Monday, October 31, 2011

Plus two

And in Bavaria, which hosted the "sled" presentation of the car, I tried to find an answer to a very technical question: 'cue-seven, "built on the same platform as the Touareg and the relatives of the Cayenne, or not? The term "common platform" Audi engineers jars: they prefer to speak of "architecture". Well, then, that in general "architecture"? It was found that 15% of parts and components - quite acceptable figure, which should not irritate even the most ardent jealous. For example, the current Audi A6 has the same percentage of commonality with other models of concern - first and foremost we are talking about an aggregate basis and expensive electronics. Body Q7 in the original: it's not just "add", but the bottom. For example, the wheelbase compared to the Touareg has increased by 150 mm. But gasspring front suspension borrowed from the Touareg, without any changes. Double wishbones are similar to that of the Tuareg, but the Audi are aluminum, not steel. The front gear is designed to re: designers sought to shift the power unit forward - to the cabin is left more space to accommodate a third row of seats. Rear gasspring new: they are smaller and located at a steep angle - again, in order to save space in the area of ??placement "baggage" of seats. The upper control arms and rear suspension crossmember powerful - also made of aluminum. All this allowed the car to facilitate and reduce the most "parasitic" weight - unsprung. The designers were willing to go further - to make aluminum and the body that promised a significant reduction in curb weight and fuel economy. And then you can be proud to say that the seven-seat Audi weighs as much as the Mercedes ML Fives and BMW X5. But the high flying of design thought was interrupted by economic calculations: for the lowly Yankees material body has a third-rate importance - at least from his ruby ??tree, just to bigger and cheaper. A "steel" technology has partially unify the manufacturing and assembly Q7 place in the same factory in Slovakia, where Volkswagen Touareg and produce three-quarters - Porsche Cayenne. Moreover, representatives of Audi once again focus attention on the "independence" of production chains: the only "common place" is a modern painting line, assembling a "cue-seven" are on another thread - the same place where they make VW Polo. While for the Audi Q7 are only two engines - petrol and diesel. I grabbed the keys from the "cue-seven" in the top complete with a petrol engine V8 4.2 FSI. This direct injection engine borrowed from the Audi RS4, but deforsirovan. Instead of 420 hp Now he produces 350 hp, but torque graph is more gentle, that crossover contemporary. Acceleration - also "flat." That aggressiveness, which shocked Touareg V10 or Cayenne Turbo, there is no trace. Characteristics of the engine, a number of gear ratios six "automatic" and the shift points as "up" and "down" - all chosen so as to eliminate even the slightest tremors. Therefore, despite the sympathetic reaction of the motor and the acceleration impressive numbers (7.4 to 100 km / h) "cue-seven" is perceived as a quiet, well-balanced car. Smooth "machine", a comfortable air suspension, excellent noise isolation and "relaxed" in the zero position of the wheel (teeth in the middle of the Servotronic steering rack cut into "wider") produce a lulling effect. At some point, do not you realize that rushing through the winter highway at speeds far beyond 200 km / h. And if someone will come out of the slow right lane - have time to brake or dodge? (I remember that a similar sense of detachment from the situation caused me and Allroad.) In order to stay "in touch" with the outside world, I cheered myself wanton game accelerator pedal: at every touch of her gasoline "eight" responds to school, a ferocious roar - though it is invigorating! And you can still move air suspension in Comfort mode psevdosportivny mode Dynamic. In response to "cue-seven," not only will press harder to the road (in this case the body is lowered by 15 mm), but will be significantly tougher. Unnoticed until now the German autobahn small errors were revealed in all its ugliness: so sloppily repaired junction flyovers, here's a little vyboinka ... Heavy 20-inch wheels with low profile tires are asphalt joints, like the tram rollers. Well, this mode was called Dynamic, rather than Sport. Yes, the "compression" suspension reduces your roll in gentle turns, why there is a feeling of sportiness. But not so much better handling, much worse ride. A degree of differentiation of remote car from the driver still remains very high. And is it possible in principle to create a sports car more than five meters long and 2.3 tons of curb weight? But the car stuffed with even more difficult: the third row of seats, individual ventilation system rear, a giant glass roof of the entire roof with shutters and actuators, a 20-inch wheels, side airbags for rear passengers, the additional load securing device in the trunk - these options not only expensive but also heavy. Total - 2.5 tons, not counting the driver and passengers. Reverse rotation of the metal washers Interface Audi MMI - suspension and returned to a comfortable position. You go yourself and you go - a continuous relaxation. One can only regret that no part of the board of directors of a major oil company: the bold treatment of the accelerator, "eight" fuel passes for 25 l/100 km! Although the manual says that a moderate style of riding a 100-liter fuel tank lacks almost 1,000 "highways" miles on my car after a 200 km fuel level indicator needle has passed the midpoint. Even in America, with its almost Russian prices for motor fuel is too much, let alone the Europeans certainly prefer the diesel version. Borrowed