Thursday, October 27, 2011

The four rings of six liters

GREAT VOSMERKANa this place was supposed to be advertising. Just advertising, "eight" with the engine capacity of six liters of W12. That's all. My test drive in this case is completely senseless act. In general, any meaningless test drive this car and reports about him. Because there are cars about which we need only know what they are. That's all. And no need to check what and how they work there. Everything is clear with these machines from the beginning to the end. The more that person buying Audi A8 6.0 Quattro, probably prepared for the purchase of all the previous experience of having a happy almost the same A8, but with a different engine and other "pearl buttons." It is hard to imagine a different situation: for example, traveled, went on national car VAZ-2105 or even 2110, and then went and "took" A8 "purely on every day." Well, maybe, the history and know one such case, but he has, no doubt, the tragic denouement: the newfound owner was unable to pull away and leave the cabin - from the impressions that are inconsistent with his Soviet consciousness, he got a heart attack and was hospitalized. Audi A8 for today - the coolest car in the executive class. No matter how sad it sounds for two more well-known German manufacturers, but today it has no competitors. I say this because, not because I own two cars in the family of Audi - Allroad and A6. And not because I once went to (for ingolshtadtsky account) to AudiDrivingExpierence in Finland worn on bare ice in the Arctic Circle on the all-wheel drive machine with a 3-liter engine. And not because of my best friends - the representatives of the team series Audi Le Mans, to drive a prototype R-8. Finally, it is not because I associate some kind of intimate relationship with the company. Not binding. Just on a st that it is really fan-tas-ti-Sanchez-cue car. SKIN-Rozsa, ALL DELAKonechno, here is all that may wish to corrupt all the good or even better motorist. He just sat down, as he obligingly immediately - remember all by name - drove a little white knobs control column, and a white ass - chairs with forced ventilation. Ventilation for priests - a special thank you. And plus 30 and plus 40 degrees, even if such temperature is difficult to imagine in the middle band, it will never be wet and will never stick to the expensive skin. The word "skin" in the minds of the domestic automobile enthusiast always runs the appropriate rhyme - "mug." "Mug" in the Audi A8, it is known, a multimedia interface MMI. And it is more than just an analog design iDrive, born Bavarian gloomy, but still a genius. By the way, all the talk about the disadvantages of joysticks (regardless of brand) - nonsense. Missing a week or even less, get used to it as a computer mouse. MMI - last-iDrive, and already this has the advantage. In addition, pedantic Germans from Ingolstadt have investigated all the flaws and mistakes of pioneers - the Germans from Munich. And for my taste, Audi version was more user friendly. The design of "ah-drive" is the joystick, the joystick only, and nothing but the joystick, which use not only the fans are looking at the computer game Doom-2. In other words, a BMW to do everything with a single joystick, switch, like the transmission, a menu item to another. On the TV - on CD, with the phone - on the radio, etc. The Audi sections are included at the touch of a button. Here you want to get information on traffic in the area of ??the Champs Elysees or the Brandenburg Gate, pressed a button - and here it is, this information before you. Next joystick you can do anything. You can even search, albeit without much success, recent data about traffic jams on the Garden Ring. In short, in my opinion, the washer is more convenient joystick + buttons + nothing. Convenience button factory car - a fashionable nowadays all hint at the sporty vehicle - also a matter of personal taste. Same thing with Tiptronic petals under the steering column, as in "Formula 1" and the "Formula 2, 3 and 4." These things make a phenomenal impression on people far away from the sport, and sin all laugh about it. What's remarkable about the A8, so it is a dynamic suspension, which has several provisions. It goes up and down or on your request or at their volition: the computer, considering the speed and computing, where this is going Easy Rider - in the pits or smooth the paths, - will give the appropriate command, "lane" or "vira". ESP - further evidence of the vigorous and successful attempts to do car manufacturers, so that the driver is not one hundred percent would be responsible for their own lives and the lives of passengers. Together with the drive quattro ESP fifty percent declines driver responsible for his actions. What is remarkable: this intelligent system in the Audi A8 Quattro is different and more specific intelligence. That is, gentleness and tact. If you are inexperienced and do not feel the car fine, do not even notice the places where she corrects you, it returns to the desired trajectory, slowing down, not allowing you to twist the engine. It always insures you, not giving a chance to fly away from the roadway because of your mistakes. And let those mistakes absolutely idiotic, silently fixes their system, but does not tell you, 'Man, leave the car and give the wheel to someone who knows how to handle it better than you. " I remember I tested once a very popular and we sold the car. I will not mention his brand of three letters (by the way, I do every single day I go to these three letters) and number of its biggest series. So this car then struck me as terrible. I chased him through the snow and ice, trying to get him in a variety of traps, and spurred let him go - in a word, mocked technique ... Ended up that the car computer to the three letters L Ambassador me to the other three letters, turning off the engine. Submission to an end. A8 vospitatelskogo such zeal towards the driver does not allow it. I will not talk in detail about the reliability of the car. Cars of this class have no right to be unreliable. But the on-board computer Audi surprises with its Nordic resistance to sudden temperature changes - for electronics like death. Anyway, I have not encountered a common problem, we "hang" the computer when changing depth minus to plus deep. People around me, out of which in other situations, you can do nails, suddenly began to break, come and have influenza snot. A computer keep a stiff upper lip. Heroic construction. TWO IN ODNOMA8 - is twice the car. You can sit in the back seat of the mobile house (or office - who is closer), legs outstretched, arms outstretched, his eyes bulging in the TV-DVD-monitor and disconnecting the brain from any other external stimuli. Or you can give your output driver take the wheel in their hands and shouting with geeks and try to jump on the 450 is not "riding", not a straight-away with "trotters". You understand that this "house" can be absolutely sports car class "grand touring". By the way, the speedometer, "eight" is written 280. And 280 km / h this car - I swear - he was going. On my "shopping bag", in any case, there was no "stranglers" of freedom that would not give her opportunity to accelerate to that speed. I do not know who should be the person that he did not like the combination of comfort and hurried. A8 - a GT-limousine. So would I stated the name of this road type. If you take the machine apart qualities such as comfort fit, rich integration, well crafted, we will certainly find a couple of superior competitors in elite club of transport among the members of which are listed as "lions" like Bentley Arnage or Rolls-Royce Phantom. Tsokaya language indicator on the accelerating dynamics A8, we are not going to completely forget that some Ferrari Scaglietti it significantly smaller. But if we talk about the car as a whole - with no one near the A8 is not necessary.

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