Friday, October 21, 2011

The new Audi A4

The latest Audi A4 sedan at one centimeter above its predecessor. And believe me, acceleration of this model is not limited to geometric changes. Sixty miles north of Munich on the main plant in Ingolstadt, Audi, under the high roof bodies producing fast, accurate and nearly silent moves eleven hundred robotic welders. Their job is simple: 3200 parts, 6200 touches the electrodes, six feet of laser and argon-arc welding - and ready light and strong body with a modern silhouette. What is it - Sedan Audi A6? No, before you a new Audi A4. To verify this, we must look closely at the already assembled the car and noticed a transparent optical caps headlights three "guns", characteristic for the new "quartet". And looking back on the A4, it should be noted that the rounded trunk slightly shortened compared to the A6 - its like a cut, removing the "extra" metal two movements a huge tool. "Vnutrifamilnoe" likeness now in vogue. Look at the Mercedes S-and C-Class, Volvo S80 and S60 - where the same picture. But in the Audi A4, it seems, the trend has reached almost to the absolute! The new combination of instruments is beautiful, but small scale now moved down Describe the interior for those who over the past fifteen years has ever sat behind the wheel of cars Audi, it makes no sense. The owner of the previous generation Audi A4 will find in their seats all the familiar buttons, levers and displays. The most interesting thing is that this recognition trehsotprotsentnoy almost every detail is worked out by designers in the cabin again! For example, the combination of instruments here is not quite the one we call "vsefolksvagenovskoy." Two major scale on it still divided the rectangular window display. But the two small circles of auxiliary equipment (fuel and coolant temperature) is now attached to the main dials not from above but from below. In addition, they act out a little, which makes the whole combination of volume and sporty charm. And of course, Audi A4, as well as many modern cars in this class, was spacious. Seated in the front passenger seat, I stretched out his legs with delight - a niche goes deep into the engine compartment. Here is one of the advantages of linking with the longitudinal arrangement of the power unit, which the creators of the Audi 80, A4, and then choose to have that decade! And if you change seats back, between your knees and the back of the front seat found considerable reserve space. Of course, not as big as the Audi A6, but it is enough to not hesitate to use A4 as, say, a company car. The only pity is that the back of the backrests of front seats lined hard plastic and is devoid of the usual pockets. As for technique, here the radical changes have occurred. Longitudinal power units, four-link front suspension, quattro all-wheel drive versions of the transmission with a mechanical limited slip differential Torsen - all as the previous machines the fourth series. But there are differences. For previous "fours" were provided for two different rear suspension - in the quattro version of the rear wheels were suspended on a few levers, and front-wheel drive sedans were content with simple little semi-independent scheme with associated longitudinal arms. Now, all sedans Audi A4 - and front-and four-wheel drive - have an independent multi-link suspension on all wheels. And on the front-wheel "fours" in general there is no conventional "machine"! Yes, five-speed tiptronic automatic transmission only with the version of the Audi A4 V6 quattro. And the owners monoprivodnyh machines now offer a more interesting transmission - CVT klinotsepnoy multitronic. Remember loud debut of continuously variable transmissions for sedan Audi A6 2.8 (see AR № 20, 1999)? Twenty years spent on the development of "multitronika" were not in vain. Unique wedge-chain, which produces exclusively for Audi, German company Luk, has a half times greater carrying capacity than used in all other automotive variator V-steel strap. While the chain is able to transfer between the pulleys of the variator torque to 310 Nm and provide a smooth, up to six times, changing the gear ratio. In conjunction with the multitronic transmission optimized design it allows for the first time in automotive history to bring the energy loss in the variator to the theoretical minimum. Therefore razgonnaya dynamics of cars with "multitronikom" is not very different from the parameters of machines with manual transmissions! A fuel consumption even a little lower. It can not deliver either one of the world's production of hydro-mechanical "machine" ... So when it was the turn to choose the first machine for full-time acquaintance, I have no hesitation took the Audi A4 2.0 multitronic. I wonder how to behave in a pair of variator with a new two-liter 130-strong dvadtsatiklapannoy "Quartet"? After a barely perceptible stimulus activated multi-plate clutch Variable speed Audi budge. "Multitronik" works perfectly: from the "machine", he inherited the ease of management, but from a manual gear box - a rigid connection between the engine and driving wheels. With changes in gear ratio is going faster and, of course, more smoothly than a normal step "automatic". Plus, the "brains" with adaptive logic to instantly adjust to the style of driving the driver. Never mind that there is a dedicated sports mode - after a few active acceleration and deceleration tachometer needle jumps to the zone of maximum thrust immediately after pressing the accelerator pedal, and when you reset the gas starts to CVT is very effective engine braking. By the way, the engine sound, monotone "singing" with heavy acceleration at high speeds, the Audi A4 is not annoying. Therefore, an acquaintance of Variable speed subcompact "Japanese" feeling of traveling by car stalled with clutch does not arise. And if the CVT bored, you can go into manual mode and switch in series six fixed "gear" - or a floor selector lever, or two comfortable buttons on the steering wheel «+/-». The new 130-strong "Four" 2-liter weighs only 129 kg - is one of the best in its class two of the three gasoline engines - new: a two-liter inline-"four" 130 hp and three-liter engine V6, which develops an impressive 220 hp Both of the new power units are literally larded with all technological advances minders Audi - they have an aluminum block, five valves per cylinder, variable intake tract length and variable valve timing. In a three-liter engine is a special mechanism rotates both the camshaft in each cylinder head, and in two-liter engine only change the intake phase. Reduce vibration balancer shaft. By the way, the blocks are cast on the V6 engine technology that experts acquired concern VW engineering company Cosworth previously used for the production of racing engines: mold constantly turn over, to avoid voids in the casting. 