Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shire step

Aluminium around. I smile at the sun, and it is reflected in the quilted rivet the wing. Sheathing swollen joints between patches, giving spars, ribs, and stringers all that sag, but we will carry over the sea. On small metal crawl rushing from nose to tail and back of the wave disturbances. "Ba-bamm", and away - to reflect, shape, resonate: taken aboard another case, a monster of the Roman ladies. Here she is thin mints its duralumin pins: God bless the women's grace! Do not let them break the plane: he's so thin, because to be propped up knees legkim.Moi someone disgruntled back, and the left hand does not even try to qualify on the edge of the armrest. The plane from Rome to Sardinia - such as bus: aggressive-economic class. Well, that all this is only half an hour: fly to the new Audi A4, and everything will be different - no tightness and "aluminum round!" Steel will be laser welded. Steel standard, steel poprochnee, steel is very durable and steel ultraprochnaya. Creating a new body "quartet" on the Audi usual care for weight loss. As a result of these investigations ... did not become widely used light alloys, in which the firm taming process spent a great deal and a lot of work. Do not use the fact of what the company has a global priority and a great experience. The reason - the progress of "black" metallurgists and engineers. Openwork steel structure appeared lighter and stronger alloy, thanks, in particular, the use of ultraprochnyh doped with boron steel. Details of which represent the technological ceiling, accessible by road engineers. And they had to touch it to make the body of the new "quartet" wider and longer, stronger and tougher. At the same time - the former is easier! This is a general trend, and a new car perfectly illustrates the situation. A4 - the main vehicle for Audi. He defines success, and expresses the overall strategy of the firm, continues its offensive on all fronts, from R8 to A8. And at the same time, she - A4, with all the power wrench in the future, fit into the overall technical and technological trend Audi, which can be traced back to their cars in recent years. A4 - not a revolution! But at first glance that may seem! Because the total evolutionary line of the firm today is so cool rushing up that step on it already looks like a leap. I can vouch for all - from the smells and sounds to the handling and balance - you can just imagine before meeting the "living" machine. Thus, the firm is not going to reduce speed. Welcome to the future of young European premium segment, has become real for Audi. In the course now is entirely different article as long as more familiar class above. A4 is now broad and squat: the car put on all dimensions except height. Ah yes proportions: they are so lacking in recent years. A4 person - also quite different. As before, the car is growing of the grille, citing prewar Grand Prix race cars Auto Union, which led to more victories Bernd Rozmaera. There are still lines on the body - a necessary minimum, and proportion - are indisputable. But the couple revealed chased the devil, but delineated the corners, and innocence is no longer smells like boredom or unisex. Today in the shape of cars stood out male passion tamed steel composure for the sake of harmony. Business suit oblagarazhivaet, but does not hide MOSCH3.2 V6 - the top line of gasoline, which, in addition, a large atmospheric engine, there is only the other extreme: a modest 160-horsepower 1.8T. In a private conversation with the developers found out that gorgeous 2.0 TFSI is not forgotten. He still appears on the "quartet", but later. On the other hand will be stronger and clearer than now. The initial power for Audi A4 - 143 two-liter diesel power from the unit. Powerful motors for heavy fuel oil - two. V6 2.7 and 3.0 - 190 and 240 hp. with. соответственно.Трансмиссии three possible types ("mechanics" CVT "automatic") or transmit torque to the front axle, or both, using a system of Quattro all-wheel drive with limited slip differential interaxable Torsen. As you can see, without a revolution in the engine room, but all units are perfect. "Mechanics" and "machine» Tiptronic changed invisibly to the consumer: they were both very good, but the CVT Multitronic added significantly. Now, for convenience, he caught up with the traditional "automatic", but still superior to it in effectiveness. The revised arrangement allowed to move forward on the 15 cm front axle. This had a significant impact on how Staley Drive, instantly, linear, fast. The "quartet" cuts straight to the asphalt melting under its German precision, flowing lines of the new standards of control that is available in the low-premium segment. This is a new level. Delays plagued the oscillations are suppressed in their infancy, banks are small, the adoption of maneuver easily. Active dampers, adjustable throttle responsiveness and characteristics of active steering. Yes, Audi leads an active steering wheel in the younger segment! The system is not the most powerful list of features, but the most verified the settings. "Active" steering mechanism is configured so precisely that its presence is simply to forget, but "in the wheel" has always felt qualitative information on the clutch wheel front axle with pokrytiem.Kstati about it - on the front axle. Remember the eighties and 'vosmidesyatku "-" barrel "? And her long ... The long front overhang with a heavy motor in it. Those cars went wonderfully right. The trouble was that the only right (who traveled on them in winter, he knows). Then it is time to A4, and its front overhang has quietly podzhimatsya.Dvigateli continually become easier: weight distribution moves towards geometry and layout for two decades. And yet, even the previous "four" carried with it a little style inherent flying spear. Many had come to terms with a given, but here there was a phenomenal RS4, taking maneuver with ease, causing a desire to look under the hood. Just to make sure the materiality of the V8 under it. The new "four" inherits this tendency: the A4 is not never turned so easily! Big difference separating the sliding properties and monoprivodnyh Quattro cars, has now become considerably less due to how much front-wheel drive versions were tightened. On energy suspension until a word: to model the Russian direction of the European resort complex, but the question for us - one of the key. A concern for any car with a V6. However, with the active suspension is filled in many of the currents flowing through KREMNIYmnozhestva chips. Standards cars mean (following) the class and touch of electronics. "Puck" on the center console, a large screen on the center dash and a lot of menus, submenus for the settings, power, customization, choice ... The stabilization system, active steering mechanism wielding. Active dampers, "overseer" for the lane, adaptive cruise control ... To enumerate all of the Audi had to give us a book, and it is no thinner than our magazine. In the A4 is now all in the car, which can be written to the next grade, it became more everywhere - inside and out. It is the longest in the class base, and it radically changed the lives of the rear passengers. Spatial comfort there is now responsible very indiscreet inquiries. From any point of view of the car is perceived more solid, but slightly different LYuKSstal: changed interior decoration materials. Inside was the "more" design, a sense of "cockpit", but plastic, of which the main panel - simple. Still excellent ergonomics and seat front row. Wide front desk strongly interferes with visibility forward to the left ... An informative talk about the disadvantages of not getting objective: for him, so sorely lacking. We can only admit that the Audi again it worked out!

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