Sunday, October 23, 2011


Maroon Mazda RX-8 rotary engine with a unique. Gold Nissan 350Z. Silver Chrysler Crossfire. Black Porsche Boxster S. Red coupe Audi TT 3.2 quattro c transmission DSG. It is a pity that in this rainbow is missing two colors: BMW Z4 3.0 Mercedes SLK 350 and have been in the suit. But even without these paints are more than enough. Because we started a real Supertest all five cars are expected not only measured at the site, but also blowing in the wind tunnel - and even rides on a circular route in the suburban Myachkovo! Four compartments, a roadster. Three three-door car, one - two-door, one - with four doors. The four cars in front engine, the one - the engine in the middle of the trunk and two in front and behind. Transmissions - three "mechanics", a "machine" and a "robot" with two clutches. Rear and all wheel drive. Finally, the motors. Three V-shaped "Six", a boxer - and two-piece 'rotor'! Full technical pluralism ... But engines are matched correctly - at least, in terms of "sixes". All - 3.2 liters, except nissanovskogo 3.5-liter engine. Is it our fault that the Chrysler (or rather, Mercedes) removes this cubing 218 hp, and Porsche - 280 hp? Therefore compare it with a light heart. Of course, this six-cylinder hosts a little distracting Mazda RX-8, whose rotary-piston engine is called the reduced working volume of 2.6 liters. But develops a "rotor" 231 hp - More than the Chrysler motor.S do we start? With Mazda's rotary? With a low, streamlined Bokstera? With a muscular, tight shot down the Nissan? To no one was hurt, will not follow the spirit, but the letter of the alphabet. Let's start with Audi.Stilnoe coupe based on the "fourth" Golf we have long considered decorative. But behind left early problems with the aerodynamics and controllability and gradual increase in capacity, the modernization of the chassis. Now, on top of the range TT - 250-strong top version. On the surface - very modest. Rear spoiler sticking out here more pronounced, and for good reason - the results of our aerodynamic research, it reduces lift and a half times more than usual. Powerful front "skirt". A pair of nameplates. Everything! Must be the owner of this sad little TT from the fact that nobody knows what his car and a half times more expensive than the neighboring front-drive Audi TT 1.8T. However, to most people every "te-te" - a car out of the ordinary ... you get inside the cave, lined with dark Alcantara and decorated with intricate details. Black roof overhangs superciliary arch Pithecanthropus - Salon seems close, like the inside of leather gloves. But the tightness of this is largely illusory. Place in front enough seats excellent, there is a minimum required current adjustment, and in a good range. And yet here hovers for Audi traditional sense of quality. And after starting the engine, it does not disappear, but only stronger. C how well-considered effort turns black leather "bagel" as well pereschelkivayutsya transfer box DSG, how powerful the engine reacts to the gas at high speed! At the "lower classes" motor pulls too bad, but not so confident. However, to keep the "six" in a tone very easy - you just need to move the selector lever in position mode of transmission DS, and a box will often toss the ruby ??sword tachometer needle, marking a slowdown every momentary switch "down", so even with the spectacular peregazovkoy. "Sport" at the DSG algorithm is so good that shift gears manually there is simply no need! But all the same bets again and pulls a delightfully Short-paddle "petals." And the sound of the engine happy - "Six" sounds softly, softly, but clearly and impressively. Is that on the "lower classes" a little unpleasant engine drone resonates in a steel cubicle cockpit. But the mid-range resonance ischezaet.Klassny car! Suspension a bit stiff, but on asphalt ruts machine takes much away. But on a bad road racing Audi confidently, mitigating impacts at speeds even at 200 km / h. You can operate the machine without straining: the rudder is poured solid reactive force, the chassis responds to the steering wheel turns schooled reactions - accurate, confident and calm. In fast cornering Audi slips out without a hint of a skid. Safety First! Advertisement handsome Chrysler Crossfire care about security, not less - and in style mersedesovsky supplied your stylish car, "partly to disable" stabilization system. However, in reality Crossfire - this is the Mercedes. After all, it is based on the previous-generation SLK. But in appearance it does not say - a sort of Chrysler concept car mysteriously came down on the asphalt with a sinful dealers podium. The ribs on the hood, the gills in the wings, fin rear wing, which, after 80 km / h separated from the sloping back ... Again, it is here - not a whim but a necessity to reduce lift. And if the Audi TT spoiler fixed, the Chrysler wing at speeds below 50 km / h with a buzzing place to fit, so as not to make disturbances in the design verified hooked siluet.A here in the cabin of the designers is not particularly strained. But here they cropped wings Cabin previous SLK. After paddle levers, handles all the buttons on a rectangular console selector familiar "machine" with a winding slot - all located in the same way as in the base Mercedes. That's just made everything much less quality. Turn the handle lyuftyaschie fan and air distribution and feeling with the work of all rods in the interior of the panel, I want to shed a few tears of nostalgia for the Soviet - which means excellent. And