Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ford Hi Pa - 600 horses electronics

The exhibition SEMA Show, held in Las Vegas, was a new model of the American manufacturer Ford - F-150 Hi Pa. What is it so remarkable? Hi Pa has an output of 600 horsepower and goes with the ... electricity! The secret to achieving such power is simple - the developers of Ford «remembered" about the technology, invented in the early 20th century, the motor-wheels. Motor-wheel - a kind of electric motor, located in the wheel of a car. Originally they were used by ... bicycles. And then, with the advent of this technology gasoline engines postponed collecting dust on the shelves in the archives. In motor-wheels were a few significant drawbacks: they increased the weight of the car and nepodsensornuyu gap between the rotor and the stator near the road surface, due to significantly worse handling car, especially in bad weather conditions. Now Ford has decided to revive the forgotten technology, eliminating its shortcomings (in the Ford Motor Company helped PML and DST Industries), and making a huge breakthrough in electric cars. At Ford Hi Pa is set as four-wheel motor. Each of them has an output of 150 horsepower. The use of motor vehicles on wheels eliminates the need for transmission, and frees up space under the hood. After all, there is now no motor and transfer case. Instead, Ford put the rechargeable lithium-ion battery capacity of 40 kilowatts, and system recovery of inhibition. Depending on the mode, Ford Hi Pa can go from 120 to 160 miles without recharging. Its high-capacity battery must be recharged overnight. Wheel controls the electronics. It monitors the weather conditions and determines the output power of each wheel. Unfortunately, the company plans no production Ford Hi Pa. However, according to Craig Knight, CEO of PML, one of the developers of motor-wheels, the next step would be to create a hybrid engine for the F-150. The main idea of ??the developers - to create an electric motor, which would be recharged while driving on gasoline. According to preliminary data, will go into production is a model with a hybrid engine. Its production should begin in the first quarter of 2009, it is known that the hybrid engine has been certified by the U.S. government.

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