Thursday, December 22, 2011

Audi RS4

Despite the deliberately slippery pavement and 430 Nm of torque, which is so aims to deprive the tires grip, RS4 calmly off and strongly accelerates without any hint of slippage. Mighty point, 100 "horses" with a liter of displacement and the desire to spin the motor as soon as possible to limit 8250 rev / min - all of it is used here strictly on business. "Charged" sedan effortlessly overcomes the first few turns: the car simply grabs the asphalt, no matter how slippery it was, turns and goes further. I added a little gas, and relaxed, when suddenly, a rather impressive speed, traction is lost - instantly and completely. I'm speechless - which, incidentally, does not prevent my mind feverishly to think how I will defend to the folks at Audi for broken grille and gravel stripped of roadside bushes sides of the car. Instinctively, I for one second take our foot off the gas pedal. The BMW M3, this would lead to the fact that all my worst fears would materialize in an instant. RS4 behaved very differently: by the time I finally collected his thoughts and then hit the gas, the stabilization system has had time to turn the car sliding out of the unpredictable in a controlled, four-wheel drive and gently pulled the "nose» Audi in the right direction. The threat has passed. Of course, the ability to correct blunders car driver is not in itself a sufficient reason to introduce oneself to you a new high-speed sedan from Audi as the best car in the world. Nevertheless, in this case, this is what distinguishes it from the RS4 main competitor - the above M3. RS4 immediately gives the driver a feeling of confidence, got that, you can safely use the full dynamic potential of the car - even on an unfamiliar road and not in the most favorable weather conditions. However, in this new? Audi is already a quarter century successfully uses its four-wheel drive quattro, and electronics, traction control and stabilizing systems, with each year becoming more sophisticated. Latest S-and RS-versions of various Audi models consistently amaze us with its stunning dynamic characteristics. Vysokooborotisty V8? This is not enough to challenge yourself M3. But there is something else most important of these "more" - the distribution of torque between the front and rear wheels. Previously, Audi rigidly adhered 50:50, claiming that in such a way, an optimum balance of the chassis. At the moment the new RS4 is divided in a ratio of 40:60 in favor of the rear wheels. The Audi finally recognized the fact that this sports car to play the first violin rear axle. The second point: the steering. On the new RS4 steering wheel became sharper and harder - and this is the car only a plus. First Audi is often criticized for being too "empty" and light the steering wheel and lack of feedback when cornering. Germans listen to criticism and change the steering settings. In the better. Now the driver does not have to wonder, where did go the front wheels, and can instinctively turn to send RS4 at high speed without the risk to miss. For visual comparison, they gave us a ride on the S4, the wheel is compared to the RS4 was no more responsive than the joystick game console PlayStation. Redistribution of the moment in favor of the rear wheels are not turned into a mad RS4 shell, which "sweeps its tail" at every turn. If you fly into the next turn at too high speed, first pluck of the front wheels slip. Will be prudent and properly select the speed - then the RS4 offers you a typical rear-wheel cornering, with the flexing of the gas pedal and the controlled demolition of the rear axle. True, the Torsen differential cross-axle knows all too well their job and skill every time "takes away" from the moment the rear wheels, not allowing to smoke the tires. Sometimes such interventions from 'outside' is brought to desperation and a desire to press the magic button that does not exist, which has deployed to all 420 "horses" of the engine on the rear wheels. It may be that on ordinary roads so it will not get, but on the racetrack, where higher speeds makes the car electronics too safe. On the other hand, due to this RS4 is safe to drive with traction control turned off and stabilizing systems, enjoying the full power of the engine. The M3 turn off all electronics to be tackled only the most experienced drivers ... and the craziest. In this engine Audi has such potential that is encountered in your way all the same M3, its driver is likely to have to turn right turn signal, and humbly to give you a road. Ironically, the motor for the new RS4 has been developed under the guidance of a man who long ago created a four-cylinder engine for the very first M3. In the record of the Wolfgang Hattsa the number of Formula 1 engines for BMW and Ferrari, and now he oversees motorsport program and looking for Audi Lamborghini. The basis for this engine served as a compact, naturally aspirated 4.2-liter V8 from the S4. In the RS version of the engine received new pistons, crankshaft, cylinder heads and something more, plus direct injection FSI - proprietary technology concern Volkswagen. Hatts proudly tells us that the velocity of the pistons in the engine reaches its 25.5 meters per second - as the engine of Formula 1. No less proud of it and the fact that the power plant complies with the Euro 4 exhaust cleanliness, and mezhservisny interval is 30 thousand kilometers - as well as on any other Audi. Moreover, the sound operation at this almost in a state of motor racing survive without major repairs 250 000 km! But the memory still not words and numbers, and the emotions that are going through, when the V8 fires a crazy car forward, and you only need time to shift gears. To begin with - from zero to a hundred in 4.8 seconds. But this is only the first stroke. The picture becomes clear when one realizes that the RS4 accelerates to 200 km / h in 16.6 seconds pathetic. This is almost racing acceleration, in comparison with which "ordinary» S4 seem unbearably dull car. I realized that I'm behind the wheel of this supercar, but not banal charged sedan, yet away from the pit lane highway in Mirevale when RS4 mercilessly threw my head on the headrest, as soon as I pressed the gas pedal. RS4 engine requires some getting used to its unusually wide range of operating speed. From 2250 to 7600 rev / min motor produces at least 90% of maximum torque (430 Nm). Peak time accounts for 5500 r / min, and after 6500 you might want to change gear, because in most V8 engines for such speeds have nothing to catch. In most, but not in it! Continue to press on the gas, unwind motor up to 7800 rev / min - the point of maximum power - and ... continue to put pressure on the gas. Do not be lazy to bring the revs up to a maximum, let the engine rested in limiter at around 8250 rev / min - Enjoy insane crescendo V8. From the sound of motor racing like RS4 V8, if you have earplugs in my ears. Yes, Audi wants to outdo BMW M3, but not at the expense of comfort and features daily operation of the machine. But if comfort will suddenly become a burden to the owner RS4, then just click the button with the letter S on the left a spoke steering wheel. It's not stereo, this is sport. Seats "poured" more lateral support, grasping tightly the driver and passenger reaction to pressing the gas pedal are super-aggressive, the car turns into a real beast Like it or not, and RS4 - a real competitor to M3. In the arsenal of the new Audi engine insane, powerful and "tireless" brakes, larger-gauge front and rear wheels, adjustable dampers, a sports distribution of torque between the axles (soon it will be implemented at all "hot" wheel-drive Audi), the ability to keep a stranglehold for the road, the aluminum suspension components, hood and front fenders, and finally improved steering, whereby the driver always knows where his car would go. For adherents of other fundamentalist and fanatical rear-drive RS4 appearance will not change anything - for them as a BMW M3, so most likely will remain an icon. However, the new model from Audi have all chances to debunk the cult of personality M3 - a duel which we shall make the two cars in the late fall.

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