Infinity audio system is capable of surprising really that powerful hooting "lower classes" who can not return to normal even with a fully vykruchennymi in the "minus" bass. American Sound, American plastic ... and ergonomics, alas, is irreproachable. Chairs, upholstered suspiciously like a synthetic skin, grieving flat profile and springy, like a suburban fabric chairs. Bagel too big for a sports car and is controlled only on the flight, but not in height. A tall driver when you try to push the chair back too quickly rested in the dead of the partition that separates the cabin from bagazhnika.No to Chrysler nice. Yes, the engine does not show wonders in the "upper" and a five-step "machine" of the previous generation mersedesovskogo rate and adequacy do not keep up with a box of Audi. But actually the engine thrust is enough to start and easy to slip, and for sure on the speed permitted by the Rules of speeds. Yes, the steering is "remote", as used in automobiles Mercedes: increased effort on the steering wheel spoke only on the angle of rotation, and almost nothing - about what is happening under the front wheels. But on the steering wheel is almost "come" vibration from the road. And thanks to the calm reaction and high stability Crossfire securely managed - and even the "unnaturalness" of the jet is not a hindrance. Yes, in steep turns dominates demolition Chuck. But when the wheels hit the sand, then Chrysler can smoothly slid and rear wheels. Strictly in the permitted range, followed by waking the system ESP.A main "mount" the dignity of Chrysler - a smooth ride. In the Crossfire like a normal "civilian" car. Is soft and long-travel suspension swallows bad "stuff" and can not drop the course before the potholes. At the Russian city streets it is difficult to overestimate! Mazda RX-8 - another road concept vehicle, this time definitely Japanese. Elegant "beak" low hood, flared wheel arches with "gills", a rich decorative details optics. In the rear lights - bridge and additional lateral LEDs. In the headlights head light - triangles, in the form of repeating the rotor Wankel engine, Felix. Openings in headrest seats, gear knob, rear fog lights - all triangular, all the "rotary"! Interior is even more interesting. Combination of instruments - three bell with optitronnymi scales. As soon as you open the door, inside the bell begins to smolder barely visible blue light. This - the prelude. Turn on the ignition - devices flash a white and red. But if you include the coverage and pereschelknut wheel control the illumination intensity, the scale of the white will be too red, like arrows! Beauty is not going to harm ergonomics. Beautiful black and red chairs are comfortable, adjustable steering wheel in both directions, squeeze the pedal is capable of very delicate girl, and soon the gears and delightfully korotkohoden pereschelkivaetsya with weapons clearly. The elbow can rest on the tunnel with sliding lid, under which lies a spacious box. The only problem - the location of the handle temperature "climate" and handle "parking brake" on the Japanese style, on the passenger side. Because of this, before you go to better explain "navigator", that he by no means impossible to grasp in-on-one for the handle with a convenient plastic "hilt" ... Stand tunnel goes back, separating the two rear seats. Full! Yes, Mazda RX-8 - the only car out of the current five, capable of seating four adults. Formally, the Audi TT also has rear seats, but a person can fit there, but if you move the front seat all the way. In Mazda - no problem! All you need to land back - first to open the front door to open the rear half of the "gate" prilazhennye on hinges to the rear pillar. Accordingly, leave yourself without having to open the front doors, rear rider also did not smogut.No anyway, Mazda RX-8 - a masterpiece Footprint. Four-seater four-door coupe with a large trunk - and yet with an almost perfect weight distribution half (which we tested, weighing each car to exact scale). After all, a lightweight, compact rotary engine is moved back to the maximum limits wheel bazy.Na idle "rotor" surprises noticeable vibrations - and the unusual sound. Remember howling from the speakers LiAZ buses, which increases with engine speed? Inside, the Mazda rotary sounds similar music, which with the growth speed is replaced by a soft pleasant zhuzhzhaniem.Tyaga "curl" up to 5000 rev / min modest, and the "lower classes" - simply sluggish. Like under the hood of the usual two-liter "four". It was only after the 6000-7000 rev / min, which for a normal engine would have been marginal, the rotary engine produces all that capable, unwinding to an incredible 9250 rev / min! But in everyday life such a characteristic is hardly convenient. After all, to dramatically accelerate to overtake, you should "go down" is not one but two or three transfers by choosing from six - so to get to the cherished "motorcycle" speed zone, but no kink at the same time motor.Shassi set up perfectly. Excellent jet action on the steering wheel, quick response - Mazda alter the trajectory of the willing, like a mid-engine. The suspension is hard, but perfectly "swallows" strikes. But on uneven coating wheel starts to twitch that mazdovskoy acuity and sensitivity requires more attention. Do not relax! However, who said that cars like Mazda RX-8, designed for relaxation? Nissan 350Z sure it does not outwardly sozdan.Dazhe it - a lump of muscle. Stubborn, wicked, vicious. The abundance of design "widgets» Nissan almost