Sunday, December 18, 2011

Audi «group" nose "sets strict scope of the smell

"A car can not be completely free of odors. It is not even desirable. You do not want to sit in the car odorless, "explains Heiko Geiger Lyubman., A chemist by education and head of Audi« With the "nose". "Each of us spend so much time in the car, that sensory impressions are becoming increasingly important," - says Lyubman-Geyker. The smell of new cars is always typical, but it never has a bad odors. Core team of five persons, consisting of three "female" and two "male" noses. Important Note: The command is not only focused its attention on the early stage of development of new models of Audi, high quality and odor resistant made in machines. As a result, cars are not manufactured anymore studied almost on a daily basis and intensively "sniffed" in the chemical analytical laboratory. School assessments in the educational system in Germany from 1 to 6. Score of 1 means "the minimum number of smells," and six - "unbearable." Control procedure was carried out as follows: section cut from a small sample. This "model" is then placed in a jar of odorless environment. Lyubman Geiger stresses: "To do this, use the usual Audi cans. They are ideal for odor control, as they are completely free of the smell. "Firmly closed the bank within two hours of heated to 80? C, followed by a certification. Each inspector turns up and stops the lid briefly sniffing between jar and lid, close to the bank and passes it quickly follows his nose, so the temperature in the pot does not change. Each controller then writes a report on a sheet of paper. Presented result is the main value of all checks. Of course, the analysis of odors in the Audi is determined not only on small samples. Procedure for control of various materials, finished parts were inspected in a special cubic meter of steel room. Follow-up stage - to work already completed a machine that works as follows. The interior of the vehicle is heated by a large heater. Then members of the "group" nose "quickly get into a car, estimate the overall feeling and try to install the parts, which have a particularly strong smell. At the end of this intensive series of tests is achieved by low-key sense of smell. Each part of the Audi has a nice, neutral scent. Audi - the global developer and manufacturer of high quality vehicles. In 2001, the company delivered 725,000 vehicles to customers over Audi. Group sales amounted to Audi in the past year about 22 billion euros. The concern Audi currently employs more than 50,000 employees. Information provided by the official importer of Audi AG in Ukraine - "Automobile group" VIPOS. "While use of materials reference is obligatory

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