Thursday, October 20, 2011

Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

CAR pleasantly surprised. At first glance, but changed the radiator grille (now with all the "sixes" double - so far so sported only eight-cylinder version), and lighting. The headlights have transparent windows and tail lights slightly rounded. But at the resemblance to its predecessor, the car began to look more elegant and perfect. The new "six" improved comfort, and now she immerses occupants in an atmosphere of absolute pleasure and comfort. Do not allow external factors disturb the idyll in the car. Spoil the mood of the driver, "A6" now can not either bad roads or even the dirty air. Ecology in a single press avtomobileNemetskaya knowingly compares the eastern lands of Germany with a bottomless pit, which lost money mad. No matter how many billions of marks or spend the western neighbors in support of colleagues from the East, they continued to live much poorer. And the cars in the former GDR is much worse than that of western compatriots. Meet here chadyaschimi "Trabant", as before - in the order of things. Here I am, just to check out the small town of Weimar on a brand new "Audi A6", suddenly underwent a miracle chemical attack vehicles GDR times. Stretching for the "Trabant" cloud of exhaust fumes was so impressive, though the road threw a smoke bomb. In such situations, I usually try to immediately turn on the machine mode of the internal circulation. Moscow I know from experience: it is necessary to miss the second, as the air in the cabin will be immediately poisoned. But now, as an evil hesitated - perhaps because the road was unfamiliar. And prepared to hold your breath, and then, well ahead of "skunk", well ventilate cabin ... But at this point, internal circulation will turn on automatically! I sighed in relief - the car will take care of protecting my lungs from harmful gases. It turns out, worked the latest climate control system with outdoor air quality sensor, which will be installed on all new "A6". It is like a wild animal with acute sense of smell can distinguish the smell of danger in advance. And not necessarily just the exhaust. Agree to spoil the mood at the wheel may well be other unpleasant-smelling substance. I, for example, when traveling to the country sometimes forget that the path near the road is a farm. Think of it only when plugging your nose is too late. And the owner of "Audi A6" simply can not think of such things as odors, entrusting the "intelligent" sensor to understand, that stinks, and that - no. ... As soon leave on a free highway, leaving behind the unfortunate "Trabant", as climate control again switched to standard mode. And I carefully played the role of a businessman, just change its "A6" a new one. Constantly caught myself thinking that if the external differences are minimal, the interior - very noticeable. I really like just moved to another machine. No, my "past" was also extremely good - easy to operate, smoothly and comfortably on the move. Such a pedigree and are supposed to be a model business class, on which representatives of the bourgeoisie and the move successful managers. I really enjoyed each trip. But just sitting in a modernized "six", I realized: it was the perfect comfort engineers "Audi" managed to significantly improve. For those who have not been in East Germany, said: not all roads there had to alter to Western standards. There are quite Russia's size potholes and pitfalls. However, the wheel-to-date "A6", they felt less than the previous version. More flexible chassis readily swallows bumps. In a word, coming from the western to the eastern lands, the "A6" new generation of first and any differences will not notice. The road will seem the same level, and the air - very clean, despite the presence of GDR machinery and old plants. On the pits not remind even sounds - in contrast to the previous "A6", the novelty appeared "meaty" sealing the doors, which effectively dampen external noise. Thicker side glass and steel. As a result of sound insulation has reached a level representative of the model. 1.200 miles - on one zapravkeBolshinstvu businessmen are known to have no time. Therefore, the company "Audi" offers its customers economize extra minutes, rarely stopping to refuel. As you probably guessed, this is a diesel car. Vzhivshis role in the busy executive, I asked myself an open mind: "What version of the updated model would have chosen for each day?" And without hesitation, replied: "Of course, touring with the latest turbo 2.5-liter V6, a complete set of transmission" Multitronik. "Stepless variator Previously, this could be ordered only on models with petrol engines. Now, for the first time in the world," Audi "Match a drivetrain with a diesel engine. By choosing this car, the buyer immediately catches not even two but three birds with one stone. First, he becomes the owner of a practical and relatively high-speed machines. turbodiesel capacity of 155" horses "easily raskochegarivaet car to 212 km / h - good results even for many petrol versions. Second, the owner does not just save fuel, but also gets a fantastic reserve. chasing the German autobahns, I could barely believe the onboard computer, which recorded the fuel consumption of about 6 l/100 km! But looking into the data sheet, saw that car and, though remarkably economical. At one gas station is quite possible to cover a distance of about 1,200 km! elegant body "A6" continues to be one of the standards in business class. Third, because of the "Multitroniku" the car is moving extremely slowly, without disturbing the general feeling of the highest comfort. gears in the transmission there. Driving "A6" with CVT reminded me of trips to the jet. you press the accelerator - and the machine is absolutely smoothly picks up speed, getting in the end to the regime of maximum speed. However, the ability to combine diesel with "Multitronikom" - not the only surprise. The family of petrol engines also have been important changes. more powerful and economical engines were upgraded and 2.7 volume of 2.4 liters. Finally, for the new items are two completely new engines who migrated to the "A6" with the latest "A4" - four (2 liters) and V6 (3 liters). Personal driver is always at kontrolemModerniziruya "A6", the experts "Audi" thoroughly studied the needs of their customers, trying to please them in every way. analyzed who uses a car, and how this model. And certainly found: public and commercial institutions often buy "A6" as an official vehicle. Often, the "host" goes with the hired driver. The machine can be completely "booster." How can you keep track of all travel? What if your personal driver is using a prestigious vehicle for personal purposes? Off doubt! now for car service can be installed virtually total control. You do not have to hire a private detective. It is enough to order a new option "lokbuk" - e-book recording trips (alas, in Russia, the system does not work). "Lokbuk" - this is the know-how "Audi". Such stuff is not in any car! Associated with navigation system, the system automatically logs all points at which the car traveled. At any convenient time head of the firm be able to find out where and when he went without a driver. There is a system perfectly, writing in the memory of all of your movement. I was able to travel around Weimar, stop in the nearby town of Erfurt - "lokbuk" carefully noted all the points. I can imagine how overjoyed zealous owner buy such car. Left flights are now excluded. suspicions and doubts - too. There remain some fun. From the pleasant trips and just the feeling that you have - business class car is really the highest standard.

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