Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yellow light

A small sports car should be just yellow - it is an axiom. That, as a toucan's beak - this relative woodpecker swallows whole fruit - to fall into the black compartment and inside, pushing the pedal to take off to the highest branch of the forest. And let the yellow and black - the colors of the formula team Jordan, the company has achieved ingolshtadtskaya Sports Hall of Fame where you bolshe.Esli against the grain ornithology, then kindly another causal series. New VW Touran and Audi A3 - this is the first car built on the next, fifth-generation Golf. Yellow light, followed by falls through "the green" avalanche is not the first decade set the tone in the segment "C". GNEZDOEsli previously considered mainly A3 car business women who did not have to scare surrounding marker transport, as well as housewives whose husbands are not so Goons to give Nexia, today the company has positioned as a sports model exclusively. Hence, all changes in appearance. Wider cross-section "eye", a rectangular grille above the license plate and the massive "lip" with the fog below. A rigid horizontal line running along the sides and white turn signal lamp, like S3, - here, perhaps that's all. Transferred from the Audi Alfa Romeo designer proved that though he and de Silva, but it, Walter - the ultimate exterior looks of German conservative. The same picture inside - slightly "brushed the dust" from the instrument panel, center console has a new, all together now resembles the interior of Audi TT. But the space was much larger. The base car has increased by as much as 65 mm, so that now sit behind relatively comfortable, though, to get through there, we must continue to develop in three deaths and pyatidverka A3 is not available. Behind the wheel landing became deeper, on the one hand, sports, and on the other - although at 10 mm, but the new A3 was lower. However, with long legs are all equally uncomfortable - the seat cushion is height adjustable, but is not regulated by the slope, must sit raskoryachivshis, resting his right knee in a sort of handrail, it is unclear why the central tunnel which connects to the console. POVADKIAudi, as befits a respectable firm, offers a model with five engines, four-wheel drive transmission and gearboxes for high-end versions. In our yellow "toucans" is a 2-liter FSI - with Mitsubishi, for example, a similar injection technology is called GDI, but the two victories at Le Mans, it has it Audi. Manufacturer of the proposed six-gear manual gearbox, we were able to take advantage of the strength of the first four - the island of Sardinia, where he was a test drive, motorways are not rich. Switching crisp, yet soft, without sports, "shpingaletnosti." On the second can accelerate to 80 km / h and then at 6 thousand rev / min. cutoff adjusts the driver's ill, and the engine "wither." While climbing the mountain, even at stock speed downshift is not just desirable, it is necessary - "to the rank and file" the engine just does not pull. But turning the car runs flawlessly: upgraded McPherson front and four-link rear suspension - before there was a beam - are designed to ensure the stability of motion in sports fashion. Do not fly off the road helped us ESP, which is a new A3 is standard equipment. When we found between the hills is not clear why paved asphalt area half the size of a football field and turning off the ESP, have twisted like a top, A3 proved to be obedient and without E "tops." Version 1.6-liter engine with a number of FSI - as close to pervorazryadnik KMSom. His seat and not with the hard-edged, and the colors faded over the proposed body and the pipe from the bottom only one sticks out. Its 102 hp car work out fairly, but records do not provoke. Exercises with ESP off, he is doing with noticeable roll and skidding. Including from the fact that in this version are the standard 16-inch wheels and, consequently, tires are "taller". FEED BAZATeper on stage - A3 2,0 TDI. Eastern and Western automakers are not really spoil the Russian consumer versions of the sport, the more equipped with a diesel engine. Audi - exception: we will have available a complete range of firms, but not too popular A2. So if you do not mind the quality of domestic diesel and the fact that she is with us almost as much as gasoline, the flag with the four rings in your hands. Although the A3 2,0 TDI - it's not only what the Germans call Tankstelle Freude - "the joy at the gas station." 4.5 liters of fuel to the "hundred", which consumes a car on the autobahn - not its main advantage. On the "bottoms" he pulls, feels even better than the petrol FSI: kerf second and then rested his vertebrae in the back seat. Up to 100 km / h sprint in 9.5 seconds. And a maximum speed of 207 km / h. No wonder this version will be available all-wheel drive, which will not be on the FSI, as well as already known for "le Boltzmann" supercar and updated semi-automatic gearbox Audi TT DSG, which also for gasoline, "dvuhlitrovki" is not provided. Gasoline, of course, more noisy, but it sounds, pay tribute to engineers, very sporty. But in all quiet in terms of motor gasoline versions always acted on the nerves whiz, as if the glass was not completely lifted. This is not a subjective element - noticed everything. AREA OBITANIYaNa version 3,2 quattro us a ride to no avail. The representative of Audi AG said on Sardinia was taken just two six-cylinder sample, and so as not to wake the journalists healthy buzz - both with the Russians behind the wheel is held on the Chinese and the Israelis - have decided to release the top hold back in the garage. In fact, the reason was different. Exactly during our test drive of Ingolstadt dispatch arrived, which did not have enough notes, "Lightning! Urgent!". Engineers have been taken "apgreyd" car. Instead of 241 hp, which was announced at the premiere in Geneva, A3 3,2 quattro now has 250 hp Increase in capacity was achieved by reconfiguring the exhaust system. However, this is not the limit. In 2004, the promise RS3 with an even more powerful biturbo. Recall that produces up to this year's S3 possessed "only a" 225 hp And, they say, will be based SUV A3. SEASONAL MIGRATsIYaRossiyane see the new Audi A3 at the August car show, at the same time the dealers will be 102-strong version of the 5-step "mechanics". Then you can place an order for 2,0 TDI, but only with front-wheel drive. Two-liter FSI and 3,2 quattro appear in December. Last portion of the A3 will go to Russia closer to the spring of 2003. Russian prices for cars have not been determined, but in the representation of Audi AG, as expected, reassured that they will not differ greatly from the amounts asked for model-predecessor. In Germany, where orders for the car have already been taken, the price of the 102-strong assembly to A3 1,6 Attraction starts at $ 20.7 thousand and for the A3 Attraction 2,0 FSI c 150 hp requested $ 24.3 thousand thence evil tongues have already notice that exactly between the two prices is 115-strong BMW 316ti Compact, which at $ 23 thousand is still a car of higher class. However, Audi AG does not care. In the seven years of release were able to extend the Audi A3 875 thousand copies of copies. Among them - 148 units sold in Russia last year.

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