Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The fruit of progress

Up to then still went progress behold it, the magic of high technology. You may not like the design of Volkswagen or Audi, you can assume that these machines arbitrarily conservative, but ... This box with two clutches are no more, no one in the world. You start the engine, distort the selector lever in "Drive", takes foot off the brake - the car and leans forward as if to "automatic". But this is not "automatic". Pressing the gas pedal brings to life well-established processes of change "up" without breaking the flow of power. The first enabled, the second at the ready - it has gears in mesh, and electronics is just waiting the moment to quickly unlock the package first clutch coupling and simultaneously link the second coupling, transferring torque "from hand to hand." And off we go. The second included - the third is being prepared. The third involved - the pickup is on the fourth. When DSG gearbox comes to the highest, sixth gear, at the same time it includes the fifth - that in which case the point was immediately thrown over her shesterni.U I already had the opportunity to evaluate this powerplant - a stylish hood coupe Audi TT 3.2 DGS. Powerful high-torque and "six" with a beautiful aristocratic sound, all-wheel drive with Haldex clutch in unit with the rear main gear - and a box of "continuous change» Direct Shift Gearbox. And best of all, enjoy this combination will be the owners of virtually all cars Golf platform - Audi TT was the first, Audi A3 was the second, the new Golf will be the third ... As for the Golf, you will not get ahead of ourselves. But on the Audi A3 3.2 on the same 250-hp engine produces slightly different impression. With a thrust all right - it's more than enough to DSG gearbox through a clutch pereschelkivala two seconds and the speedometer needle was close to fun around 220 km / h - and a bit slower but no less surely reached a "restriction" in 250 km / ch.No sound "suffocated" in vain. At the TT he really winds, resonating in the cockpit close all its overtones. A voice on the A3 engine quieter, but at speeds above 5000 r / min in the salon makes its way annoying buzz. And you want to go more quietly, in other words - pomedlennee.Zato DSG gearbox on the A3 was more like a "smarter". As quietly and quickly it goes through the transfer of the "up" as readily fall "down" with a sharp pressing the gas pedal ... Two modes is enough for our eyes to all occasions. For normal driving, including a very dynamic, quite simply "drive". If a winding serpentine front, can be translated on the lever in position S - and the box will go on "sports" algorithm, which is a really athletic. The motor will spin up to maximum speed, with short gas discharge box will "hold" the transmission, allowing the effective engine braking. When decelerating before superelevation DSG with a "delicious" peregazovkami time connects lower ... But if the electronics a bit confused, was not included in rate, you can take control - "reducing" the transfer of paddle on the steering wheel under his left arm and "improving" them in the same lobe on the right. And it can be done not only from the "manual" mode, but also from the "drive". If, for example, before overtaking move ahead with a sixth to third, then the clever DSG will keep her in ten seconds. And then, if activism has not followed the gas and overtaking is not held, the box back in the automatic rezhim.Dostoin whether the new Audi A3 a great powertrain? Version 3.2 - the most powerful of the "treshek." Suspension "understated" and "tightened up" - the car is closely pressed to the pavement in the hope of reciprocity and eagerly shaking at tiny bumps near-perfect German coverage. Banks are missing (so far heel with such a clearance?), The reaction quickly and clearly. If you go active when entering the turns begins to show noticeable understeer: Still ahead under the hood - a heavy "six." But that does not stop having fun, shifting from a bend in the Audi virazh.Elektrousilitel steering, which is put on all new golf platform works well - informative, in principle, suffice. Especially when the car goes in a straight line - in these moments of power to the servo motor is not supplied. But then you start turning the steering wheel, power "wake up" - and you are not expecting this "relief" at the wheel dokruchivaesh few extra degrees. Because of this, Audi goes better than you like, and you have a little "dissolve" rul.Eto, of course, nuances - Electric Power for the Audi still is much clearer and more intelligent than, say, a BMW Z4. By the way, largely because the electric motor rotates is not the steering shaft, and an extra gear that moves left and right steering rack - in parallel with the main shesterney.Tormoza excellent (Of course, with front discs 345 mm in diameter!). Ergonomics is flawless - you sit in the "lyuftganzovskom" chair upholstered with gray skin, like a glove. The interior is striking not chic, but is made with a modest and vkusom.Horoshy car! But expensive. In Germany - from 40 000 euro per car with the "mechanics" of up to 42 thousand euros for the version of DSG. And we have Audi A3 3.2 will, as usual, even more expensive ... No, we have six-cylinder "treshki" unlikely to have a good demand. Rather, it will buy a more modest version - for example, with two-liter 150-strong "direct" motor FSI.Kstati in conversations with dvigatelisty Audi interesting details were revealed. The fact is that at the debut of Audi A3 in the specification version 2.0 FSI was black and white: "fuel - gasoline with an octane number of 98". We are certainly disappointed. Direct injection gasoline Fuel Stratified Injection, increased compression ratio and lean-burn operation - it is certainly great. Fuel economy and all that. But even in Moscow the 98th petrol is not at every fueling. But already in the "regions" ... But it turns out that the "immediate" engines VW / Audi can run both on petrol A-95, and without any damage to the motor. So why is this not mentioned in the presentation of technical specifications? It turns out it's the environment. When FSI engines operate at low loads, they eat lean combustible mixture - and emit more nitrogen oxides NOx, which are accumulated in a special "filter". The filter must be periodically "burn", which electronics from time to time gives the motor to work on enriched mixture. If you are working on low-sulfur gasoline 98th periods between cycles of maximum - about 3,000 km. Accordingly, the passport cost and toxicity of a car with a FSI engine also achieves a 98-m benzine.A on our high sulfur fuel cycles of "regeneration" will be shorter than ten times that some increase in fuel consumption. Well, let them. The main thing is that the 95th can still be poured. This means that Russia can safely buy Audi A3 2.0 FSI - this car is a bit cheaper than the version V6. Incidentally, the new "treshke" 1.8 Turbo engine is no longer - in the future will be only 200-strong version of the 2.0 Turbo, also with direct vpryskom.A the "most basic" engine for the Audi A3 is a 105-strong 1600-cc. Not enough? Soon the check - in Moscow, these machines have already appeared.

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