Friday, December 30, 2011

Audi A2

Four years ago, after the Mercedes A-Class, it became clear that a trifle paunchy and welcome in the most decent car home. Audi - a decent house to stiffness, all fixated on its own solidity. In the guise of Audi A2 is no hint of frivolity inherent kids. Others want to compare with some there ladybirds, frogs and other sweet nonsense - this kid "audioznaya" solidity and pret. Where ever heard to a machine the size of a "Zaporozhets" base color was black lacquer-like habit of chlenovoza. And other colors are cheerful range A2 can not call - all couched in a conservative-soothing colors. Boring, frankly. Nutro also as adults. The man on the A2 peresevshy big Audi, you might not notice the change. Firstly, because there are a lot borrowed from the big ones - for example, corporate chetyrehspitsevy steering wheel (very easy in itself, and even with a full range of adjustments rake: up and down and back and forth), paddle switches, dashboard and even such stylish detail, as samovydvigayuschiesya holders on the center console. Second, because the cabin is very spacious. Four people in it more than comfortably, five of them - quite well, if the rear rider is not very wide in the bone. "Outside a small, inside a large" - the principle that once formed the basis of development of city-car format, implemented in the A2 just brilliant. The machine is solid, comfortable and convenient. That is only with the glove compartment did odd. Was quite possible to make it not so distrofichno-tiny, if not the top of the torpedo was flattened for a device with a shelf handrail. Yes, and do not know why the rail stuck here - it dzhipovskaya lotion on passenger car it is completely "out of cash." In A2, an aluminum body. In technical terms, this is great - very lightweight aluminum construction, durable, well-kept and all kinds of loads adequately resists corrosion. However, the owner of "aluminum", translated into more understandable language means "hello, corporate services." Artisanal "tin" box - everything is done by special technology and only the "patient" with the appropriate equipment. And it should be up to 105 DM for the standard-hour. While it may be, for the owners of the new Audi is not so much ... And more about the service. If you want to check the oil level and top up with him, and fill up the liquid for washing windows, just open the hatch with a proprietary four rings on the front end, under which the probe and two pull-out neck. As for the hood, it does not open, but ... removed completely. A2 itself as a hint to the user: no laz which should not be. A2 gamma motor is surprisingly modest - for Russia it is comprised of two engines - a 4-cylinder gasoline injection and 3-cylinder turbo-diesel, both 1.4 liter and 75 liter capacity. with. Engines, of course, not brutal, but far from frail for such a small machine - and with that and with another it can go slightly over 170 km / h. And, oddly enough, it turns out that diesel is better on all counts. Acceleration up to hundreds in diesel and gasoline differs slightly - respectively 12.1 and 12.0 seconds. A maximum torque of a diesel and above is achieved at lower engine speeds. There is a third engine - a 1.4-liter gasoline direct injection - but in Russia it will likely not work. Direct injection is very sensitive to fuel quality, and the firm does not want to mess with. The drive from A2 only the front, the most common transmission, mechanical. Automatic is not provided, but perhaps it will be a year or two. But in general, everything, that is the class, the car is. All as expected, except for the rear drum brakes, are perceived as an anachronism. By and large, at A2, we do not like only one thing - rear visibility. In the line of sight - rear window breaking, and on it - spoiler. Not good. Especially considering that urban size A2 vtiskivanie provoke a particularly close parking slot, but this is usually done in reverse. A2 sales in Russia to fully started in spring 2001. However, not only bright exterior colors, and bright prospects in our market this model has not - prevent high price: 18,9-30 thousand dollars depending on the configuration. Whatever else is said about the prestige brands Audi, a direct competitor of two - Mercedes A-Class - costs about the same, and its sales are negligible. The company understands this, but consider A2 «politically important for the Russian market." It does not make the weather - models assign at least one tenth of total sales Audi - but, as expected, "the tendencies and highlight layer." I wonder what kind of layer, and if she wants to shine? Most likely, it will be women - the wives and girlfriends of the very military officials, who already have a big Audi.

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