Saturday, October 29, 2011

Animal's roar

I can not call himself a great lover of sports. A year ago, the apartment was pulled rowing machine, but once it became clear that this force myself to do fucking gizmo - beyond my strength. Skiing, depending on the season, I'd rather jetski or snowmobile. And with the ball will not be worn, if at that time TV shows real football. The only thing to which I am partial, not counting, of course, powerful cars - the wheel. At this clunker I ride where and when they want. Why all this? Besides that, I probably does not fit well in the target audience you have targeted the creators Audi Sportback. I've got to be five years or ten younger, get involved in some kite surfing or rafting - then I would look at this stylish and dashing car through different eyes. In their 34 well I saw the new car is not the regular sedan, not the five-door hatchback, similar to all modern "Audi", taken together: the lateral line in the body betrayed Sportback model A3, a powerful grille was as if borrowed from the A6, shining rails undoing Allroad, and inclined fifth door - vans with Avant. Of the original discoveries - only the rear lights. Such intricate designs on machines with four rings, I see the first time. They do look very spectacular Sportback - more than once caught myself thinking that, walking to the car, I just admire the rear light. Although the idea I had to deal not contemplation, but to play the role of rogues, all whose thoughts are occupied by only one: the plans abruptly equip and extremely fun. Well ... Suppose I were hell-raisers with velouklonom. How I'll take in his mountain bike Sportback? Will get into the forest thicket deeper than conventional passenger car? Hardly. The drive is at version 2.0 FSI front ground clearance - 14 inches and no more. Bike and the rear seat will have to parse at least half, if all lay in the cabin. After seeing the rails, I doubted that I could plant a large and on the roof: the type of supports for some decorative. Hope is not added and also the fact that the list of additional equipment, where you can find anything, including "black cloth headliner" and "withdrawal signs A3", the original devices for transporting luggage on the roof there. That is ripe for a sport? Then back! First check whether it is suitable luggage accessories Thule. To be fair all the same must be said that the amount of luggage in the car is not small by the standards of golf class. If you order a "hatch with cover for skiing" for the folding back seat, the Sportback is no problem to carry long measures. Also in the car with the comfort fit not only the four men and their tennis rackets, but also more cumbersome luggage - glider, for example. But only in fully assembled form. In the version of the Sportback, which got me to test this car in general is ideally suited to drive from the fitness center to a suburban sports club. Q-factor and is not bored interior of A3 has been given a very expensive look with a leather seat upholstery Vienna. The surcharge can install xenon headlights and a decent sound system with CD-changer in the glove compartment. An automatic transmission promises besstressovoe moving around. The presence of various electric, heating, protivotumanok, rain sensors and adjustment of the back and a "soft spot" driver (it's all there is to complete Ambition) will make the daily operation of the vehicle light and serene. In short, chic business-class utility and five-door hatchback in one bottle. You may want to evaluate this machine with other sports items - like drayverz car? These qualities, perhaps the most intriguing. New gasoline direct-injection motor, no less hard to twist than trehdverki, body and brought almost to perfection platform fifth "Golf" promised much. Indeed, the car dynamics and handling is not lost classmates. The engine sounds solid, has decent traction and with great enthusiasm drives the tachometer pointer to the red zone. Perhaps the steering wheel I would have preferred to see here with a smaller diameter, but it is so cool leather-covered, that the claims to him, I immediately forgot. And it is difficult to find fault with electric power: a lack of feedback is compensated by a clear sense of the zero position bagels. And in the steep and flat cornering machine should be precisely defined trajectory, and is insensitive to the roadway - it is flat or not. Still, if a machine called Sportback make meaningful emphasis on the first part of the title, would not prevent the suspension and make more collected - klevki braking would have been smaller, and the reaction - fast. While here I must make a correction for high-profile winter tires, which certainly did not add handling acuity. Anyway, the two-liter Sportback does not provoke an active extreme riding. Of the two often conflicting qualities - Gambling and security - the Audi give priority to the latter. However, mischief on this machine is still possible. If there was a bust at the entrance to turn warning soft demolition Chuck gives a time frame to feel what is permitted. Hedging actions of the driver a number of electronic systems: ABS with brakeforce distributor, ASR traction control and stabilization system ESP. The latter can be as disabling, but it still will not interfere in management in extreme situations. Again, all these amps in the doors, active head restraints and airbags (the number of orders can be increased to eight), give confidence to someone who sits behind the wheel Sportback. But there is in this car and that just is not conducive to confidence, - automatic transmission. His work gives the impression of automatic transmissions, though the gear shift - case of secondary importance. You harvest the accelerator, hoping to get there and then accelerated, and this dumb piece of iron starts to check if your intentions: "What is planned, parcels switch? Well, you ..." And the next time follow peregazovka and quite a powerful impetus. And all this happens in the comfort mode, Drive! It is good that a mode of Sport, which my wife for coming from the engine sounds are dubbed "bestial roar." In the transition to a car does not get much more dynamic, but, oddly enough, switch to softer place. The explanation is simple - transmission does not allow engine speed drop too low, so the car begins to accelerate once more on a gear and move to the next lower level is carried out almost without a breakthrough. I can only guess at what motivated by Audi, choosing the settings for your advanced six-speed "Tiptronic". Wanted to achieve fuel economy? So at the Moscow city traffic with its ragged tempo effects of frequent and belated peregazovok, I fear, will be back. So, for such a motor is better to take a good "handle" ... A rating of "For": The image of a solid and uncompromising car. High level of comfort and an extensive list of options. "Against": suspension is too soft. Temperament "machine" does not match the temperament of the machine. Steering wheel too big, salon seems close. RezyumeOsnovnaya beauty of this machine is that it is slightly turned my classmates are not turned in at the same time dull barn. Now, about what conclusions I came. Name Sportback this car reflects the image rather than any sports or special qualities, in any case, just so I can say about the modification of two-liter gasoline engine and the "automatic". The beauty of this machine only in that it has grown slightly from other hatchbacks in the number of classmates, not turned in at the same time dull barn. Hope for revenge leaves what is called the Sportback a car with a 3.2-liter 200-horsepower engine, gearbox DSG and all-wheel drive. Then this is for an amateur sports car? Here too the answer ambiguous. If all your equipment is only a set of golf clubs - then yes. But some hockey player with his physique and the bag, causing jealousy in shuttles to the Sportback sits down if, then only with difficulty. I'm not talking about those who are considering this car as a transport for himself and his equipment to extreme rest somewhere in the mountains or seas, it is better to fit a bigger SUV. At the same time my other half of the car led to a complete delight. Screening out the typical female enthusiasm about the lovely "pimpochki" on the doors and enough bright lights in the mirror visor cite its main arguments: one feels safe, a solid-looking car on the road is not rude, and "machine" with a magic option "bestial roar." Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 FSI in Russia offered at a price of $ 30.5 thousand in the initial configuration Attraction and manual transmission and $ 34.5 thousand in the performance of Ambition and the "automatic".

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