Friday, October 21, 2011

Mighty Handful

Like it or not, and the machine - clean exclusive. These models are often caught, but in a rich almost complete them will not meet. I'm talking about BMW and Audi. But the kind of cosmic "trehsotku" one and all, from pioneers to pensioners are assumed to be the latest model Bentley. The reason for this brutal form of Large-and grille. Yes, 300C with no one be confused. And the drive itself, the rear. A Hemi engine at low speeds to save fuel off four of eight cylinders. The car was created with the active participation of German engineers, but it comes at a plant in Canada - the same place where his predecessor 300M. It should be quite acceptable, this handsome money - about $ 70 000 in the fully "packaged" version. Audi four-wheel drive and more expensive - about $ 95 000. And with VMW 4.4 liter engine is renowned for its true Aryan origin, without admixture of the East Prussian, kenigsgradskoy assembly. Not sure that this is a subject for pride, because the assembly plant "Avtotor" is famous for the highest control on production, but people who spread "steward" for the prestige, usually distinguished by its own view of things. Dynamics In principle, it would be correct to write that the dynamics of all three vehicles is sufficient. And perhaps even redundant. If you're going constantly put pressure on the trigger all - kill. And if that fails (after all, a high passive safety, including a whole pile of "cushions"), the other cripple, and his iron will break. After all, the laws of physics are not repealed only by efficient brakes. And here are a bit in front - a "five", for example, the entire "face" of aluminum, while the "sixth" - the hood and fenders. You also are not forced to use the dynamic potential of 100% at the start of each traffic light. Even something as undignified as expensive stylish car jerks and fuss of trying to prove to others and to himself that he is coolest. So there behind the wheel of a random person. Rate is for real and so serious rasprobovat technique is only able to those who have already had in the past if not this, but close to the characteristics of the car. Of the total capacity (for three - over 1000 hp..), God forbid, use the half. And the head is needed. But from the beginning. "545 I" starts on "beemveshnomu" - vigorously and rapidly. In this respect, the car has remained true Bavarian tradition. Acceleration can be called mad, but manageable. A little less - a millimeter - pressed the gas and revs rise a bit slower. If the general definition of "slowly" can be applied to the most powerful "five". It is striking how quickly pereschelkivayutsya transmission automatic transmission. Pace of change appears to barely visible ryvochkah, but to avoid them, we would have little zadempfirovat switch and call the best among the competitors dynamic response. It should be borne in mind that VMW sense of speed considerably masked by an amazing, uncanny sound insulation. On low speed, until about 2500, the motor is not audible at all, just as there the slightest vibration. But even with an increase in speed (that the timeline is almost immediately), the car emits sounds exactly half of what to expect. And looking at the speedometer, to think that the car flatters herself. Feel 140 km / h, and the instrument is flying 200. By the way, see the numerical value of the velocity can be on the windshield just above the peak of the instrument panel. His projects there, the driver is less distracted from the road, at a special priborchik torpedo. A6 engine has the same power, but slightly behind the BMW with a parallel launch - more weight, the four presenters. But the noise is much stronger than that, in general, taken for granted. On the A6 with 4.2 liter engine is almost not felt the joints between the gears (almost like a box with multitronic) and acceleration is almost on one note. Powerful, expressive shots ahead at each transfer interspersed here rather sluggish c switches, which fit poorly with the nature of the motorway eater. Great rescues translation box to S. The car seemed to get a second wind and kept in the range of 4000-5000 rpm. And the box has a tendency to drayverskogo mode, not in a hurry to switch to low gear, as it is in mode D. Another enviable advantage of Audi Quattro - the stability of the road. No overclocking or under braking and squat klevkov you do not wait. Acceleration characteristics of US-German hybrid Chrysler 300C also are complicated, but killer cocktail. Mix, but do not stir! Powerful, deep voice rumbling engine of the most generous of all the trinity of 5.7 liters gives "trehsotke" acceleration torpedoes fired from aboard a U.S. destroyer. Heavy vehicle and dispersed in a special way - inevitably and surely. But it will also "catch" the brakes. And now it turns out a lot easier than you might expect. Amazingly, the two-ton "Chrysler" upsets two times faster than expected! The reason is visible to the naked eye - huge actuators are clearly visible through the alloy wheels. Every time when the moment comes the gear shift, remember that the hand of European designer seriously worked with chassis - a box mersedesovskaya! And that means all the transitions smooth, clear, accurate and quick. That's right - 300S came sharp and bold, which corresponds to its aggressive and self-assured image. Manageability All three of expensive, modern and sophisticated vehicle perfectly good pass rulyatsya and irregularities. Excellent. The point? On this could be completed and the section describing three hits business class first decade of the twenty-first century. If not for the differences and nuances that make each model of something, especially (compared to other competitors) successful. A6 in behavior, perhaps the most famous model. After all, her habits are not too different from the well-known to us, "sixes" of the previous generation (as well as "fours" and "figure eights") with all-wheel drive. Quattro is in Africa and Quattro. Is that the new A6 has a slightly less pronounced