Sunday, October 23, 2011

Little fashionista

"Make a small fashion Audi, not such as A3, - strict car lacks expression, while my classmates, like the Alfa Romeo 147, particularly in this respect is not being modest. And it was not such as CT - catchy, but impractical and expensive toy! "In the discussion of bosses and designers stepped marketers. These people are very loving big numbers in the sales rankings, have decided - the man who wants a car in the spirit of the Audi TT, but can not afford the latter, should not leave the salon without buying the Audi. Audi Metroproject, or, most likely in the future will be called a novelty, Audi A1, created just for that buyer. The car should be a sort of urban "weasel" and at the same time feel good to express Highway. At this clearly suggests the name of the concept, Metroproject (literally from English - "the project for the city and suburbs"). But there is still one important point - this is the buyer has to find enough arguments in favor of the new, so do not buy in a nearby saloon BMW 1-series ... How much would one? So the first interesting fact - the Germans liked to show their new products away from home. Chinese auto show concept was happy with an Audi Cross Coupe quattro, now is the turn of the rising sun - it was chosen for the presentation of Tokyo Audi Metroproject quattro. Why - is clear: in Japan appreciate high-tech, but their novelty is not offended. Naturally, the first noteworthy postscript quattro concept in the title. Here lies the main news - experts at Audi seriously engaged in "greening" of the machine, and all-wheel drive hybrid model .... It looks like this - a 1.4-liter TFSI engine with 150 horsepower, propelling the front, and an electric motor 30 kW, respectively, the rear wheels. It was no joke - when accelerating electric traction can transfer to the rear wheels up to 200 Nm of torque! Admire the lithium-ion battery electric "heart" can be a window in the floor of the trunk. However, survive if all this splendor to production model - one more question. So far, the hybrid Audi Metroproject quattro promises to accelerate to 100 km / h in 7.8 seconds and reach speeds of 201 km / h. Furthermore, the machine can move at all without the gasoline engine, turned on the electric car in time - of the range is enough for 100 kilometers. All for the sake of caring for the environment and the wallet owner! In appearance Metroproject Quattro many features of the most solid and, consequently, more expensive counterparts. The rear lights "houses" have become a hallmark of recent years, Audi, as well as a huge "shield" grille. Well, no B-pillar clearly indicates that part of the compact will go off the assembly line marked cabriolet in the documents. Metroproject size meets the definition of "compact" full - length of the machine 3910 mm (4239 mm against the BMW 1 series three-door). But impressive for this size wheel base - 2460 mm - leaves no doubt: the small Audi stands firmly on its four "legs". The width of the concept - 1,75 m, height - 1.4 m. Salon Audi not surprises. If the inside does not copy the interior Metroproject TT, then certainly hints at it - it's for sure. The same built around the driver's cockpit, beveled at the bottom of the wheel, "saucers" tachometer and speedometer. Rear passengers sit in individual seats, and control is given to multimedia laptop with a removable device that is hidden in the bottom of the tunnel. Mobile "gadget" is controlled with lots of features - this phone, and mp3-player, and a navigator. This device controls and security systems, allowing you to open and start the car and, among other things, inform the owner, everything is okay with the car in the parking lot. Palter German developers, describing the concept of Audi Metroproject «simple and consistent." If most of the planned comes to the conveyor, the new "unity" of the Audi spoil a lot of blood eminent rivals - What kind of simplicity! First of all Bavarians, who are confident enough to feel the segment of premium compact and unlikely to give up.

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