Friday, October 28, 2011


If you want to turn their heads after you, buy a TT. And preferably red - it is noticeable. Masking of color in gray scale killing of a bright image. The proportion of small streamlined superstructure to a massive base in the style of World War II fighter aircraft is the hallmark of the machine. It is primary and, if podsmotrena, in the distant past. Who else could be so narrow silhouette with side windows? You think through them there is little to see? You're wrong - you can see not bad, but too bad. At least, up. Know when lit green light, you can only close to the dashboard bending and arching his neck unnaturally. Practice at your leisure, you will enjoy! Back to the same picture: through the window embrasure is noticeable only grille chasing you, "Hyundai." Just kidding, why do you then TT? And even 3.2 quattro! Yes, indeed, except the visibility, and other deficiencies in the TT does not. A small compartment with a low center of gravity and large wheels to the driver does not show any extraordinary drayverskogo requirements. Even on the contrary, in the absence of sufficient experience, Audi itself will help you to lossless out of the many critical situations. For example, the loss of contact with the surface - on ice or gravel - the car is surprisingly fast clinging to any more or less reliable basis and stops sliding. Of course, thanks to the constant full drive, but even compared to other models of quattro, the TT to be extremely viable. Naturally, much depends on the suspension settings. And it is tough, sporty - checked on their own ... FIG. But for all Short-elastic elements, on a level road riders in the soul not really shake out. The pebbles on the asphalt and the seams are not dokanyvayut driver as it happens in other sports coupe with low profile tires. And here, I want to remind you there are wheels 225/40 R18. But in a reversal of the machine rests exclusively exactly: TT is almost not affected by the roll and slip out. Up to a certain limit, of course, but this limit is obviously twice the average. And as she rulitsya - oraTToriya! Plotnenkaya bagel is poured into your hands perfectly. There is no "near-zero" void ratio steering rack is minimal amplifier and leaves you with the opportunity to experience a considerable effort to change the position of the drive wheels. The paradox, but is very quick and extremely responsive to throttle the TT is not the impression of a sharp car, antsy, as happens with many powerful light trucks. Each channel allows you to enjoy an across the rev range of flexible engine V6. Gearshift petals in this model are not a formal attribute of certain image that cold, fat uncle would use once after purchase and then forget forever. It is really nice to control the switches, just choose the best mode for the moment. ACP-prebystro pereschelkivaetsya fast, easy-prilegko, well-prichetko. All this allows us to "stitch" to "tetehe" between the rows in heavy traffic and not feel a bastard, who for the sake of winning second ready to sacrifice other people's nerves and mental ravnovesiem.Nesmotrya on sports and sports are the image, the TT does not create an additional driver discomfort, including including ergonomic and acoustic. You can ride and quiet. And go quickly and efficiently is easier than in most other members of our Grand Prix. And those who bought the car to his young offspring, who imagines himself Schumacher or girlfriend, trained in the school "Quattro", do not put their loved ones in a stupid position where they "want, but can not." REZYuMEBessporno, Audi TT - a car for the driver. The quintessence of the concept. The rear seats do not put even a child, the trunk is small. But the thrill of riding is over a scale of measurement. Yes, and the highest quality of performance. Let's wait for the conclusions of the distinguished jury, but if I was part of the judges would give this car the first place. Especially considering the price, which allows you to buy if you do not, they might ask the price. EKSPLUATATsIYaAudi TT served at any firm service. Most of the parts always in stock. The windshield is 2800 rubles., The average cost of $ 150-200. Rear brake pads - about 1000 rubles., Front - twice the price. Ball-bearing and rear bearing "pull" of about $ 50. In the operation of parking is strongly discouraged, "the sound" - the complete absence of bumpers will cause damage to the decorative panels. KOMPONOVACHNAYA SHEMADvuhdvernoe coupe 2 +2. V-type six-cylinder engine transversely in the front is 3.2. Front-wheel drive - a permanent, on the back - through an electronically coupling Haldeksa. Wheel-drive Audi TT is a small slip in the front drive wheels.

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