Friday, October 21, 2011

Oxygen mask

Y customs mnogolitrovy engine is mainly associated with the bride-price, that to marry a powerful car is somehow not hochetsya.V sorrowful moment study of the Customs Code and the idea comes supercharged car. Many automakers have long learned to greatly increase the engine power without increasing its working volume. Tuning studio garages, and sports are also using boost to achieve its ambitious goals. The people are referred to as turbo cars, although it is not quite true - "inflated" turbo engines are not only, but also a mechanical supercharger. The principle is simple: download to the receiving collector more air can be increased and the amount of fuel - increasing capacity, respectively. The latter are device-driven rotor from the crankshaft and is widely used around the 30s of last century. In these superchargers compress air and feed it into the intake manifold is a mechanical - by reducing the volume of the cavity between the working surfaces of the rotor. In the turbine turbochargers work does not depend directly on the frequency of crankshaft rotation - between them there is no mechanical connection. In these devices is used to rotate part of the energy of exhaust gases. Mechanical blowers have one serious drawback - they are shown in part in engine power, which inevitably leads to a decrease in efficiency. But cars with such engines are more sensitive to the accelerator pedal. Efficiency turbochargers considerably higher, but they have a serious drawback - they have less acceleration. But this has already learned how to fight, and the aggressiveness of turbochargers is growing steadily. Many manufacturers use a high pressure turbine air intercooling. It is not necessary but desirable. When you compress the air is heated - and, consequently, decreases its density. This means that oxygen, so necessary for combustion of the mixture enters the cylinder is much smaller. And if the air is cool, then these losses can be partially avoided. The cost of turbocharged cars is higher than simple atmospheric. This is because their engines are more complex in structure and primitive words, their production has gone more metal. By turbo car should be treated carefully, since the engine operates in more aggressive environments. Significantly increases the heat load on all the details, particularly on piston group. So to drive is constantly "full" on turbo cars do not have to - it leads to a rapid deterioration of components and mechanisms. Also not advised to switch off the engine at the same moment when the speedometer dropped to zero. In any type of supercharger rotor continues for some time his crazy rotation, and when the engine is in it no longer flow to oil, and he finishes his work, "dry". We hope not to be told of the consequences. BRIZ.Na all Volvo series "40" second-generation set of upgraded five-cylinder engines. There are the usual atmospheric, but there is a mechanical turbine of low pressure - about 0.4 bar. For reference, conventional, naturally aspirated engine of the same volume has an output of 136 hp, which is 29 "horses" less than "low pressure turbo". The gain in power turbo car owner guarantees the extra 2 seconds. at launch and an increase in the 25 km to the maximum speed. The Swedes are positioning this car as a "family sedan with a strong sports character." Do not know about the family, but sporting a V40 rife. Its peak torque it up a bit later than other cars involved in the test, but still much earlier than plain-aspirated engine. What does this mean in practice? Volvo V40 - the only one in our company car with a manual. With the active work of the first-second gear it really allows you to "shoot" with a traffic light or easy to go for risky overtaking on track for a fall. What was very pleased - with a sharp start from a place or when accelerating in low gear effect "turboyamy" we could not be found. During our photographic vigils at night I always mowed Moscow look at the display board computer displayed on the average fuel consumption and zeroed before the start. So, no matter how I tried, average fuel consumption stubbornly stayed in the limit of 9,3-9,8 l/100 km. Excellent performance for turbo car with an engine capacity of 2.0 liters. That's what the low-pressure turbine - provides both a fine pickup from low revs, and good fuel economy. Incidentally, the atmospheric motor average fuel consumption on the basis of town / village is little different from the turbo - 8.3 liters per 100 kilometers. So the car is really "family" - the budget will not undermine. And the price is attractive enough. SHTORM.V unlike Volvo, Saab used to boost a different scheme. Aero installed on high pressure turbine with intercooler charge air. Despite the fact that the compression ratio is slightly higher than the Volvo - 9,3 vs. 9.0 - extra "three hundred grams," in the amount of motor nullify all the dreams of the owner of the fuel economy - Saab 9-5 "takes on his chest" more than 13 gallons of gasoline in the city. Naturally, our calculations were not using special instruments, and on the testimony of the onboard computer. Opportunity to compare these and other indicators with a simple atmospheric engine of the same volume we had - there is no such a line of 9-5. But when you go to the Saab 9-5 Aero, especially to look into the display once - all attention must be given to the road. On the test car with a 4-step "automatic" rather clearly discernible effect "turboyamy." But it took just a split second and was manifested in part because we expected. Maybe the cause is not supercharged, and the automatic transmission, which is also characterized by a certain dreaminess. In fairness, we note that the slowdown in the reaction of the car on the gas pedal has a negligible time - about as much goes through my head thought, "Now jerk!". And Saab is really rips! The term "acceleration" in relation to the Aero correctly changed to "jerk." In the case mode is activated overboost. If you abruptly sink the pedal to the floor, then the boost pressure increases rapidly and lasts five to ten seconds. In these moments, and there is a rapid set speed. Then the engine speed and pressure in the turbine begins to fall, and the acceleration slows down a bit. If you move the automatic transmission in a situation Sport, a feeling made even more acute. Saab - the only model where the instrument panel is the sensor of the turbocharger. On it's very interesting to monitor mode overboost - pointer boost pressure quickly flies into the red zone and "hangs" there for a few seconds. This device looks pretty funny, that's just not clear, its practical application - we repeat: in a time better not look at the instruments, and on the road. ShKVAL.Audi already famous for that engine's not just turbo and biturbo. Yes, and V6. Actually, because of the location of the cylinders in Ingolstadt and decided to install two light and compact turbines instead of one - each a series of blows in the cylinders. This arrangement allowed to get rid of the main disadvantages of turbocharging - "stopping" reaction to the gas and excessive gluttony. This is achieved through the use of variable valve timing and intelligent electronic control systems and fuel injection control of boost pressure. Naturally, due to lower compression (9.3 vs. 10.6) supercharged engine consumes more fuel, but l is not as critical - in this case. For reference, similar in size 2.8-liter engine develops 193 hp power against 230 for "biturbo". Fuel consumption in this case is at the atmospheric engine, 15.4 liters, and the turbo - 16.6. The maximum speed of two vehicles is 225, and 240 km / h, respectively. Dispersal of the Audi A6 powerful and smooth - it's not sporty hot Swedish guys - Volvo and Saab. Not the slightest hint of failure and delayed reaction to the gas pedal. Everything happens on an "as pressed - so go." The turbine is included in the engine operation at 1700 rev / min. And the engine is rapidly beginning to emerge at maximum torque. Had a positive effect on ride and acceleration and has a four-wheel drive differential Torsen.Vse c is great, but there is a "but." Razgonnaya dynamics biturbo no different from the dispersal of atmospheric engine c A6 2.8 and 8.3 seconds. up to 100 km / h. So we have a natural question arises: why pay extra money for two parallel turbines and cooler? The difference in price is about $ 10-12 thousand in favor of the atmospheric engine. It turns out that getting supercharged engine, the customer only pays for one significant advantage - the maximum speed does not count. Thanks to increased power and features to keep the maximum torque at engine speed intervals 1700-4600 Audi biturbo much faster frisky "with motion", for example, in the range of 60-100 km / h. Make sharp overtaking and rebuild on it's definitely easier. But this raises another question: how solid the owner of a car of this class to rush on the road, as a fly on the window? However, this is a completely different story.

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