the same as the Mazda, but here, we are not triangles, and the letters Z. On doorsteps, on air, floor mats, on the handlebars. And in the rearview mirror, reflecting off the glass tailgate, always shines aluminum plate with the same monogram - it topped with a huge cross, which partitions off the already low bagazhnik.Prekrasnoe leather chair is designed for larger people and frustrated only cushion sub-optimal height adjustment, which moves up and down separately from the back. Steering wheel adjustable for height only, but moves up and down in concert with the combination of instruments - it's not Audi, where the steering wheel hub can cover the display with display modes of "automatic". True, the instrument cluster looks nissanovskaya plain. But the paddle levers - "designer" is unusually thick and korotkie.Bardachka in its accustomed place there - in front of your knees just a passenger sliding cupholder. All containers are here - for the backs of chairs in the partition between the cabin and luggage compartment. There is also built-in subwoofer and sound system: and Nissan, and Mazda are equipped with good acoustics, Bose and "outperform" even German cars, not to mention Krayslere.Dvigatel bears no resemblance to mazdovsky "rotor" - with a nice bass he pulls like a steam engine, even with the idle speed below! Can accelerate "through the transfer." Or "first-third-fifth" or "second-fourth-sixth" - in any case, Nissan is confident ride starts and briskly accelerate. The mechanism of the box too korotkohoden and beads, though inferior mazdovskomu. But with the rapid inclusion of synchronizers, "boil down", and handle much of the motor vibratsiy.Podveska itchy tight: urgent and loud reacts to bumps, badly shaking the car. Reaction - fast, although not as accurate. Steering wheel - "sharp" and resilient, though not as "clean": steering wheel jerking bumps more noticeable than the Audi or Mazde.Slovom on Russian roads Nissan 350Z does not indulge comfort. But the Porsche Boxster S in the same conditions is often even more uncompromising! Boxster S is amazing. Do not design - we are still accustomed to the rounded forms of bio-first-generation roadster, which since then has not changed much. And the interior is not - as compared with the "Japanese" fiction is much less. Trick with two front and rear luggage compartment is also not surprise us: even first-graders now know that the Porsche Boxster - a mid-car and hides his "oppozitnik" behind the seats. Folding roof that retracts electric silent for 20 seconds at a speed of 50 km / h? It is very effective, but soon made his debut coupe Cayman - Boxster c hard top, which will be for Russia aktualnee.Slovom, the entourage for the Porsche is important, but he - not the point. Moreover, the transmission lever surprised most inconvenient - this despite the fact that this machine is registered Short-switching mechanism. Transmission includes a very tight, and move the lever at the same time much longer than the "Japanese", and the effort needed to handle sometimes put in the uncomfortable direction. Add to that a very great effort on the brake pedal, gas, and especially the clutch - and you will understand that the journey through the city on Bokstere hardly looks like a constant loud roar progulku.A engine? Action! That's what good Boxster S. Behind him, behind the seats, in a Porsche living animal. He is fierce. He is ready to stun you mechanical noises in response to each press the gas pedal - and type in the back seat, if the press has been bold enough. Compared with the Porsche even Nissan with its powerful traction fades: Dispersal dynamics version of S is close to superkarovskoy! The same can be said of the chassis. On an even coating Boxster S is flying over the road, with amazing accuracy in response to the deflection. Needless to say, that suspension is the toughest? That the limits of tire adhesion higher than in the rest of the Quartet? The brakes, with their rigid and precise pedal at high speed just seems all-powerful? However, the unevenness pattern changes - Porsche is clearly not designed for the rough roads of Eastern Europe. As soon as the wheels is uneven asphalt, Boxster S is transformed into unbroken horse who jumps from side to side, trying to wrest the steering wheel out of the hands and tortured riders vigorous vertical jolts. And yet there is very little ground clearance, and the same along the entire length because of the aerodynamic flat bottom. The cottage and can not drive ... In the end of ride and noise on Porsche loses to its competitors: the last place after the Nissan. In the middling - Mazda. A comfortable ride of the Audi, and especially in Chrysler. Interestingly, the instrumental measurements indicate the opposite - in the driver's seat Audi TT our most accurate vibromer Bruel & Kjaer has the highest level of vibration acceleration. But we have become accustomed to these differences - the device records the shaking at one point only, to cushion the driver's seat, and sums up all the frequency components are almost without considering the peculiarities of perception of the human body. So that expert opinions are more complex and prioritetny.Mazda RX-8: effective and informative tormozaBoxster S is equipped with upgraded brakes, which are able to develop 12 m/s2 deceleration, but the dynamics of Porsche - the undisputed leader. And on your passport (5.5 with a set time "hundreds"), and subjective feeling, and the results of measurements - 6,0 s and 260 km / h "maximum speed".

