Monday, December 26, 2011

Audi 80

In our country the most prevalent third-generation machine, which is not surprising: they are replicated on a gigantic scale for five years. This is the most famous "barrel", Audi-80 B3, body 89, 1989 - 8A. It put engines ranging from 1.6 to 2.0 liters., Petrol and diesel, carburetor and fuel injection; box manual and automatic, front wheel drive and a full (quattro). All in all, "barrel" re-measure 16 types of engines and three - KP. Most popular in Russia - in the base car - mechanically operated mirrors and windows, no air conditioning, often without a booster. Electric fan pozhuzhzhat, poskripet leather "saddle" and bets again have to look for keys to the air conditioner 80 Audi-B4 1991-1994 gg. In contrast, B4, "vosmidesyatka" third generation produced only one type of body - sedan. Outwardly, of course, is amazing - all body shapes are simple, no frills. Striving to achieve the best aerodynamics, to increase space at waist level in the cabin doors and racks to ensure acceptable safety in a side impact, the designers gave the unusual shape - convex in the middle, "littered with" top and bottom. Incidentally, such a decision and live on the old "acres", simply because of the large size "of barrel" is not visible. Note that this is "corporate" design "barrels" divided the whole army of motorists into two camps. Opponents - men of stature and plump - feel left out: the model of barrel does not help them at ease stay in the cabin. The thick door panels and pillars slope steal centimeters. And fans of the machine object - say, the "tightness" gives a sense of comfort, security and convergence with the car. Whatever it was, four children of average weight, you can easily go to the "vosmidesyatke" a long journey, especially if you limit your luggage. No, the luggage compartment is not small - 452 hp, but a little awkward layout - a narrow, short and tall, so things have to add "in height." It is fortunate that the lid opens up to the rear window - over 100 degrees, making it easier to manipulate. Interior, though small, is very convenient, since the thought. Extensive "torpedo", which can be put on the folder with the paper, a bulky glove box, seven baffles (regulated as you like!), Easy-grip gear shift, seat with lateral support and recesses under your knees passengers ... All of this Audi. And yet - a beautiful crimson lights of the dashboard ... On the move in the cabin of even the old "barrels" very quietly excellent impact noise and vibration, quality materials and workmanship. An exceptionally comfortable rear-view mirror and side window guides that do not allow them to warp. All are small, but pleasant things. The course is soft enough for a car such a short base. KP could serve as a model for all automakers, cornering - confident, without demolition. True, the steering - no sports "visual", most comfortable, but the nature of such incorporated in the design of front suspension McPherson. Spin the wheel is easy and pleasant, even without an amplifier. Simplicity of design - one of the trump car. A mechanic who is familiar with front-wheel vases, easily sort out and Audi. Parts fully (and not very original), services - sea, there are "dismantling," where one can easily get hold of plastic, glass and iron. Exception - all-wheel drive quattro. There can not do without specialized service or "their" masters, and some parts have to buy to order. Many Russian "bochkovedy" and "bochkovody" love to upgrade their machines, replacing parts on the domestic. Fits a lot. Wheels - to a tee as the "Moskvich" -2141, suspension parts almost Togliatti, the clutch - also ... It's too bad tradeoff. Especially with such an abundance of "showdown". Prices beushnye or Asian parts are quite comparable to the cost of similar to the domestic peredneprivodniki, but it's easier to repair. For example, "vosmidesyatke", armed with a set of wrenches and screwdrivers, you can easily make out the entire "face", the door opens into two halves, optics varies by one person for a few minutes. The list of possible faults will be very brief. Masters said that some special, unique to this model, defects in the "holes" no. Yes, the engines are the same as everyone else, are afraid of overheating nedoliva, late oil changes, irregular service. The cooling system requires regular monitoring of the level of cleanliness and anti-freeze (it was his, not the "antifreeze" that fans love to fill in a match savings). The suspension easily withstand the load of domestic roads. Electricians in the "barrel" is not so much, plus it made the conscience ... Attention should be paid primarily fuel delivery system. Complex carbs Keihin and Pierburg, swallowing the dirty fuel, quickly begin to act up, causing the engine to work irregularly, and gasoline pumps injectors cars with injection systems K and KE-Jetronic, KE-Motronic clogged deposits. But all these troubles occur only when the negligent driver fills the tank car outright junk. In general, the old Audi-80 B3 can be recommended to all motorists - is surprisingly strong, durable and user-friendly machine. It is important not only to make a mistake when choosing a particular instance ...

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