1.8T turbo upgrade has undergone a minor and still develops 150 hp The four-cylinder turbo diesel 1.9 TDI with pump-injector individual develops 130 hp and already installed on the VW Passat. A turbo 2.5-liter V6, forced from the previous 150 hp up to 180 hp, has migrated from the Audi A8 and A6. In short, variable even in a car with two-liter engine - that's great. But a few times on the steep climbs of protracted, I still felt a lack of power - CVT honestly held tachometer pointer at the speed of maximum power, but the car barely slows down even with the pedal "in the floor." Yet the new car much harder - the mountain has to push the 1345 kg curb weight ... But if we take the same Audi A4 2.0, but with the "mechanics"? At the same lift with a manual machine with no problems pulling in third gear and the second, even gaining speed. On the other hand, the elasticity of the Audi with the CVT seems to be definitely wins ... Ah, would doterpet until spring when the ice melts on the roads of the landfill. Then again, we take two cars and arrange a duel with automatic transmission measurements - multitronic against the "mechanics". Ride on the Audi A4 with a manual, I found one more argument in favor of "multitronika." Unfortunately, the clutch on the new Audi fourth series remained a long-stroke - in terms with his left foot all the time I touched his knee steering. Yes, and clarity of gear on the car such a high level could be higher. This fact alone may induce an automatic transmission in order ... Of the five engines offered, I had to try three of the most interesting. With regard to the latest powerful turbo diesel, in Russia for them so far are cool. But the diesel V-shaped "Six", which in the working volume of 2.5 liters develops quite "gasoline" in the power of 180 horsepower - is something incredible. Minor problems in moving easily compensates powerful pickup is at 1600 rev / min. And the mid-range turbo his mind bending torque of 370 Nm just works wonders. True, after 4000 r / min motor "goes out", so have to change gears frequently. By the way, Audi A4 2.5 TDI is available so far only with six "mechanics" and the only version of quattro. Already mentioned the new two-liter gasoline engine with 130 hp until the power unit will be "entry level". In this role he is very good - allows you to ride and comfortable, leisurely, and even aggressive. Curiously, about a year will be a replacement for the 101-strong 1.6-liter engine that was mounted on the previous Audi A4. Frankly, the new A4 with the engine until I can not imagine. After all, the car weighs almost as much as the big Audi A6! No, such a machine most suitable engine - a new three-liter V-shaped "six" 220hp Excellent traction on the "lower classes", with powerful acceleration in activity after 3000 r / min, a nervous thoroughbred tenor from under the hood ... Class! This car was a four-wheel drive transmission, and during the trip was just to drizzle rain. But when I took a "low start" (full throttle and the "game" the clutch pedal), Audi A4 3.0 quattro «fired" as a gun - with virtually no slippage, although the moisture under the wheels! By the way, judging by first impressions, all-wheel drive Audi A4 retains the habits of senior colleagues: under the hood in a slippery turn it slowly moves outward. Boring, but safe. But in all other modes of vehicle makes one forget about the boredom. New Audi A4 - like a tight bundle of energy. To the best of the elastic wheel, clear and quick response, low body roll - and it is very high smoothness. In Ingolstadt, very proud of the fact that all the levers of the front and rear suspension of the new Audi A4 made of aluminum alloy and is significantly reduced unsprung weight. And the suspension set up perfectly. But ... Whether the mood was not "drayverskogo," whether it's Audi A4 inspired me peace of mind in a different way - did not want to rave about at all, even on a three-liter four-wheel drive car. "Adult" car. Excellent seats, excellent sound insulation (such as engineers assure Audi, just double door seals and bottoms-designed aerodynamics reduce internal noise level by 6 dB), well-interior - it seemed to me that the owner of the Audi A4 will be the main it is these values. So the similarities with the Audi A6 is not limited to a single design and layout features. Development of self-esteem ingolshtadtskih machines "in the blood." However, the accents will be possible only after the new Audi A4 will be in Moscow in the face of formidable opponents - of course, it's Mercedes C-Class, BMW of the third series and Volvo S60. The only pity is that the wait will have until the following spring - before the new Audi A4 to us through official channels do not get. But the main advantages are obvious Audi. First - quattro. Second - reasonable prices. The old "four» c engine 1.6 or 1.8, and front-wheel drive can be bought in Moscow for $ 25,000. Accurate Russian prices has not been announced, but we know that new car with a two-liter engine will cost a bit more expensive. True, standard on the Audi A4 and will include climate control, and dynamic stabilization system ESP, Brake Assist and Brake Assist. What next? It is known that the new Audi A4 Avant wagon will be on the pipeline is not earlier than one year, and until then will be issued on the basis of the old wagon "quartet". And then may appear and coupe, and convertible, and maybe even a five-door hatchback. Well, the "charged" version of the Audi S4 will have to wait at least half a year

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