Maroon Mazda RX-8 rotary engine with a unique. Gold Nissan 350Z. Silver Chrysler Crossfire. Black Porsche Boxster S. Red coupe Audi TT 3.2 quattro c transmission DSG. It is a pity that in this rainbow is missing two colors: BMW Z4 3.0 Mercedes SLK 350 and have been in the suit. But even without these paints are more than enough. Because we started a real Supertest all five cars are expected not only measured at the site, but also blowing in the wind tunnel - and even rides on a circular route in the suburban Myachkovo! Four compartments, a roadster. Three three-door car, one - two-door, one - with four doors. The four cars in front engine, the one - the engine in the middle of the trunk and two in front and behind. Transmissions - three "mechanics", a "machine" and a "robot" with two clutches. Rear and all wheel drive. Finally, the motors. Three V-shaped "Six", a boxer - and two-piece 'rotor'! Full technical pluralism ... But engines are matched correctly - at least, in terms of "sixes". All - 3.2 liters, except nissanovskogo 3.5-liter engine. Is it our fault that the Chrysler (or rather, Mercedes) removes this cubing 218 hp, and Porsche - 280 hp? Therefore compare it with a light heart. Of course, this six-cylinder hosts a little distracting Mazda RX-8, whose rotary-piston engine is called the reduced working volume of 2.6 liters. But develops a "rotor" 231 hp - More than the Chrysler motor.S do we start? With Mazda's rotary? With a low, streamlined Bokstera? With a muscular, tight shot down the Nissan? To no one was hurt, will not follow the spirit, but the letter of the alphabet. Let's start with Audi.Stilnoe coupe based on the "fourth" Golf we have long considered decorative. But behind left early problems with the aerodynamics and controllability and gradual increase in capacity, the modernization of the chassis. Now, on top of the range TT - 250-strong top version. On the surface - very modest. Rear spoiler sticking out here more pronounced, and for good reason - the results of our aerodynamic research, it reduces lift and a half times more than usual. Powerful front "skirt". A pair of nameplates. Everything! Must be the owner of this sad little TT from the fact that nobody knows what his car and a half times more expensive than the neighboring front-drive Audi TT 1.8T. However, to most people every "te-te" - a car out of the ordinary ... you get inside the cave, lined with dark Alcantara and decorated with intricate details. Black roof overhangs superciliary arch Pithecanthropus - Salon seems close, like the inside of leather gloves. But the tightness of this is largely illusory. Place in front enough seats excellent, there is a minimum required current adjustment, and in a good range. And yet here hovers for Audi traditional sense of quality. And after starting the engine, it does not disappear, but only stronger. C how well-considered effort turns black leather "bagel" as well pereschelkivayutsya transfer box DSG, how powerful the engine reacts to the gas at high speed! At the "lower classes" motor pulls too bad, but not so confident. However, to keep the "six" in a tone very easy - you just need to move the selector lever in position mode of transmission DS, and a box will often toss the ruby ??sword tachometer needle, marking a slowdown every momentary switch "down", so even with the spectacular peregazovkoy. "Sport" at the DSG algorithm is so good that shift gears manually there is simply no need! But all the same bets again and pulls a delightfully Short-paddle "petals." And the sound of the engine happy - "Six" sounds softly, softly, but clearly and impressively. Is that on the "lower classes" a little unpleasant engine drone resonates in a steel cubicle cockpit. But the mid-range resonance ischezaet.Klassny car! Suspension a bit stiff, but on asphalt ruts machine takes much away. But on a bad road racing Audi confidently, mitigating impacts at speeds even at 200 km / h. You can operate the machine without straining: the rudder is poured solid reactive force, the chassis responds to the steering wheel turns schooled reactions - accurate, confident and calm. In fast cornering Audi slips out without a hint of a skid. Safety First! Advertisement handsome Chrysler Crossfire care about security, not less - and in style mersedesovsky supplied your stylish car, "partly to disable" stabilization system. However, in reality Crossfire - this is the Mercedes. After all, it is based on the previous-generation SLK. But in appearance it does not say - a sort of Chrysler concept car mysteriously came down on the asphalt with a sinful dealers podium. The ribs on the hood, the gills in the wings, fin rear wing, which, after 80 km / h separated from the sloping back ... Again, it is here - not a whim but a necessity to reduce lift. And if the Audi TT spoiler fixed, the Chrysler