Monday, October 24, 2011

German thistle

Streets of big cities in recent years are increasingly filled with extravagant hybrids on four wheels, endowed with a memorable appearance. Despite the modest performance of their engines, and sometimes "immodest" tseny.Chem as attractive examples of similar design imagination, which by definition are not able to add the owner nor the prestige or respect on the road? Try to understand the example of the new Audi Audi A2.Klassifitsiruetsya Monovolume as OLA, but it "depends on how you look." In the profile - an amazing similarity to the versatile hatchback, A4 and A3; full face - from the sports coupe TT. Professing in the style of eclecticism, Audi yet developed a clear vision for the implementation of his "baby" in underserved by market segment. Its trump card - a symbiosis of economical, compact and dynamic light vehicles with capacity and advanced capabilities of a small trucking wagon. A2 standard equip gasoline 4-cylinder engine of 1389 cm3 and supercharged 3-cylinder diesel engine (TDI) in 1422 cm3. So the new Audi, judging by some of the characteristics is unlikely to stay just a fun mashinkoy.Pervoe than A2 draws the eye - a "cosmic" streamlined body: if the machine was created based on the vehicle of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. On the "pediment" car - made in aviation style element falshradiatornoy lattice. This is not just a design refinement: plastic "visor" can fill the liquid in the tank, windshield washer, antifreeze and fill the car with oil, to check their level, without going under the bonnet. She herself is dismantled, if necessary by "otschelkivaniya" fiksatorov.O of belonging to the A2 aerospace aluminum frame shows the world body. Curb vehicle weight - 1020 kg, and 250 of them - pure aluminum. The use of light metal and a favorable impact on the capacity machine (470 kg), and fuel ("gasoline" A2 consumes 6 liters, "diesel" - 4, SW l per 100 km.) "Passenger" fit makes it comfortable to sit in a beautifully worked anatomical seats. The body itself is the most natural position in the driver's seat, aided by well-developed lateral and lumbar support. Also affects well-chosen distance between the front seats and cushions the ceiling (955-1000 mm). However, sitting in a chair and looking at the world through a windshield, asks the rhetorical question: what is better, good visibility from the driver's location or an advanced security system, which required expansion pillars? While the brain is a verdict in favor of security, fingers realize perfectly pleasant, good workmanship trim. Before the driver's eyes - a combination of two large and two small devices: tachometer, speedometer, coolant temperature sensor and fuel level sensor. The dials are inlaid with elaborately extravagant chrome rings in harmony with the bright red arrow pointer. Stylish, ergonomic and tonic. But it always be pleasant to this "tonic" from which in the long trip easier on the eyes? In the center of the dashboard is installed on-board computer that monitors all the most important processes in life-support system avtomobilya.Uprugy wheel falls comfortably in the palm, inspire you with their "golden section" . Adjusting for a column, you have two adjustments. The small disk in chrome edging, located in the center of volume steering wheel hub, stores in the bowels of the airbag. In general, in front of the cabin there are four eyrbega - two for the driver and the paddles are passazhira.Udobno switches, electric front windows and door mirrors. The center console is encouraged by the presence of a stylish "two" air conditioning and audio system are made by the best standards of the manufacturer. Devices useful, but their ease of use - not up to par: People standard build, every time you want to enable the system would have to "bow" ey.Posle protracted examination of avant-garde interior has a desire to awaken the sleeping peacefully under the hood of being. Soft "click", which marked the inclusion of the first transmission, unpretentious manipulation grooved pedals (incidentally, a very practical), and the tachometer needle slowly crept up: 2000 ... 2500 ... Hipped at low revs the engine does not want to play up your good mood. But it is worth a slight kick to the accelerator pedal spur motor up to 3000 min-1, like a car, like a cat, who inadvertently stepped on the tail, with a characteristic screeching breaks forward. (Sadly, not with Hollywood slip. Dynamic Stability ESP will not allow it). Dynamics decreases markedly after 5000 rpm 1.Chetkie reaction of electron-hydraulic power steering, high-spirited acceleration, excellent braking characteristics make the management of "baby" in the true A2 udovolstvie.Na all gears the engine offers excellent flexibility. Convenient five-speed manual gear ratios can accelerate the movement, not spinning the engine up to maximum speed. The desired transmission is easy, light-clicking it tells of the occupation "combat" positions. Buzz of accelerating dynamics as you get to the third and fourth in passing, in the range of 3000-4000 min-1. Acceleration from 60 to 100 km / h in fourth with 11.6 has. In fifth gear the engine starts to 'lazy', not wanting to accelerate the car from 80 to 120 km / h faster than 18.8 sekundy.Otsutstvie need to constantly "hold" the lever allows the driver to perform manual actions incidental. Change the CD, for example. By the way, insulation A2 - of the best not only in the compact class monocab. At a speed of 100 km / h penetrating from outside noise (68 dB) is not tormented by ear, and you can listen to music, and conversation vesti.Tormoza A2 - disc front and drum rear. Jealously watches over the safety electronics - ABS and a system that distributes braking force on the axes. By the way, here's the latter, known as ESP, would be less obtrusive in their custody. And to abandon its service, if the button is off just is not available? Serially installed on A2 "shoes" dimension 175/60R15N increasing the braking distance at 100 km / h to impermissible 42.4 (instead of 38.7 meters with a wider " rubber "and drives that way at 16 inches). In addition, the small wheels do not cope well with the active turns, and strive to thwart a car in the car zanos.Neplohoy for this class of torque (126 Nm) allows 75-year-selective ingolshtadtskim "racers" free rein. When unwinding the engine up to 3800 min-1 A2 can be accelerated to 173 km / h. Milestone of 100 km / h is overcome in 12 seconds. Of course, contributed to this low vehicle weight and aerodynamics thought kuzova.Odnako at high speeds the car feels alarming body roll on curved paths, and when strong gusts of wind drift occur even fears for the stability of the "baby". Well-tuned suspension absorbs road bumps hard, but the buildup of body and "nodding" act utomlyayusche.Summiruem experience. When you create a combination of A2 concern sought in the car with original design, comfort, efficiency and environmental friendliness. And more, in our opinion, the developers succeeded. In particular, the exhaust system exhaust meets all the requirements of Euro 4. But for the sake of originality, appearance had to sacrifice a good review, fuel tank capacity and the comfort of rear passengers. Front review is limited by massive pillars, and applying the original form of the rear glass, the engineers, "signed" by the fact that the rear visibility for the driver will be difficult. The situation is aggravated by the lack of cleaner glass, which, especially in rainy weather, and tries to leave the steering without the notion of what is going on behind his "back." The only preventive protection from dirt - a small spoiler that performs more decorative funktsii.Otkrovenno "mikrolitrazhny" fuel tank (34 liters) will force gas stations to visit the Audi A2 more often than, for example, his "colleague» Mercedes-Benz A-Class (54 liters). As for the comfort of rear passengers, it is clearly insufficient. Formula landing here - "average once!" The distance between the seat cushion and the ceiling is on the "gallery" 935 mm. If the passengers behind three of space in the cargo compartment (390 liters) remains no more than a couple of suitcases and strap. When removing the rear seats can be filled with another load of 750 liters. True, it is unlikely that the A2 will be used for transportation, especially since the relatively high edge of the luggage is inconvenient when loading heavy items. But under the floor of the cargo bay prudent Germans placed compact battery tools "heart" of the optional navigation system and tire repair komplekt.V standard equipment, A2, besides those already mentioned eyrbegov, ABS, ESP and other modern functional devices includes central locking and 15-inch alloy wheels. And yet - the spirit of Audi, Greenpeace and promote the joy of movement.

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