Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nobless and lick

How easy it was to make luxury cars 80 years ago! Field of technical progress was almost nepahanym, and even the embodiment of a rather simple ideas like the electric starter or heater could attract the attention of potential buyers, becoming for some time, "the exclusive manufacturer." Now, it seems, has invented everything that is possible. But he age of the automotive industry as allows you to create and support a legend. Someone first used the turbo and now putting it on all its models. Someone, by contrast, adheres to strict guidelines and do without it "accessory." Audi has chosen for himself the image of the carrier's most advanced technologies. What has made life designers, who now has a known periodicity something sort of implement. But the simplified life marketers, who always have something to pay attention to the potential client. Antagonist may be considered a kind of Jaguar. From this brand buyers are waiting for a typical British conservatism. They have to remember that real grass is obtained after three hundred years of cutting, and each time the same. And buyers get a welcome tradition - though not losing at the same time, and modern solutions. For example, all-wheel drive. As you know, the closest relative of X-Type - Ford Mondeo. However, Jaguar seriously worked on its most compact model, and the main components are quite different from the "source". Not to mention the appearance: X-Type has a fairly good interpretation of the traditional style. Although not as blatant as the S-Type. Only the main features of the four-representative of the cat family, four lights, liner, frame break the rear doors and a U-shaped slot for the transmission selector lever. The most interesting detail of the interior - seven-inch display. He portrayed remote controls the various systems with the "painted" button can be pressed. Option from which you should refuse - replacing ashtrays "pocket". It does not call for mandatory smoke in the car. Simply closing the ashtray is more appropriate than an open niche. ON-KRUPNOMUNa test we were offered a top version of the X-Type with a three-liter V6. This motor is more powerful force at 31 TFSI to A4. And we've already been thinking about, whether there is in those machines at least something in common, apart from the roundness of the wheels. However, comparison of performance convinced us sufficiently "equality": Audi shorter but faster and harder X-Type A4 only fifty pounds. And for dynamic performance difference at all is vanishingly small. But under the charge of Jaguar frankly admits in a noticeably larger appetite - in the city he wants to almost half a l/100 km higher. It is unlikely that this will make the buyer think the car cost from $ 60 000, but now understand why Audi needed refinements such as FSI. Aura brand makes to take quite fit into the standard class "D" X-Type car as serious. Inside This impression becomes even stronger - an extra 60 mm base effect, and design, they say, inspired. Long lever transmission control goes to conventional U-shaped guide, the dashboard is made of nearly solid piece of wood. Size of the buttons are reminiscent childhood ... ventilation when the levers of our "Moskvich" I had to move both hands, and the "Volga" my father's colleagues, I was afraid to fall under the dashboard and there is not never get out. In the X-Type I fall nowhere, but a slight feeling of "daddy's car" is. Moreover, and on the move, too. The pedals, steering wheel and shifter, it seems, have little free play. But when his choosing, an effort should be enough to make tangible. Such honest "mechanistic" in retro style. Ponderous floor the accelerator pedal did not affect the impressions of the dynamics of dispersal - quite the contrary. You just feel that makes the engine work, and he spent a fraction of a second on consciousness "order", willingly does that job. What an intelligent report version of what the other car we would call a "roar". The suspension, too, was of the same nature: first, it is more immediacy than the German, informs us about the small bumps. But the big swallow more confident. The boss will be pleased. MYSTERIOUS PROGRESS "Our" A4 was equipped with the latest engine with FSI and turbo. Plus quattro and tiptronic - it is now difficult to imagine without all-wheel drive Audi. At least among those who give to the tests in Russia. Back to notice the modest sign S line ... Yeah, who picked up the test fleet, made sure to match suspension features a 200-strong motor. And rightly so: not to say that the car just jumps out from under the driver, but gaining speed is directly proportional to the movement of the pedal. There is appropriate and slightly reduced ground clearance and a somewhat more rigid bumpers. However, the question came up without too much bigotry, so you can pull in relative peace from Moscow more than a hundred kilometers. The sound engine does not flinch, and makes heart beat faster. Although even at not too great desire to be found in it a healthy touch of sport, but nothing more. People obviously have taken care of Audi that would be part of the buyers still thought of S4. Or the A4 DTM Edition, which is more powerful (220 hp) version of the same engine. A "simple", A4, even with the engine to receive the title "Engine of the Year" - quite dynamic, but still more everyday car. Clarity of the reactions and feelings on the steering wheel and pedals can cope with it quite confidently and with pleasure. Features TFSI? Besides the fact that with two liters was withdrawn almost the same power as a conventional engine for a quarter of more, nothing else is almost negligible. Turboyama successfully "filled up" the program control unit. Actually, for most new technologies no difference in the perception of consumers - almost a compliment. A cost ... Well, yes, we read about it on And some were glad that they have caused our visit Moscow air a little less damage than some others. The idea of ??direct injection of gasoline in automobiles is not new: it was first implemented in 1951. But only in the mid-90s Mitsubishi ventured first to begin mass production of motors with the injection (GDI). And now these companies a bit. One of them - a group of Volkswagen, which has chosen to name his system Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI). Due to the fact that the mixture is formed directly in the cylinder, you can increase the compression ratio - that is what made attractive for FSI racing Audi. And in those modes where the motor does not require maximum efficiency, using stratified mixture formation (the very Stratified). Due to special treatment and injection form of piston in the cylinder gives rise to two types of fuel-air mixture: normal - around the candle (to better ignited) and is strongly depleted (for fuel economy) - in other zones. It's a shame ARISTOKRATIZMTraditsionnye details are not always as easy as looking at the brochures. Elegant polished dark wood bar, it turns out perfectly reflects the far side of the road and running away with joy "makes it into the eye of the driver." Being unaccustomed annoying. We seem to have found a second argument for tinting windows tightly. First we once gave a taxi driver: "And not to be seen if the money I believe." Among other drawbacks aristocratic parts - masking key central locking. On a less well-born brands sometimes condescend so far as to put it on a console. In the X-Type has to press the button next to the handle. But we simply finding fault. But the lack of separate climate control is more than strange. Where to watch Ford? After all, even on the Focus is available! Or is it just a hint of what X-Type - a real driver's car and the passengers there are secondary? Why, then, in an audio system it is possible to focus the sound into three zones: the driver, front passenger and rear seat? There is almost a must today have neglected mode of "manual" switch, but you can use engine braking lower gear range. They are located on the left "branch" of the guide and thus resemble the steptronic BMW - the farther forward, the lower level. KLASSIKAAvangardizm simple in technology and in recent years came expressive body design does not interfere with Audi to use in the interior of almost classical solutions. By unpretentious ideas we sometimes want to find fault. In fact, about this salon has absolutely nothing to write - you forget about it five minutes after the out of the car. This can be considered a compliment: it does not notice what is happening exactly as it should. Our critical ardor cools when it comes to quality of performance - consistently excellent. Even some old-fashioned (already) matrix displays audio and climate control we move with ease - they are quite informative and well written in the style of the car. However, one piece of advice we can offer! Metallic strip passing through the instrument panel, and its continuation on the doors look different. Careful comparison shows that the color they are absolutely identical, but they are perceived differently because of the fact that the light falls from different angles. Maybe it's worth the technologists to consider and make these items from materials differing colors - precisely so that they looked the same.

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