wing at speeds below 50 km / h with a buzzing place to fit, so as not to make disturbances in the design verified hooked siluet.A here in the cabin of the designers is not particularly strained. But here they cropped wings Cabin previous SLK. After paddle levers, handles all the buttons on a rectangular console selector familiar "machine" with a winding slot - all located in the same way as in the base Mercedes. That's just made everything much less quality. Turn the handle lyuftyaschie fan and air distribution and feeling with the work of all rods in the interior of the panel, I want to shed a few tears of nostalgia for the Soviet - which means excellent. And Infinity audio system is capable of surprising really that powerful hooting "lower classes" who can not return to normal even with a fully vykruchennymi in the "minus" bass. American Sound, American plastic ... and ergonomics, alas, is irreproachable. Chairs, upholstered suspiciously like a synthetic skin, grieving flat profile and springy, like a suburban fabric chairs. Bagel too big for a sports car and is controlled only on the flight, but not in height. A tall driver when you try to push the chair back too quickly rested in the dead of the partition that separates the cabin from bagazhnika.No to Chrysler nice. Yes, the engine does not show wonders in the "upper" and a five-step "machine" of the previous generation mersedesovskogo rate and adequacy do not keep up with a box of Audi. But actually the engine thrust is enough to start and easy to slip, and for sure on the speed permitted by the Rules of speeds. Yes, the steering is "remote", as used in automobiles Mercedes: increased effort on the steering wheel spoke only on the angle of rotation, and almost nothing - about what is happening under the front wheels. But on the steering wheel is almost "come" vibration from the road. And thanks to the calm reaction and high stability Crossfire securely managed - and even the "unnaturalness" of the jet is not a hindrance. Yes, in steep turns dominates demolition Chuck. But when the wheels hit the sand, then Chrysler can smoothly slid and rear wheels. Strictly in the permitted range, followed by waking the system ESP.A main "mount" the dignity of Chrysler - a smooth ride. In the Crossfire like a normal "civilian" car. Is soft and long-travel suspension swallows bad "stuff" and can not drop the course before the potholes. At the Russian city streets it is difficult to overestimate! Mazda RX-8 - another road concept vehicle, this time definitely Japanese. Elegant "beak" low hood, flared wheel arches with "gills", a rich decorative details optics. In the rear lights - bridge and additional lateral LEDs. In the headlights head light - triangles, in the form of repeating the rotor Wankel engine, Felix. Openings in headrest seats, gear knob, rear fog lights - all triangular, all the "rotary"! Interior is even more interesting. Combination of instruments - three bell with optitronnymi scales. As soon as you open the door, inside the bell begins to smolder barely visible blue light. This - the prelude. Turn on the ignition - devices flash a white and red. But if you include the coverage and pereschelknut wheel control the illumination intensity, the scale of the white will be too red, like arrows! Beauty is not going to harm ergonomics. Beautiful black and red chairs are comfortable, adjustable steering wheel in both directions, squeeze the pedal is capable of very delicate girl, and soon the gears and delightfully korotkohoden pereschelkivaetsya with weapons clearly. The elbow can rest on the tunnel with sliding lid, under which lies a spacious box. The only problem - the location of the handle temperature "climate" and handle "parking brake" on the Japanese style, on the passenger side. Because of this, before you go to better explain "navigator", that he by no means impossible to grasp in-on-one for the handle with a convenient plastic "hilt" ... Stand tunnel goes back, separating the two rear seats. Full! Yes, Mazda RX-8 - the only car out of the current five, capable of seating four adults. Formally, the Audi TT also has rear seats, but a person can fit there, but if you move the front seat all the way. In Mazda - no problem! All you need to land back - first to open the front door to open the rear half of the "gate" prilazhennye on hinges to the rear pillar. Accordingly, leave yourself without having to open the front doors, rear rider also did not smogut.No anyway, Mazda RX-8 - a masterpiece Footprint. Four-seater four-door coupe with a large trunk - and yet with an almost perfect weight distribution half (which we tested, weighing each car to exact scale). After all, a lightweight, compact rotary engine is moved back to the maximum limits wheel bazy.Na idle "rotor" surprises noticeable vibrations - and the unusual sound. Remember