two longitudinal and two small corner, to which are attached wings. An interesting design of doors: the outer panel is attached to the frame with four bolts. I hope it is clear that a simple body repair afford even a beginner tinsmith. In conclusion I must say that the "weaving" In my opinion, the "our" car. Agree, "domestic" auto industry is still very, very long time will be hard to compete with cars whose brake lines after 13 years of continuous use, turn away easy open end wrench, and a brake tube and retained the original shape, and carving, and all the faces on the nut. .. "

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