Saturday, October 29, 2011

Open tournament

BMW makes no secret of his dislike for the Roadster Z3, considering it something of a mongrel in the herd of thoroughbred horses. The car was designed relatively inexpensive, readily demonstrate to everyone sleek, trim, vague and mediocre handling characteristics of 4-cylinder motorov.Dlya manufacturer's world-famous ultimate in driving machinery, this model was a mistake that was required as soon as possible, all attempts to cure ispravit.Odnako Z3 of birth defects were not successful, and what a good roadster sold, can only be explained by magic blue and white logo adorning his kapot.Novy Z4 is another matter. "Faceted" whimsically curved Chris Bangle body panels look as unusual and challenging, as Eminem in a White House reception. Even in this small town, where the streets are filled with slowly rolling on huge chrome wheels Cadillac Escalade gangster and dazzled the eyes of the same black as their owners, Lamborghini, this roadster look and make drivers and pedestrians, which already seems not catch anything. This design can either love or hate - no middle ground! Differences between Z3 and Z4 is not confined to the exterior, and go deep into the metal "skin" roadster. For its convex-concave body panels are completely new frame, stiffer and lighter than its predecessor. The suspension was taken from the BMW 3-Series: Front - Rack McPherson, behind - "smart" multi-link design. Of course, not to mention the installed straight from the tin at the Bavarian roadster modern 6-cylinder motore.Da, this car filling of this sports car. But is it really Z4? There is only one way to check - to bring him face to face with the best representatives of their class. Our choice was for two cars - "sexy» Porsche Boxster and the most stylish brand representative Audi - TT Roadster.Na roads each of the trio roadster showed approximately equal dynamic capabilities, though structurally cars are very different. So, Audi TT is equipped with a six, as other members of the test, and four-cylinder engine. Turbine produces 1.8 liter 225 hp and rationally distribute them among the axles (this TT permanent full-drive quattro). A descendant of the legendary Ferdinand Porsche sports car - Boxster - set in motion located behind the seats, "oppozitnikom" 2.7 220hp, and Z4 hides under a long bonnet line "six" outstanding with three liters of 231 l.s.Znachitelny differences and the mass of cars. More precisely, one of them: Audi weighs 1440 kg, while the Porsche and BMW - 1275 and 1290, respectively. But despite the large mass, ingolshtadtsky roadster, according to the specifications, not too far behind competitors in acceleration to "hundreds." This rate he is gaining a second later than the Z4 - the most high-spirited party test and the difference TT "Boksterom" and even less - just 0.3 seconds. That's what four-wheel drive! Will run a bit forward. At the end of a long test (cars on the roads were almost two thousand kilometers), it became clear that BMW is not only the fastest, most economical but also in our trinity average fuel consumption of 9.2 liters per 100 kilometers. Surprised and Audi. It would seem that the 4-cylinder turbo motor should require less obviously "sixes", but no. "Shot down Grandma," we found that this skromnyaga not suffer a poor appetite: the result was even higher than the Z4, - 9,9 liters. Porsche engine is not cutting edge (that does not mean "bad") structure, therefore, not surprising that "goryuchku" he consumes more of all - 10 liters. Volume of fuel tanks roadsters match their efficiency. The most capacious tank at the Boxster - 64 liters. At Audi supply gasoline to less than 2 liters, the fuel tank as Z4 was the youngest - 55 l ... our temporary dwelling places - a real paradise for holiday: sun, sea, girls with "chocolate" tan. But we came here to work, so we run away from the temptations of the place where the sun-scorched land, away from civilization, we can finally find out the worth of our "competitors." On a deserted highway BMW was able to accelerate to 248 km / h, having pleased the excellent work 6-speed gearbox and a stable behavior for direct high-speed sections. However, in turns, this roadster is a fairly arbitrarily, too quickly slipping into a skid, also not very successful electric power steering setup (not enough reactive force) do not allow the driver to feel the connection to the wheels. Did not like the overly stiff suspension and high-speed capabilities Z4.Predel Audi TT was equal to 235 km / h. TT as Z4, equipped with six-speed manual, and although her arm perfectly fits in your hand, the transfer switch is not too clear that with the "fuzzy" setting the power steering spoils the overall good impression of the car. In particular, liked the responsive throttle, brakes and grippy different settings shassi.Boxster, a gift that has a conventional five-speed gearbox, after 160 km / h was able to break away from rivals thanks to the loving high speed motor and kept the lead up to a maximum of 251 km / h, showing best design