howling from the speakers LiAZ buses, which increases with engine speed? Inside, the Mazda rotary sounds similar music, which with the growth speed is replaced by a soft pleasant zhuzhzhaniem.Tyaga "curl" up to 5000 rev / min modest, and the "lower classes" - simply sluggish. Like under the hood of the usual two-liter "four". It was only after the 6000-7000 rev / min, which for a normal engine would have been marginal, the rotary engine produces all that capable, unwinding to an incredible 9250 rev / min! But in everyday life such a characteristic is hardly convenient. After all, to dramatically accelerate to overtake, you should "go down" is not one but two or three transfers by choosing from six - so to get to the cherished "motorcycle" speed zone, but no kink at the same time motor.Shassi set up perfectly. Excellent jet action on the steering wheel, quick response - Mazda alter the trajectory of the willing, like a mid-engine. The suspension is hard, but perfectly "swallows" strikes. But on uneven coating wheel starts to twitch that mazdovskoy acuity and sensitivity requires more attention. Do not relax! However, who said that cars like Mazda RX-8, designed for relaxation? Nissan 350Z sure it does not outwardly sozdan.Dazhe it - a lump of muscle. Stubborn, wicked, vicious. The abundance of design "widgets» Nissan almost the same as the Mazda, but here, we are not triangles, and the letters Z. On doorsteps, on air, floor mats, on the handlebars. And in the rearview mirror, reflecting off the glass tailgate, always shines aluminum plate with the same monogram - it topped with a huge cross, which partitions off the already low bagazhnik.Prekrasnoe leather chair is designed for larger people and frustrated only cushion sub-optimal height adjustment, which moves up and down separately from the back. Steering wheel adjustable for height only, but moves up and down in concert with the combination of instruments - it's not Audi, where the steering wheel hub can cover the display with display modes of "automatic". True, the instrument cluster looks nissanovskaya plain. But the paddle levers - "designer" is unusually thick and korotkie.Bardachka in its accustomed place there - in front of your knees just a passenger sliding cupholder. All containers are here - for the backs of chairs in the partition between the cabin and luggage compartment. There is also built-in subwoofer and sound system: and Nissan, and Mazda are equipped with good acoustics, Bose and "outperform" even German cars, not to mention Krayslere.Dvigatel bears no resemblance to mazdovsky "rotor" - with a nice bass he pulls like a steam engine, even with the idle speed below! Can accelerate "through the transfer." Or "first-third-fifth" or "second-fourth-sixth" - in any case, Nissan is confident ride starts and briskly accelerate. The mechanism of the box too korotkohoden and beads, though inferior mazdovskomu. But with the rapid inclusion of synchronizers, "boil down", and handle much of the motor vibratsiy.Podveska itchy tight: urgent and loud reacts to bumps, badly shaking the car. Reaction - fast, although not as accurate. Steering wheel - "sharp" and resilient, though not as "clean": steering wheel jerking bumps more noticeable than the Audi or Mazde.Slovom on Russian roads Nissan 350Z does not indulge comfort. But the Porsche Boxster S in the same conditions is often even more uncompromising! Boxster S is amazing. Do not design - we are still accustomed to the rounded forms of bio-first-generation roadster, which since then has not changed much. And the interior is not - as compared with the "Japanese" fiction is much less. Trick with two front and rear luggage compartment is also not surprise us: even first-graders now know that the Porsche Boxster - a mid-car and hides his "oppozitnik" behind the seats. Folding roof that retracts electric silent for 20 seconds at a speed of 50 km / h? It is very effective, but soon made his debut coupe Cayman - Boxster c hard top, which will be for Russia aktualnee.Slovom, the entourage for the Porsche is important, but he - not the point. Moreover, the transmission lever surprised most inconvenient - this despite the fact that this machine is registered Short-switching mechanism. Transmission includes a very tight, and move the lever at the same time much longer than the "Japanese", and the effort needed to handle sometimes put in the uncomfortable direction. Add to that a very great effort on the brake pedal, gas, and especially the clutch - and you will understand that the journey through the city on Bokstere hardly looks like a constant loud roar progulku.A engine? Action! That's what good Boxster S. Behind him, behind the seats, in a Porsche living animal. He is fierce. He is ready to stun you mechanical noises in response to each press the gas pedal - and type in the