Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pass in higher light

In the most prestigious clubs of the world can not come just from the street. Not even a million in your pocket. It's not about wealth. Money in the elite club environments do not matter. Here, different rules, the system of guarantees and special passes ... In the automotive world, too, have the highest kind of club with his "system of selection" of candidates. No matter how prestigious and sophisticated machines not manufactured the automaker, the doors of the Club closed to him, while he will not let the elite 12-cylinder model. Possessing such motor vehicles can be literally a handful! Therefore, the appearance of a new member in the club - always an event out of the ordinary. They became the "Audi A8", received a 12-cylinder engine. In the arsenal of the merits of latter-day member of the Club except the six-liter engine capacity of 420 horsepower (an absolute record among representative sedans!) Is a constant four-wheel drive, which can not boast of any one of opponents. This is a powerful argument against competitors for the richest clients - the influential businessmen, royalty and high officials. Symbiosis of prestige, power and security of the city to recognize the nature of the 12-cylinder model is as difficult to understand how a book in a foreign language. The elements of these monsters - the modern commuter routes. Here they fully disclose their nature. Therefore, organizing familiarity with the new "Audi A8 W12", the firm's representatives have decided to dispense with unnecessary introductions such as trips to the pretty village paths. The program consisted only of high-speed driving. From Munich airport - once on the motorway ... Some readers will probably puzzled why the "Audi" instead of the usual notation used weird V12 W12? Just in Ingolstadt have created a unique engine. If the traditional V-twin engine has two rows of six cylinders, the W-shaped, metaphorically speaking, has four ranks on three cylinders - they are like fingers that were compressed into a tight fist. This design allowed the engine to make a light, compact and moschnym.Pered exit on the freeway, I specifically slowed almost to a complete stop, and then sank the accelerator pedal. 420 "Stallions" jerked the car forward a great representational power of a jet turbine overclocking the runway for light aircraft. After 5.8 seconds the speedometer gone over the mark "100" and continued to strive forward with such enthusiasm, as if the car has just moved on with mesta.Ya know that some fans of powerful "Audi" rate acceleration is not too impressed. Yes, they say, accelerate nice car, but there are models poshustree. For example, the eight "S8" catapulted up to 100 km / h slightly faster ... All right. But the main driver kicks a 12-cylinder car is not at all frightening starts from a place like that is going to win the race dregsternye next weekend. To help you understand what is at stake, we need an empty left lane highway ... Finally, last series is free. A light touch on the accelerator setting the speedometer on the mark "200", a few seconds of rapid smooth "flight" ... And then again the gas to failure! Mahina "A8" rushed forward, as if there were no air resistance, inertia and other laws of physics. None of the eight-sedan is not able to so rapidly, "start" with that speed. To do this under the hood to live a 12-cylinder engine with a thrust of his infernal. Torque is the latest W12 engine achieves 550 Nm of gigantic - more than any modern 12-cylinder sedana.Razumeetsya, the motor "Audi A8 W12" demonstrates its benefits, not only on the autobahn. For example, it is impossible to "knock off breathing." In all conditions, even for risky overtaking, the engine remains smooth character - twelve cylinders working smoothly and almost silently, as if there in the next dimension. V8 engine in this respect a little rougher ... It is for such aristocratic nuances of people and pay the extra money, preferring the 12-cylinder car mashinam.Zato outside sverhprestizhny modest. It almost looks like a regular "eight". This was "almost" lies slightly greater amount of chromium in the external decoration, the 18-inch wheels with luxury nameplates disks yes "W12" on the back. "A8 W12" is equipped with automatic transmission. If desired, the driver can change gears yourself, by pressing on the handlebars. I enjoyed this feature very often, just before overtaking difficult when the oncoming car loomed very close. In other situations, building the engine enough for the eyes, even when the box is "Tiptronic" worked at a measured automatically. It is, you guessed it, part of the ultralong list of standard equipment innovations. This is one reason for the high price of the car. "We plan to sell" A8 W12 "for about $ 120.000, - said the head of the Russian representation of" Audi "Oscar Akhmedov. - Dealers are already taking orders on the Autobahn overtake ".... big" Mercedes ". Judging by the label of "S600" on the trunk lid, it also belongs to the club superelitnyh cars. As if by one thread, the two cars were racing ahead, sometimes picking up the limit for all powerful German sedan to 250 km / h. Yes, ideal for dry road, we played on equal terms ... But imagine instead of a German autobahn commuter route Russia in early November! When there is light rain, and then the road is covered with ice ... The company "Audi" first made a 12-cylinder sedan representative who feels quite comfortable, even in such terrible conditions. The famous four-wheel drive "Quattro" - is a guarantee of calm and confidence in hazardous driving conditions. "A8 W12" has written a new line in the book of automotive history - the world has ever known representational machine that would be so combined the prestige, power and the highest level of security. The main role - passazhiruBessporno, led by "eight" with the new motor - a pleasure. But when you get back on the couch, get behind the wheel no longer want. No wonder the "A8 W12" is offered only in long version of "L" - a clear allusion to the fact that the owner of the machine is not forbidden to hire shofera.Ot normal "figure eights" extended modification of the difference between "stretched" body. Won space was given to the expansion of the rear passenger compartment. Therefore, free space there not only many, but an incredible amount. Maximum comfort is provided and two-meter giants. Even they can carelessly fall apart in a pair of armchairs (each equipped with heated and electrically separate!), Throw a leg over the other and talking quietly, like a living room in front of the fireplace. "A8 W12" really gives passengers greater comfort, who require their vehicles members of the upper light . So on the way back to Munich, I entrusted the driving to a colleague, decided to play the role of the Passenger .... Whether you intend to rest on the road or working. The new "Audi" nice to do something, and more. And then out of the car fresh and alert, in what I happened to see at first hand. Usually the way I'm tired - enough to hold the car two or three hours, as the body needs a bit of "breathing space". Fool him yet managed a single model, even an expensive and comfortable. But the new "eight" was able to enter the body astray. Instinct "automotive fatigue" did not work! Five hours spent inside the "A8 W12", absolutely not allow ourselves to know. As if I was not on the road, but somewhere in the country. Even drops did not feel tired! For two hours I spent behind the wheel. Three more - in the back seat, live in the role of high-ranking passengers, fully immersed in their affairs. Which has no moments of free time ... First sent to the editor by fax material written earlier in a plane. Then connected to a special plug his laptop and scribbled this article on "A8 W12". After pondering the plans the next day. Thought extremely easy - probably affected me the unusual aura, which charged the new supercar. After all, as a rule, these machines go, those who depend on the fate of the world. Most of these people - complete workaholics. Therefore, limo tunes on serious way, when you want to run continuously ... I barely restrained myself to not give up at odd moments sitting behind the wheel of a colleague: "Add-ka go. Today is full of cases ..." The role of "master" on the back couch "A8 W12" seems natural, devoid of hypocrisy. One need not be a good actor. Just the situation has.

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