Friday, December 30, 2011

Interview with Executive Director of Audi America

The status quo - obviously not a situation with which to associate Johan de Nisshen (Johan de Nysschen). Less than 18 months, Johan deliberately rasshevelival Audi America. Executive Vice President, a native of South Africa - not satisfied with the idea about the Audi on the vast U.S. market. In Europe, the German department at this stage is on a par with competitors such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW. In the U.S., the company is not on that level, selling only a third of the volume sold may cars. Interviews were conducted in Northern New Jersey, where the journalists were given the opportunity to test a new model of Q7, the first sports car company profitable - and do not seem to last as stated enthusiastically Nisshen. According to the journalist, 46-year-old CEO is full of ideas about development and growth of the company. Imagine an interview with a journalist project THECARCONNECTION and CEO of Audi America Johan de Nisshen. THECARCONNECTION: Completed a series of car Audi? Do you plan to have the completion of off-road vehicles or other models? Johan de Nisshen: No, the car number of Audi is not yet complete - we're going to fill it. As the replenishment will make a new model SUV, possibly even two of its models. In addition, there will be more sports cars - models between TT and the new S8. The fact that we move from production-based platform to block the production gives us more flexibility and the ability to produce derivatives of the car. If you look at the concept of 2006 Road Jet, presented at the Auto Show in Detroit, slightly elevated and with a small footprint - then we can judge that we have in mind the words of the derivatives of the car. Then we turn our attention to diesel engines, where we see the possibility of expanding opportunities and jobs. TCC: Speaking of diesels, hybrids, better if they and if so, what Audi has in mind when we speak about them? Johan de Nisshen: Diesel hybrids better - but under certain circumstances. First, you should have the right fuel and you need to make some changes that will be more frugal diesel engines for the environment. In the motion, they are better than hybrids on American roads better cover the distance on them. Do diesels excellent torque and they are going smoothly and quietly. TCC: Audi is coming whether the level of companies such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW? Johan de Nisshen: I would not say "approaching", although in many ways, we are even ahead of those companies. The company Audi incredible technology. We have mastered the use and Quattro all-wheel drive system on the parameters by which to us have no one used, and no Mercedes-Benz, or BMW. We produce what is generally subject to inspection - details of the interior. What else we did - so it is taking control over the cost of cars. Our products are still too expensive. TCC: Excellent variety of other companies' brands, there is some kind of "wall" between the Audi, VW, and other members of the group Volkswagen AG. What is the benefit? Johan de Nisshen: Although we can not deny that we are part of Volkswagen Group ... we are jealous of our independence. We were absolutely adamant on the issue that Audi will be made on the platform Audi. TCC: So what can you say about the apparent decision to begin production of some products on assembly lines Audi VW? Johan de Nisshen: We can not confirm the construction of the new Audi plant, while there is excess capacity Volkswagen. We realize that this is not a kitchen, which decides whether the food is good or not, and decides chef. Final assembly will be done on a separate (Audi) line. TCC: Describe in one word image Audi - people who speak the competitive luxury cars. Johan de Nisshen: Most likely, I would say, "refined," but I have to disappoint you, and add - a subtle, progressive, and provides a feeling of well-being and prosperity while driving cars and the presence of the property. Audi owners know this. Perhaps the one with Mercedes, and are not aware of this. TCC: Five years later, some brands will be the first places in the States? Johan de Nisshen: For five years - three brands in alphabetical order - BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz. At Audi does not seek to be the market leader in luxury cars. Now we have a definition of success. My commitment to compliance with branded name, consumer loyalty, and profitability. We want to achieve a balance in production volumes, profit margins, and the reputation of the benefits of the product. TCC: In the short time you have taken some controversial steps such as reducing incentives, and the announcement of plans for the termination of the Audi Advantage - a free service for owners of Audi. Whether you have not set the people against themselves? Johan de Nisshen: Some of our dealers are not very happy that work with me. We were forced to "put dealers on a diet." I told them - "you must learn to sell car, paying attention to the merits of models" and without incentives. In general, a system of performance incentives - is not profitable. Do you want to save money, but then pay more in exchange for your car?

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