Thursday, October 27, 2011


The key point when buying - select gearbox. Anyone who is looking for more sport should stay on the "mechanics". The rest will be enough "machine", because the potential of the motor in the everyday use ogromen.Popavshaya to us the version claims to be a very universal S4 - body type, "machine": Under the hood of a yellow car hidden away 344 "horses", but managed with simple . Beautiful label S4 here and there decorated car, but it is less "sport" than before. Aggression and indomitable old turbo "esok" already and do not smell. From now on, a clear aggression - this is the lot of cars marked with letters RS, which, incidentally, at the end of the year will appear in the showrooms of the capital. As for the versions of S, then this is definitely a transitional link between "civilian" cars and sports really RS-modification. As already mentioned, the automatic transmission-equipped S4, it seems, lacks large proportion of sport and involves mostly the usual vehicle use. "Automatic" eliminates the possibility of the car smooths out the rough edges of his character. With him S4 relaxed, flexible. Worse accelerates from zero, even losing to weaker opponents with the "mechanics" and makes cautious in critical conditions. In general, the "machine", he "machine" is. No matter how fast he was not a classic "pen" he had not fully replaced. But even in this kind of S4 - rocket. Maximum manned, equipped with the latest technology. And deal with it - a pleasure. The pleasure starts with the inspection. It would seem that there is nothing outstanding in the car. A4 in the station wagon, the last external tuning. But no, apparently, the magic letters S acts. Aura this Avant is quite different than that of "civil" source. Breed peeps. Small ground clearance, 18-inch wheels, stylized ones that are on the car in Audi Championship DTM, made "a sport" bumpers. You feel the power and potential. Looks good exhaust system with four patrubkami.Interer more restrained. Except that attracts trim panels in this carbon. And of course pleased excellent Recaro seats with a combined shell and pronounced lateral support. However, when the door closes and silence reigns, you feel kind of special feeling of peace that creates excellent study of cabin space. Plastic quality everywhere, skin - a noble, quiet colors, unobtrusive, with a predominance of black. Oh, those salons top models Audi, even annoyed - nothing to find fault! Find the best fit - simple. And under the bonnet the 4.2-liter wakes up "eight", perfectly familiar even to those familiar with the Audi just nodding. At idle the engine hums only annoyance in exhaust pipes without disturbing others. The selector is moved to "Drive", and the car smoothly starring in place quickly wedged in the street of the potok.Plavnost S4 can be put in another example of "civic" cars in this class. Actually, at first it seemed strange that the S4 - so, I may say, soft. Enlightenment came later, during a high-speed races on the expanses of Khodynka, where the chassis has shown itself to advantage. The V8 engine in a compact shell S4 moves itself and the passengers in space is very dynamic. To understand all the charm of the duo, topped with an automatic transmission, no need to start over again with a traffic light, trying to understand why these 5.9 seconds to hundreds perceived as all 6.5. To do this long enough to ride on highways at high speeds. And the big question is, what you like in the end more - racing in pursuit of tenths or powerful acceleration and overtaking light when driving at speed under two hundred km / h? At high revs the engine's voice finally erupts. Twisting to the limiter, it is a little dent in the chair, but the feeling of "attractions" there is no acceleration. Acceleration assertive, equal. I must say that the machine does its job very delicately. It goes fast, but do not sweat at the wheel, giving the driver the right to specify the road. But the S4 can and dash headlong. And there is need to have good skills, but also remember that along with the acceleration in a straight line, without exception, all cars equipped with quattro all-wheel drive and powerful engines, they love and are good at driving sideways. Carrying a snake or passed a bend at high speed in the slide, is somehow not pay attention to comfort. At such moments, with any machine merge into one, and assessing its ability to be just quickly, accurately and adequately carry out the orders of the driver. Of course, if there oak sports suspension, thrills it certainly would have added. Would have increased the speed limit, which can maneuver. But disappeared a notorious universality, and S4 would no longer be S4.Odnako and as such the car is capable of much. Potential of the creators of it lies far beyond the skills of the ordinary driver, and in order to fully master the weapon speed, it is better to take special courses on closed trasse.Horosho that in the construction of all-wheel drive S4 remained good old differential Torsen, which Unlike analogue, equipped with clutch Haldex, behaves more predictably and fairly. On the day of testing was a terrible heat, and heated tires did not want to lose contact with the track, just get caught in it, although the speed cornering and provocative actions have long had to break the car into a skid. When it finally happened, the pleasure was not the limit! The car went into a beautiful slide projected that at times two or you can continue to repay at any time if necessary. Just a wild squeal of rubber raped forced to break away from this fascinating session. It's a pity that the street was no rain or snow. On coatings with a lower coefficient of adhesion and sliding charms wheel drive could have much longer. However, even a few outings was enough to once again make a perfect balance of driving characteristics. But at the same time to reaffirm to ourselves the simple truth that the quality of the suspension is not expressed its rigidity, but the end result of the work. By the way, for all the tests, I never could complain about the excessive roll. Paradox? But the apparent understeer. However, here it is rather good. Anyone who knows how to handle it, hardly long will complain about its presence. Well, the inexperienced driver is warned in advance. What do you want? If all the cars exhibited at the time, life was not so safe. Naturally, we're talking about cases where stabilization otklyuchena.Vprochem, the place for a little fly in the ointment is still found. I will not argue that this defect of Audi S4, but the test car did not like some informative brake pedal. Too big move and, consequently, the need to slow down to the touch when it should be done quickly and accurately. By slowing down the intensity of the complaints. And why so far no one offers an optional reinforced brake hoses? Back in town, in its bustle and traffic jams, did not want to continue frills bully such as "sports" at traffic lights and arrange the slalom at the Third Ring Road. Drayverskie emotions, need for speed remained at the site. Is not it great? Come and drive ad libitum, to let off steam, and then quietly depart from autodrome on the same machine. Not many models allow you to combine this, precisely, very few. Here, all in one - and the dynamics and handling, and comfort, and beauty. So, if you do not want to sacrifice anything, your choice - S4.

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