Sunday, October 23, 2011

Terrain philosophy

But in the last few years, customers increasingly prefer the machines on which you can feel confident and outside the city limits and freeways. Moreover, the decisive role played by most image and the ability to occasionally get out into nature, and not the ability to dig in the dirt every day. Such sentiments have determined the nature of consumer news from Audi: a good supply of terrain, different road characteristics and a shift toward conventional passenger wagon. Here it was a sin not to use the experience of a four-wheel drive vehicles, the company gained Audi.Novaya machine in the range Audi has won the hearts of many, as soon as it published the first pictures and specifications. Motor of 2.7 liters develops power 270 hp Maximum printing speed is 236 km / h with 208 mm ground clearance. Such a combination you will not see anywhere else in the car world. Knowing all this, I waited for exploring the Allroad is not only great looking, but with certain misgivings. Suddenly, the car will be not as good as it is written on paper. With these thoughts, I went to the door showroom. By the way, the aluminum that is very symbolic for Audi. Allroad Quattro is a silent waiting to start the test. Exterior of the car does not disappoint, although the podium dealers Allroad looked quite different - somehow divorced from life. And now you can see that from the original Audi A6 Avant leaving only the general lines of the body so salon. The front bumper was coarser in the center, leaving a motor, located protective metal insert, the same - and on the rear bumper. By the way, the front bumper, made of highly durable plastic, devoid of paint - the car because is not only for urban travel, but also able to storm the roads. And it includes stones, twigs, sand - all this can cause scratches on the paint. And no paint, no scratches. I was surprised no molding on the sides of the car. After a good gryazeulavlivatel - not the last thing for the car, driving on bad roads. But the designers have provided all. Plastic caps on the wings and wide aluminum "borders" so similar to the step from afar, turned out to be nothing more than an insurmountable barrier to the spray and rocks flying from the wheels. From the same of "winged" material, ie aluminum, and the arc made by attaching the luggage on the roof, and alloy wheels. By the way, huge wheels deserve a separate discussion. Allroad installed on alloy wheels dimension of 17 inches. They, as well as tires Pirelli P6 225/55 R17, were specially designed by the Italian masters, "pokryshechnikami" commissioned by Audi. Until now there were no buses, which would combine a good grip when driving on country road with the ability to maintain a speed above 230 km / h while maintaining good handling car. And earlier this machine because there was no. But everything that happens on the way vpervye.Nachalo bustle of the city I spent in the passenger seat, looking around the interior. Leather interior is green, a lot of places, rich furnishings, a natural walnut finish. The interior is very quiet, not only because of good insulation the engine compartment, but the double glazing! All luxurious and stylish, but the radical differences from the interior of the A6-rich configuration, perhaps, I will note only the presence of downshift buttons on the handle of a 6-speed manual gearbox, and a couple of buttons on the front panel, you can use to change the amount of ground clearance. Incidentally, it was the highlight of the suspension design of the entire machine. Variable ground clearance - is not just fashionable, "freaks", with which try to attract a buyer. Not at all. Adjustable ride height allows you to make impetuous seconds car Allroad, racing on the highway, in a fearless, "rogue", which transcend even the plowed field. But passenger comfort - it's just a small part of the fun that gets the driver. It's time to take the steering wheel in your hands. To get a feel for just how successful idea of ??engineers, we decided to go on a special track, where more than once the competitions club SUVs. The suspension is pneumatic elements, in which air is supplied from a pump that creates pressure 1850 bar, and a receiver, which has a reserve of compressed air to change the clearance in off the engine. In standard position with the ground clearance of 192 mm Allroad without the slightest hint of resentment the poor quality of road surface took us through the far from ideal capital of the road from the wells and tram rails to our cherished goal. Although trains Allroad few months, you can radically change the view that the condition of our roads are. Soft and comfortable car carries its passengers. No vibration, only the characteristic sound of the tires in contact with bump. And the city behind and we race on a deserted suburban road. Objective speedometer reading and personal feelings do not converge almost a half times, sometimes two. Well, pray tell, where in our country you can drive at a speed of 190-200 km / h without fear for their lives. It turns out that no matter where and on what! Already after 80 km / h Allroad automatically dropped from the standard clearance of 192 mm to 167 mm, and after 120 km / h before the 142 mm. Thus, the center of gravity of the machine was at the same level as any sport sedan, and even lower, because in our country are supplied with the machine-order clearance of 160 mm. Ground clearance, this machine can be changed by pressing the up or down accordingly. Here are just a maximum clearance of the machine will not allow to set, if the speed exceeds 80 km / ch.Udivitelno, but large enough reserve power under the hood and aggressive image of the machine it is very easy to manage. She is aggressive towards those who looks at her, and not those who run or simply located in the cabin. By Allroad do not have to get used to. Just keep in mind is the potential of its capabilities. The controls are very convenient. The clutch pedal is enough "soft" and has a great stroke, so that no hard start. Effort on the steering wheel is chosen so as to not have to strain as it rotates, but at the same time feel the feedback from the road. Despite the fact that this is not a typical Audi models in the whole range, the car retains all the "family" traits. One of them - a clear inclusion of transfers in which cars of this brand are recognized with closed glazami.Udovolstvie driving Audi Allroad Quattro in full obedience to its compounded the knowledge that under the hood - a 2.7-liter monster that at two turbines throat hungrily sucks vozuh to "feed" 250 avid racers. The full potential of this power unit allows it to blend with 6-speed manual gearbox. Selection of gear ratios other than sports will not name. Short, the maximum convergence of transmission - one of the explanations for the fact that the car accelerates to 100 km / h within 7.4 sec. Impressive, really. Invisibly track behind us and our car ran into the first hurdle. Small, moist river sand under the wheels would be a serious test for any SUV, but not for the Allroad. Wide wheels surely pave the road. But here's the sand sank and the car stopped. Could come from? From the side it looks as if hopelessly Allroad sat on its belly. Although in reality the situation is far from critical. Comes into effect in full force and effect system of the famous wheel drive Quattro. The balance of torque between the wheels is adjusted automatically depending on the strength of grip. This helps the car without too much difficulty to overcome even deep sandy track. All-wheel drive with equal speed grind sandy mess. But here's the front wheel caught hold of land, strewn with rubble, and 3 / 4 effort being transferred automatically to the front axle. It is also easy, as the urban thoroughfare, the car overcomes virgin sand. Did not have to resort to downshift, which is activated by pressing a button on the gearshift. By the way, do not be afraid that the button is directly under the grip of the thumb - running it do not accidentally turn on. Activation occurs only on 1st gear and only when the car is standing still. The advantages of riding with a maximum clearance of 208 mm is especially true when traveling on a deserted forest road. Huge gullies, swings and a deep rut on the Allroad overcome without much difficulty. A powerful and very tyagovity motor through a torque of 350 Nm, which is reached at 1800 and remains so up to 4500 rev / min, allows the machine to climb steadily, even on very steep slopes. True, we must be careful, because the overhang still remained almost the same as the modification of passenger A6. This means that the angles of arrival less Allroad and Congress over classic SUV. Cruising cross makes you feel that sitting in the car you are absolutely independent of the outside world. You may want to go anywhere, regardless of what there is of the road. Inside, it automatically will be maintained the set temperature, and flow out of the speakers Bose favorite music. On such a machine can only dream of, but you can also purchase.

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