Saturday, October 22, 2011

Everywhere he road

Mercedes has created a machine, most falling under the definition of an SUV, as it should be a shared view. And called it ML.BMW combined in their model X5 rich tradition of active, even sporty driving and off-road performance. But the emphasis has shifted towards the former. The combination of these qualities hidden in the acronym SAV (Sport Activity Vehicle). This year they released their off-road vehicles and Audi. In appearance this wagon model A6, only with larger wheels and extra plates. Is this true? Try to understand. In Ingoldshtadte know a lot about cars with all wheel drive. Even 20 years ago began a career-wheel-drive Audi, and since then the number of cars with the prefix «quattro» in the title of being updated. This year it was already about 30% of the pipeline coming down from Audi. But probably this is not enough. To promote the all-wheel-style model was created Allroad Quattro. The basis for it was won excellent reputation and wide popularity in Europe wagon Audi A6 Avant. Initially, the designers planned to restrict ourselves to simply increasing the clearance and installation of the rear axle air suspension with variable stiffness, but it would mean to create something that already has competition. It was decided to operate on a grand scale. Suspension made active. Pneumatic components, in which air is supplied under pressure to 1850 bar, make it possible to change the clearance of the vehicle in a wide range. There are four options for control that can fully entrust the automation, or else set the desired level manually. To do this you just press a corresponding button on the front. Standard ground clearance is 192 mm. It is necessary to disperse the car for more than 80 km / h, as the LCD display, placed on the dashboard will display information on the lowering of body height above the ground to 167 mm. After 120 km / h the process is repeated, and the machine is pressed against the road is already up to 142 mm. The reverse process occurs in the same mode at lower speeds. For the motion of the lane you need to change the ground clearance, respectively, in a big way. After pressing the management to the front of the clearance will reach 208 mm. This is a very impressive numbers, considering the fact that such legendary vehicles as Range Rover, this rate of only 2 mm larger. And most of the popular "SUV" - 200 mm. Findings do sami.No significant increase in ground clearance affects an increase in the center of gravity vehicles, and accordingly on its stability. Therefore, when the body position Allroad in the top two levels of automatically activated Stability Program ESP. If necessary, tweak the trajectory of her car. In addition, increased ground clearance occurs only if the computer, analyzing the speed and stability of the vehicle, considers it safe. But it is important for high-speed driving on the highway. And on a bad road will not go fast. In the mud, this beautiful car will look somewhat alien, but feel at home. Credit for this goes not only and not much ground clearance as a good wheel drive system. In the Audi A6 Allroad quattro driveline is applied with a permanent four-wheel drive. As an inter-axle differential are used Torsen. This is a completely mechanical device has several advantages over viskomufty and differentials with electronic lock, the main one being - immediately triggered. Torsen is based on the principle of the worm gear. When driving on asphalt, it distributes torque between the axles 50/50. If you have one wheel slippage the moment of "being transferred" to the wheels of the axle, which has the best grip in the proportion 75/25.V an option on the Allroad offers climbing gear, which "divides" the gear ratios of 1.54 times. Downshift button on the left in gear selector. The car itself will be selected from a fairly serious off-road, or it starts to move much easier with a heavy trailer. By the way, its maximum allowable weight may be 2300 kg. A good supply of traction provides any of the two provided for this model engine. The more powerful - a 2.7-liter gasoline engine with two turbochargers, each with a separate charge air cooler. torque on off-road, large and stable. In the speed range from 1800 to 4500 rev / min remains at 350 Nm! Marketers Audi promise great success at the North American market cars with this engine. But the Ukrainian amateurs active lifestyle also will not pass its adherents vnimaniem.Dlya diesel engine offers a 2.5-liter turbodiesel V6. Thanks to direct fuel injection and turbine his power is 180 hp and maximum torque is achieved at 1500 rev / min and remained unchanged up to 2500 rev / min. Through this selection of interesting decisions to be very unique car. Allroad quattro surely entice many of his harsh exterior. This machine can be an excellent complement to the style of a confident and successful businessman, who also loves his family visits to the country.

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