back seat, if the press has been bold enough. Compared with the Porsche even Nissan with its powerful traction fades: Dispersal dynamics version of S is close to superkarovskoy! The same can be said of the chassis. On an even coating Boxster S is flying over the road, with amazing accuracy in response to the deflection. Needless to say, that suspension is the toughest? That the limits of tire adhesion higher than in the rest of the Quartet? The brakes, with their rigid and precise pedal at high speed just seems all-powerful? However, the unevenness pattern changes - Porsche is clearly not designed for the rough roads of Eastern Europe. As soon as the wheels is uneven asphalt, Boxster S is transformed into unbroken horse who jumps from side to side, trying to wrest the steering wheel out of the hands and tortured riders vigorous vertical jolts. And yet there is very little ground clearance, and the same along the entire length because of the aerodynamic flat bottom. The cottage and can not drive ... In the end of ride and noise on Porsche loses to its competitors: the last place after the Nissan. In the middling - Mazda. A comfortable ride of the Audi, and especially in Chrysler. Interestingly, the instrumental measurements indicate the opposite - in the driver's seat Audi TT our most accurate vibromer Bruel & Kjaer has the highest level of vibration acceleration. But we have become accustomed to these differences - the device records the shaking at one point only, to cushion the driver's seat, and sums up all the frequency components are almost without considering the peculiarities of perception of the human body. So that expert opinions are more complex and prioritetny.Mazda RX-8: effective and informative tormozaBoxster S is equipped with upgraded brakes, which are able to develop 12 m/s2 deceleration, but the dynamics of Porsche - the undisputed leader. And on your passport (5.5 with a set time "hundreds"), and subjective feeling, and the results of measurements - 6,0 s and 260 km / h "maximum speed". A kilometer from the place Boxster S goes for 25.3 seconds and came close to the 25-second line that separates the "ordinary" cars of supercar! In second place on the dynamics of traction - Nissan (6,2 s and 240 km / h). In the third - Audi TT (6,6 s and 243 km / h). A Chrysler Crossfire in the battle for fourth place with a Mazda rotary walked nominally more powerful engine - still a shortage of workers do not even compensate for superhigh phrases "rotor." By the way, we were pleasantly surprised by the results of brake testing. And not just surprised and delighted. All five develops slower than 1g (9,8 m/s2). And four out of five cars to stop with the "hundreds" require only 33-35 meters braking distance - ten years ago such a result would have been incredible for road cars! And they themselves become more powerful brakes, electronics and ABS - sovershennee.Osobenno pleased with Chrysler, Mazda c it informative and nearly free from vibration when operating the ABS brake pedal - and, of course, Boxster S, whose perforated discs with four-piston calipers are developing a slowdown in the 12 m / c 2. Stopping distance with "hundreds" - 32.5 meters! But Audi and Nissan on the dynamics behind the brake. Also because that weigh more than two and a half tons ... but we are not limited to conventional measurements on the ground. It's sports cars, and to identify their nature can only where it is all just one number - the time range. On the race track! For this all five cars were a few test sessions at the track in suburban Myachkovo - day training sessions in "body" and "formulas" of the Russian championship ring. And since such a huge impact on test results provide the extent to which a man driving a "rolled-in" at the racetracks, we as a "guest" invited well-known pilots koltsevika Alexey Vasiliev and chief-editor of Autosport Rustam Akiniyazova. No races - each went at their own pace and on its path, but tried to squeeze the maximum out of the car. Along the way, trying to keep shiny.Avtomobil number 1 on the road - again Porsche! Powerful acceleration, braking unmistakable, almost neutral steering. In turns Boxster S enters with minimal drift, prescribes a clear arc, reactive efforts on the steering wheel - more than enough. Excess traction on the exit of the corners causes a skid, but driving a small correction can not throw gas and do not lose vremeni.Hotya if the situation with the skid "missed" that inevitably will launch a mid Boxster. Interestingly, the stabilization system PSM disabled on Bokstere configured to take effect in panic braking. But the clever electronics on the road has never intervened in the action pilotov.Vtoroe place for "sport" took the Nissan 350Z. An honest sports car classic layout - on corner entry, "rests", showing a tendency to drift, but under full