feedback. Easy, "pustovaty" steering wheel and quick, accurate reactions create strange, strange feeling, which gets used during the first day. Next comes the understanding of why professionals were asked their Audi centerline, striking a product handling characteristics. The dominant feeling of riding on the "A-six" is smooth. Ride, smooth movements. But if you overcome the threshold speed and, in particular, the threshold of their own fears and insecurities, you begin to drive a sharp, quick, sometimes on the brink of a foul. And that not only passing the forbidden line, but also protects a nervous driver and told him right moves and decisions. A6 pretty smoothly the whole body moves outward rotation in case of excess speed, and even exchange rate stability can be disabled too fast "strangling" her "song." And as easily drawn to the previous trajectory, almost without correction of the wheel - is only a drop in a drop of gas. BMW E60 in the body. And with a powerful V8 333 power. Exactly half of the devil's number. Yes, the "particle trait in us ..." On "545-D" was worth to write not so much a treatise, but certainly a whole pamphlet, so this car is different from all other "mass exclusives." In a nutshell, and not describe. That there is at least "active steering". Pioneer in the mass of the car such a system, BMW, has put all its competitors, including two of our test, the position of outsiders. One need only go once properly on the new "five", and the rest will seem fresh and technology archaic. To say that the "545 th" sharp steering wheel - to say nothing. This last model E39 was the sharp steering, the most accurate among the competitors, kayfovy, drayverskogo. It seemed better not to think. But progress is not standing still: E60 erected the old virtues "in the square!" On models with a powerful engine for communication with steering front wheels has two degrees of progressivity. Even on the spot, at small angles of rotation, the sharpness of normal, while at large - increased. So, rake with variable pitch. Parking was quite easy - you can not even catch the hand. From edge to edge - 1.8 Traffic! And with the growth rate of the wheel a few "grows dull," making it easier to input active at any turn. And then, as the machine catches in the right direction, even suggestive of otherworldly force that helps not only the movement of hands, but the very thought Driver. And there is a dangerous illusion that the most powerful car that performs all the maneuvers with ease and precision of a circus acrobat and will forgive all their liberties and fulfill any desire. On this can be fun, "puncture". Because out of control, he goes after the expected, but suddenly and without reservation. And the "stick" in the same position gone into a skid, "545 th" becomes problematic. Although there is a quiet ride sensitive stabilization system, but it can mislead their sudden gusts. In terms of smoothness of motion, BMW 5 yields and Audi A6, and 300C. Probing the terrain will not allow you to relax on rough roads, although breakdown is not reached. But is it for a drive created a masterpiece of Bavarian? If the move does not pay attention to Chrysler 300C saloon, then periodically it seems that you are in the "Mercedes" E Class. Their behavior seems due to the adopted design of suspension, although the "Jeschke" elements of aluminum rather than steel. The main thing in a five-meter colossus - a completely unexpected ease of maneuver. Although, as befits a true Yankee, a large thin steering wheel has to turn easily, without long and visible change efforts. But if you accept the laws of the genre, you start to enjoy how this cruiser is literally danced on the road under your command. No, these Americans, we have not seen! Because they all have twenty-five years made front-wheel drive. Make fools to pray to God, so they all automotive industry, including full-size flagship, will translate into a "progressive" arrangement. In Europe and Japan do not knowingly representation sedans made by the classical scheme. Yes, the alliance with the "Daimler-Benz" went "Chrysler" in favor. Child-Blood Prince has absorbed the most successful genetic material collected over the decades. It is striking how the five-meter giant twisted sideways in front-wheel a sharp turn. This is from his mother - lovingly speak German designers. A road junctions, he swallows, just like his father - are moved overseas relatives. But valkosti, such as his grandfather, he was, Gott sei dank, not inherited - the Aryan breed. And so on to infinity. And there will not be made recriminations - a dignity, coupled with dignity. And can, and indeed the future of mixing breeds and races? Summary The author is a difficult position, forced to award the best of the best places. Rides are the best, of course, BMW. And with every generation - even better. And so on to "better than just possible," and then, as they wrote the classics, "even better!". But the departure of long tradition, especially in the interior design of the new ventures of former adherents of the model, though, seems to attract no fewer new buyers. But an old friend, you know ... Audi A6, who had gone on the evolutionary path, will delight all fans of at least all wheel drive Quattro, which is especially important in our northern country. Yes, and the status of the owner, his commitment to traditionalism emphasizes this car, like any other. A Chrysler 300C - a fresh gust of wind on the long-European market for business sedans. On it you will no doubt be recognized, you give way to even equal. Yes, and not by birth like a remake - the literal "trehsotki" in America there are already half a century. Workmanship and finish give the distinguished German study. And the car is on the same level with the competition. Oh, admit to par! But the value of Chrysler by one-third below! And it is rather a dumping than the recognition of its own weakness. That displays and 300C in the first place. With two second!

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