Sunday, October 30, 2011

Four quarters

I remember the years when there was no "fours", and was Audi-80 - the budget car of the cars with the four rings. To marketers out there do not shout, no matter what sounded "excuses" about the size and gas mileage, but the car they bought, when you do not have enough money for a more comfortable Audi A6-100. Absolutely in the same vein, I perceived, until recently, and A4 in all its forms, in fact, in 1994 it replaced the Audi-80. When you see the new A4, you realize that the ideology has changed dramatically. I would absolutely not be surprised if now a new "four" would cost more expensive A6 older sister - just because it is much steeper. Say for sure who now resembles the A4, it is difficult - the guys from Audi are mixed tropical drink from the different design decisions. Formally, the machine is made based on the advertised A5 coupe, but personally, I was terribly pleased that the A4 is not the same has become unnaturally licked the front. I have long looked to the car and thought, whom she reminds me of the side. Oh no, not five BMW! Exactly - it is only in the Audi design similar idea failed to realize and make objectively beautiful car, which failed to make the Bavarians. If we compare with the previous generation A4, the design has become much more acute - where along the lines of the body before it was possible to ride like a mountain on the pope, now can cut and bleeding. Go to the front bumper skirt has attached "fangs" lights sharpened to the side, which is why in the dark new "four" I was almost taken for R8. But all these innovations pale before the changes inside the machine. If you put the old and the new A4 series, then in contrast you will find the latest Korean. In the new model there is little know-how - all decisions are taken from the existing Audi, but the resulting mix went very well, so good. Design clear and simple installation - anything other than square shapes in the cabin. A single case of beer to those who worked on usability - all within a stunningly useful and handy. Some things are not immediately obvious: for example, the tiny volume control that is done now separate from the control menu navigation computer "krutilki." The same controls are now controlled by the air temperature - Audi actively gets rid of the buttons in the cabin, which seem to be modern, but the good old days "krutilki" - much more practical. This is one example, when made, hitting the wall discomfort, and went back. But the biggest fetish - a system Keyless Go - opening car and start the engine without a key. Even for people who can afford the new A4 at the steepest configuration, this feature more from the world of Bentley leather sofas with an African elephant and robotic Lexus, which can go on your team for a beer. Indeed, who would not want to leave the porch and in front of astonished the boys all night thought through plans for hijacking your machine, open the door, not even taking remote control, simply pulling the handle? And to start by clicking the huge chrome and click Start, similar to a control panel with nuclear weapons? The confusion I have caused just one thing: you can start the car and the old fashioned way with a key that is inserted into a makeshift ignition, but the plant with the Start button is disabled. Grasp the meaning of this algorithm, I could not. We should also be said about the rear space - a sore spot last "four". Now there can be fit average size adult, not recourse to amputirovaniyu limbs: how to say in a news release that was behind a 3.6 cm more space. Apparently, they somehow just did not have in the past the body, but to say that Michael Jordan as a passenger in the backseat is now able to indulge in absolute relaxation, you can not. Well, at least it will be warmer now set back and the stove. In short, life is getting better in the gallery. As for driving, we got a copy of the test with the engine 1.8 turbo to "multitronike." 160-hp engine has changed little since the last body - goes as well, good power characteristics of the moment, he has almost the same as that of a three-liter atmosfernika. Plus, in conjunction with the new system, Drive assist, which had not recruited the A4, even with front wheel drive motor and a turbo 1.8-new "four" is truly a driver `s car. The essence of this system is that the driver is given a choice of three options for the behavior of vehicles (Comfort, Auto and Dynamic), depending on which change of the engine, automatic transmission, management, depreciation and amortization. Mode Dynamic, for example, can cause a puppy enthusiasm even in retirement. At the same time almost completely disappears roll in turns, keeps the motor speed such that at any moment you could take off, and in shock, it seems, is filled with lead. List of electronic know-how is not limited to: a new generation of ESP is now able to stabilize the swinging trailer, with high humidity to dry discs multiple short-term compression pads and even blinked at you, "emergency lights" during heavy braking. But the fact that Audi has abandoned motor 2.0 turbo, which has already won a bunch of awards - truly a national grief. Anyway, rumors about this they want active. I do not know a single person who would not like this 200-strong compromise Quartet. I only know that its absence in the lineup of engines have plunged some potential buyers of the new A4 with a prolonged depression avidly. I would like to hope that it will remain at the level of rumor. About the same disorder at fans of the brand has already caused the news that the version with four-wheel drive motor and a 1.8 turbo (one of the most popular configuration) will now be available - it is exactly. Hope remains only to new diesel engines from Audi, which will soon be sold to the A4 and in Russia (two-and three-liter), - say, with sheer joy.

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