throttle at the exit of the bends trying to sink into a skid. Informative steering wheel, accurate and fast response to gas and steering, "tenacious" chassis. Here, on the road, Nissan - in his element. Although not as good as other cars were Porsche.Tri skromney.Audi TT 3.2 is too heavy. And because of the "front-wheel drive" layout with a transverse drive unit weight of the engine and DSG have a difficult box to the front axle - it's almost a ton! Compensate for this chassis settings does not work, and turns into a prolonged TT leaves drift the front wheels. Appeared on the track and lack of engine thrust to the "top" and fully "automatic" algorithm box DSG, which svoevolnichaet and switch "up" even in manual mode ... Yes, and "electronic" wheel drive contributes to the behavior of some delightfully informative neodnoznachnost.Mazda - force the steering wheel, gas pedal and brake can feel the car perfectly. She clearly deserves a more powerful engine. This "rotor" to turbocharging as a predecessor to the RX-7! What gear will allow. After all, Mazda dives into bends Myachkovo even more readily than Porsche. Under the hood, it takes even a certain tendency to oversteer, allowing the balance on the verge of skidding even better than the Porsche. Again, this advantage of the layout. Mazda and weighs less than others - kg.Chrysler 1360 - is not of heavy vehicles (1396 kg). But the Crossfire, with its "remote" the wheel, calm responses and imposing suspension - the most distant from the sport in the top five. However, Alexei Vasiliev on Crossfire was able to show a third time range - imposing "American" was the track faster than the Audi and Mazda! The fact that the high curbs Myachkovo. And when they were attacked by Chrysler, its soft suspension does not allow jumps after the race at the "border" and can accelerate intensivnee.I here lies the answer to the question: "Why, then, for the sum of scores of expert assessments in the lead is not Porsche?» If we were to testing of these machines somewhere in Germany or England, as our foreign colleagues, the balance of power will likely have been different. But we have - their reality. Where can I get smooth roads and twists of chance in order to uncover the Boxster S? While nowhere. And on an uneven pavement Porsche charm disappears. And still shaking, constant engine crescendos behind his back, stiff and awkward pedal the gears. Do you know how much he Boxster S, which we had to test? More than 90 thousand euro! Exactly twice as much as Mazda! Which, if everything else still chetyrehmestnaya.Mazda RX-8 for $ 50,000, compared with its competitors - the very practical. Two absolutely full rear seats, large trunk. There's even a cover for ski carriage. And how much is "widgets" in the interior! And the sound of "rotor"? But alas, it was associated with RAP our fears. Firstly, the engine is extremely greedy. Measurement of fuel consumption we have not performed as well on-board computer in the RX-8 does not. But at the same 60-gallon fuel tank capacity of gasoline in the Mazda came to an end much earlier than in the more powerful machines! Second, the experience record high-speed races on the Mazda RX-8 (see AR № 20, 2004) we know that close to the limit speed rotary engine uses a frantic pace, not only fuel, but oil. And thirdly, how much will last "rotor"? How costly for its repair and maintenance, how long will run out of spare parts ordered by Japan? But we are talking about it just because it is our duty to warn you: the car with the RAP requires a special approach. If you chase it's tail and mane in, the happiness of having "rotor" can quickly move to bitter disappointment. But if you - enthusiastic, if willing to risk and agree to a one-year warranty and five thousandth the service intervals, then ... Japanese flag in your hands! Nissan 350Z for $ 59,000 is also good. It is more powerful and sportier than the Mazda. But, of course, less comfortable and more practical: two seats and a strange trunk - not separated from the cabin, not covered by a shutter and a powerful cross-bar-separated usilitelem.Audi TT 3.2 with a base price of $ 74,000 is much more expensive and inferior to Nissan on track. But on the roads, especially the winter, it is more pleasant to drive. But in everyday driving superudobnaya box DSG and all-wheel drive mean a lot! The only pity is that the ground clearance is so small - less than 10 sm.A cottagers suit Chrysler Crossfire. Among these five it - a real SUV. At the same time experienced mersedesovsky engine consumes 98 th gasoline and 92 octane. So if you do not lay claim to the laurels of the road Schumacher and if you do not irritate the cheap plastic, that Chrysler - it is your car that you can not straining to go every day. A total of 50 000 Euro ...

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