Thursday, October 20, 2011

Aggression progress

To mark the mid-nineties feel confident on the North American market and is the most popular imported brand in Japan. Chinese branch had the status of official supplier of vehicles for the power elite Celestial. Audi started to dictate the fashion of aluminum, four-wheel drive and stepless variable speed. Munich and Stuttgart could not deny the fact that under the noses of them grew up strong and dangerous competitor. Evidence of this was the intensification of development-wheel-drive versions of machines BMW and Mercedes-Benz. And in Ingolstadt decided it was time to muffle the three-beam shine zvezdy.Demonstratsiey force was six-liter engine is a unique formula W12. Then he allowed the flagship A8 6.0 quattro "make" a top capacity of S 600. At the peak of S-Class introduced extended version of Lang, air suspension and a multimedia interface MMI. In 2004, with the debut of a new model of the A6, the opposition took over the class below. Today A6 4.2 quattro - the best there is at Audi in the business segment. And the best in the business segment has traditionally been considered mersedesovsky E-klass.Mozhno long talk about technical polish of "six", to admire its advanced transmission and total electronification. You can sniff out flaws in the settings of the feedback on the steering wheel and smoothness of the suspension. But the main problem is something visible to the naked eye does not! All at a glance - no need to run any engine, or even open the door. Audi Dizayn.Dizaynerskaya school desperately stalling, and even the legendary quattro is not able to help break the deadlock. Look at all today chetyrehkoltseviki insanely similar to their predecessors. A8 - the "eight" in 1994, A6 - the "six" of 1997, the A4 - the "Quartet" of 1994, and so on. They copy each other with no less enthusiasm. In Ingolstadt have long realized that at an impasse, and as an emergency measure, was invited to the role of chief stylist, perhaps the best contemporary designer Walter da Silva, the spiritual father of the current Alfa Romeo. Over "six", he really did not have time pokoldovat, but the makeup is already updated A4 clear signs of southern European vliyaniya.Vnutri visible changes for the better. After all, before that happened? Front Panel Audi Volkswagen reminded expensive version with the replacement of lights with a blue raspberry on. Now the A6 sports a style devices, "St. Bernard's eyes," and driving with an outline of the grille. Better, much better! And the machine will please all those who in childhood dream to become an astronaut, or at least a fighter pilot. Buttons darkness! But the organization - at the highest level. And MMI interface with chrome joystick is quite clear person with an IQ lower than that of Einstein. See all this wealth to be extremely aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps this is the most beautiful fancy interior! Motor, no words, excellent, and six-Tiptronic is not far behind. (Note that the Mercedes-Benz has already acquired a seven-step "automatic" 7G-Tronic. At Audi, of course, there superkorobka DSG, but for premium motors displacement it has not yet adapted.) But the feeling is the breed? Even BMW and Mercedes easily identifiable by their habits, even with your eyes closed. And Audi? On the one hand, firm tread, firm reaction on the gas, company no sound. On the other hand, these machines are either full-or front-wheel drive that feels good under acceleration and cornering. Maybe this and enough? Two phenomenal confidence with which traces the arc of the A6 quattro, and not at a constant speed, and with breathtaking acceleration, and should probably be called a business card marki.Audi positioned itself as a manufacturer of cars for those who want honest technology, moving away from the pretentious BMW-ice aggression and conservatism grandmother Mercedes-Benz. God help them in the difficult task of positioning Walter da Silva! The rest is seemingly available.

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