Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cyclists can wait

In fact, it turns the experience of automobile travel around the world, the problem is local, not universal. And it is localized in major Russian cities, where the burden of building all the responsibility on the shoulders of the most reliable and consistent - on the shoulders of relatives of leaders of most cities. In one of the most industrialized countries (let's not point the finger, and then everyone will say: "What do you mean to us here in Germany, his face and poke poke?") The machine can not be washed weekly. Well, there's nothing there to wash - it is clean. Unless, of course, do not drive an Audi in the fields bittercress and dill. But even then, would be a dusty trunk and rear glass, plus a couple killed in head-on collision of clean beetles. Meanwhile, there naturally melts steel, coal is extracted from the metal to make car mad German quality and quantity. How to make a lot of things - from excavators to tunnel boring machine. And the fruits of this activity does not settle on your faces and your car on the fuselages. Phenomenon? Phenomenon. Here I am to him and humbly point out, and did not want to draw his wife a sum Forbes (say, and it's better than the procurator, or worse?). And here comes Vasilievich, Head of Publishing House, Car, and said: "What have you got there in the back wing - a scratch or something shiny?" We all turned cold here, we know that the champagne will have to fall in one cute boy leg of Audi of Russia. No, Vasilich washed it yesterday as a black car on its own smeared mud had settled overnight. That's what it is. I understand that they have there, in the Odintsovo district, everything is different: fresh air, horses, and the divine beauty of his wife and mistress ugly rich, smart kids and clean hands. Hardworking servants of the black armored utretsa drayut Audi A8. And then, with flashing lights, they go to work. Well, we do not have servants - we are the servants themselves. We're trying to ride a black car in the city, which does not have to clean living. Why not have? Who the hell knows. Perhaps Dostoevsky to read - it describes the roots of many things. In May, your face can get tanned in the sun Tokyo. In April, it just lights up in the sun in Munich. Do not ask me why - perhaps there is no machine that they spoil in the city: architecture, air, lawns, parks are cut down for construction. There are people in Shanghai, ride bicycles. By the way, in Shanghai, as well as in Moscow - a terrible environment. So, it's not transplanting millions of people with Audi A8L on a bike, but something else. When we washed it again and went to put the parking lot, it turned out that on the lawn, only the lawn, which was near our house, the trees are stripped SAAB and some dead Russian machine of the "nine". Taki was right Odintsovo Head - The trouble with machines! Meanwhile, the cost to write that the A8L not like to stop, have to stop. Once in Leningrad, where traffic police secretly replaced the sign "70" to mark "40", and even if you're going 70 (and you go, naturally, more), it has blocked the ban almost doubled. Then naughty little hand reaches for your rights. And the second time - on a single U-shaped turn in Tver in Kamergersky, where the young, but already an avid policeman hiding among the parked jeeps to drop the unfolding of the second row. That is just like that - like do not stop. And if you have "cut the dough MAZ" - instantly. Them with honey, probably only the crust FSOshnye venture. And size does not matter here. Although each owner of Audi's assembly in the measured L enjoys just dimensions. And here is normal, and there zashibis. But when a long ride on it at the wheel, right there in the cabin infest extraneous things. Here's a bag with a gift for his birthday to an old friend, now a leading controversial program of "Maximum" to Gleb. The bag of two vessels, and they roll during braking and acceleration. Lies a dozen copies of his own funny book, which has managed the same issue - is also for friends and journalists. For the wife of a customs officer is a bottle of Calvados, but in a square box, so the cabin does not skate. And I'm afraid that until I peresyadu ago, the number of junk will only increase. You can, for example, to hang back a clean shirt and jacket. We do not wear jackets, then, a jacket in case of inclement weather. And so slowly turn a stunning representation limousine with excellent dynamic characteristics in the likeness of the caravan. That same convoy, which destroyed so fond of my top favorite TV show Top Gear. Well, it's time to wash it again. Because the ride Audi A8L with a dirty hood ugly and how things went.

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