upravlyaemost.V Boxster has a majority of fashion "widgets", even stabilization of exchange rate stability is established here only for an additional fee. Trying to keep up with time, Porsche engineers have upgraded boxer engine. Now he, like more sophisticated from a technical point of view, "Six» BMW, equipped with variable valve timing system, expand the zone of maximum torque and move it into a zone of low speed. However, compare this unit with the engine BMW Z4 incorrectly - it's like that match the quality of vinyl and CD-ROM: with all the advantages of "numbers" true audiophile will prefer analog nositel.Kak most Porsche, Boxster okay tailored body can not be said about the interior . Here and there, caught furnish details of unpretentious plastic. Remote climate control something in common with the remote control Audi. Note also that the driver can not grow to get comfortable - legroom is not enough. Devices overlap the wheel and not too convenient digitized. There are comments and to the location of all pereklyuchateley.Na it could close my eyes, if it was not a Porsche - I'm sorry, but the status of mark should appear in all. However, there are good moments: for example, after a little modernization, carried out last year, Boxster got a rear window with heating and more comfortable glove yaschikom.V impromptu competition on the speed of recovery soft top with a large margin wins BMW: roof set up on a cabin for just 7 seconds. Porsche gave "Bavarian" 5 seconds, Audi - 8.V next contest - the largest in the trunk - the first place was shared by Z4 and Boxster. At BMW cargo volume is 240 liters or 260 (depending on the tilt is removed or not), the Porsche - 260, but this displacement is divided between two baggage compartments - the bow and stern. Audi has remained an outsider -180 litrov.Zato TT owners can be proud of a first-class trim. The company is not stingy on the expensive materials: polished aluminum, and so much leather there is not a BMW, or a Porsche. Even the plastic parts are very good quality and do not cause a sense of "poverty." Ergonomics in the driver's seat also vysote.Kak the newest of the trio, Z4 was to show the best arrangement of "cockpit". Indeed, when we first met with the interior of BMW positive emotions whipped through the region. That only is strap on the front, as if milled from a solid piece of metal! Style is maintained perfectly, but there are some shortcomings in ergonomics. Thus, the location and designation of some buttons on the center console, we thought it not the most successful: to enable a particular feature, the habit had to be distracted from the road. Do not go in the plus and the lack of "glove" sacrificed spectacular dizaynu.Nam seemed that the Bavarian roadster steering wheel is slightly offset to the left, no matter devices are read and the seats do not provide sufficient lateral support. Insist that this is so and not otherwise, we will not: sensations - the thing is still very subjective. And now we are talking about the particulars, while a new BMW as a whole has many advantages: high specific power, fantastic design, and just do not laugh, reliability (the car has increased markedly in size). All this is enough to rehabilitate the company, created earlier Z3 - a car that does not fit into the glorious history of BMW, which has such vivid pages, as the brilliant pre-war 328-series or 507-I model in 1957 with an engine V8. It can also serve as justification for higher price models: Z4 in Europe will cost almost as much as the cult Boxster.Kakov the bottom line? In the arsenal of Audi - the style, quality manufacturing and technical stuffing, allowed to compete on an equal footing with more powerful adversaries. But just as the great man can not be a god, Audi TT can not be called a real sports car - there need a special aura, which is a roadster net.Esli finish steering BMW Z4, and suspension to make a more "humane", "Bavarian" probably be able to claim the title of best of the best in his klasse.No now we choose not to BMW. The prize goes to our sympathies Porsche. It is the most balanced. High-speed ride on the Boxster in a variety of modes does not cause absolutely no discomfort. Porsche is not an impulsive extrovert, like BMW, and not so focused on myself an introvert, like Audi. In addition, the car feels rock - and in appearance and in habits, and in the "voice" would not feel sorry for him to give requested is not small money - believe me, Porsche € their art ICU. Boxster - this is true in the middle of two protivorechiy.Chto Well, go, Z4 lost? Not exactly. Rather, he chose not the weapon. It would be like to go out with a shotgun against a gun. At its core roadster BMW - a powerful pump for pumping adrenaline driver. Yes, Z4 will pretend to listen to you but will be self-willed young stallion, unforgiving rider. Nevertheless, some unseen force will force you to saddle up again and again "stroptivtsa." Z4 - a car with a difficult character, why is even more attractive.

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