from the Audi A8 233-strong three-liter turbo-diesel is not bad, but for such a heavy machine already seems inadequate. In the "highways" modes, where the rate of dances from 120 to 180 km / h, its potential is not enough. It would be just mad turbo V10 5.0 of Tuareg. - No, - objected to the engineers - in folksvagenovskih engines we do not need. If required, we can put on a "cue-seven," our turbodiesel V8. (This refers to the four-liter engine, which is equipped with Audi A8.) - And what about the petrol V10 from Gallardo, which is equipped with Audi S8? - If the market demand ... At this might put an end, but the organizers have prepared a test-drive the route to assess the behavior of vehicles out of the asphalt. This is a gravel road, twine on the territory of one of the polygons Bundeswehr. Terms and Conditions - brilliant. In a literal sense: the gravel is completely hidden under the snow, which in a short thaw in places turned into a bare ice. Restricting only one thing: not to photograph military installations. Two 12-km range on winding gravel road helped to dot the i. On snow petrol Audi Q7 was very obedient. Torsen center differential to normal modes divide the torque between front and rear wheels in a ratio of 40:60 and glides in the distribution of time varies from 65:35 to 15:85. Moreover, in contrast to the multi-disc clutches, which require some time in operation (they are equipped with the Touareg and Cayenne), Torsen redistributes torque instantly. What is important in such difficult circumstances? Feel the car. Slightly zadempfirovannoe steering is just right - too much sharpness in the snow to anything. It is important to understand at what angle to turn the wheel and when they lose their grip - and well-tuned power keeps up to date. To deal with unauthorized switching of "automatic" sequential mode helps, but under the hood "cue-seven" glides sideways with all four wheels - in spite of the overloaded front end. Direct injection of adrenaline in the blood and mutes the only "partly disengageable" stabilization system that has provided so-called off-road mode. In this mode, the electronics allows the wheels to slip (eg, startup), anti-lock system allows latch (this is useful when braking on loose soil, gravel and snow), and proper stabilization system allows for fairly deep drifts. How deep? You can slide up until the driver starts to turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid, trying to extinguish it, or until you hit the brakes - it is perceived as the ESP call to action: it instantly begins to choke the engine and selectively apply the brake wheel. That is, you can slide, but go into a skid full rotation is impossible. In this "pierced" two members of the test - in the hope they pull a car with gas slipped to wooden fencing posts ... Diesel car was not so accommodating. Motor instantly breaks wheels slip, causing the car to go sideways, even in innocuous corner. I just kayfovat, driving gasoline "cue-seven," and now complaining of a surplus of torque - is dangerous! No locking rear differential, transfer case with no reduction gear here. Two-speed transfer box is not needed at Q7, engineers say Audi. Traction motor in short supply in most cases for 99% of drivers. For example, when a full stop in the sequential mode switching box does not go to first gear: the car starts moving without strain from the second. And in first gear, "cue-seven" easy drag trailer GVW up to 3.5 tonnes. So is there any sense an open door the heavy transfer case only in order to please one customer out of a hundred? Was there a sense of third-row seats at an open door? The instructions said that these seats are designed for passenger growth of up to 160 cm - that is for children. And though I long ago came out of childhood, yet made his way to the gallery. Quiet horror. Even if shifted forward an average seat for the passage to the third row is a narrow V-shaped hole. Sit uncomfortable. Life brightens a glass roof over your head so individual ventilation system - provided that these options were paid for when buying a car. Within a minute, held under lock and key, I thought about why the closest competitors XC90 and Discovery, which on two feet shorter, the third-row seat is more spacious and is not just for kids? Maybe it's falling into the roof of Audi? Or in the features of the layout? But it is clear that the two extra seats - is an extra trump in the struggle for American buyers. Although I've never seen that big SUVs were filled by passengers to the eyeballs ... Five-meter Audi Q7 perfectly fit into the realm of American megalomania, which is based on high-income working population. According to preliminary estimates, the U.S. will be sold annually, about half of 70,000 Audi Q7. The second most important market will be Germany (about 15% of sales), the third - the United Kingdom (5%). Of course, not stand aside and Russia: we will have plenty of those who are willing to pay from $ 107,000 for the Q7 and gasoline from $ 77000 for diesel. Dealers have taken several hundred orders, and the first cars will be delivered in late March. Does the appearance of rejection of the model Q7 Allroad, first kvazivnedorozhnika Audi? Not at all: in a few months will be the second-generation Allroad. It is said that a few years, formed a peculiar caste devotees model Allroad. And while I myself to this caste am not, I would be patient - and waited for the new Audi Allroad. It will be cheaper than the Q7, but he hardly give way to the comfort level and terrain. Although ... When it comes to buying such expensive cars, rational arguments recede into the background. At least in Russia, where Audi Q7 is destined to the fate of the bestseller.

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