Friday, October 21, 2011

Star and ring

For a long time when Audi, like Cinderella to the coveted shoe, broke with his "eight" in the premium class, the main competitors from Munich and Stuttgart calmly reacted to the ambitious plans of Ingolstadt: "With the coming of midnight, your carriage-wheel drive still turns into a pumpkin - in this market work quite other laws, and put you more at least three spare "Thorsen" in the trunk of the A8, the pattern of sales in the class of this did not change! "But pretty soon, when the descendants of Horch back to basics and began to act again in high places "in full", it is time to change even a "Mercedes." Ironically, the materials of the new A8 and four-wheel drive S-Class appeared in the magazine "Auto" under one cover (N10/2002). After a trip to "firmatike" our editor in chief noted with regret that "... working with electronic stability control, functionally replacing the three differential lock, four-wheel drive, of course, makes the life of the driver in difficult road conditions more easily ... but compare and understand the conditions of the test on the autobahn, which gives the driver the advantage 4Matic and how you need it, chances are, unfortunately, was not ... "And the expert group of" car "after the appearance of these machines in poslenovogodney Moscow, fortunately, not only an opportunity to investigate and understand, but also meticulously compare the ergonomics and driving performance all-wheel drive S-Class with the new Audi A8. We design documents with the insurance, fill both tanks "on the neck" - and full speed ahead! Habitually give the opportunity to set the assessment exterior Professor Rozanov. But personally, I had to taste both cars. S-class - for the amazing lightness and elegance of the lines for the rapid and substantial profile face in the absence of any hint of aggression. Enough of that "one hundred and fortieth," was perceived as nothing but Bull. Thank God, now among the main consumers a better product in the German fashion other values. And the dogs of other, less bloodthirsty species. Audi, by contrast, barely disguised bribes aluminum panels power. Four-wheel drive armored. This car gives us additional confidence in the host and, of course, makes due respect to his appearance on the road all the other inhabitants of the asphalt jungle. Getting inside of these machines, you feel an even greater difference between the approach to the construction of a large sedan in Stuttgart and Ingolstadt. It is well known to us for several years Mercedes looks very organic, but it is clear that this machine does not target the driver, and the inhabitants of the passenger seats, which just did not want the steering perceived this deeply proprietary in nature chariot as a «driver's car ". The less provoking driver manufacturer, the better to evaluate a spacious interior and smooth ride to the owner who paid for the use and the car and driver. And, suddenly have something to lift your thumb up! Superb ergonomic seats, providing the entire range of possible adjustments to the front and rear. Very comfortable armrests: Sit however, the machine does not give even a hint of discomfort. Rear passengers even better than the front: you push the right "under cover", you can use disguised armrest fridge, can be pulled out of the office work-worn corridors of the legs and take a nap on the road. I note separately that to our test car got the personal head of the DaimlerChrysler Rus Gerhard Hilgert - long wheelbase four-wheel drive S430 with a full set of options. Next - just tuning, or reservation is absolutely already "chocolate» Maybach. From the perspective of the driver, everything is just as thoughtful, but without a soul. I understand that the passengers above all else, but it is to drive S-class does not want. You feel like the waiter: "Bring the wheel to the right, apply left rudder, tomorrow will you please be a white shirt and black tie at the front door at eight in the morning!" Constantly pulls give it to someone else and move the wheel back on the bridge. In any case, the surrounding perceive you behind the wheel of a S-class driver, who was chief dismissed for lunch or went to town with orders. Conclusion: if you want to ride proudly at the wheel of a large "Mercedes" - come across on the CL! From Audi - the exact opposite situation. Modern, stylish and thoughtful details to the most ergonomic interior. And no matter what of the places you might be, a feeling that this seat is coined specifically for you. Expensive, simple, convenient, and they say "we care about an ordinary man." Plus impeccable, from my point of view, the algorithm works with MMI - Multi Media Interface. Artificial Intelligence. The conceptual answer to the Audi i-Drive from BMW. At the risk of incurring the wrath of fans Mercedes, but still, I note that the ergonomics of the interior A8 simply flawless - the driver is sure that the controls compartment selfish and noble - that slumbers in the depths of a luxury limousine. By the way, we got to test standard - short - "eight." Long-base version will appear in Russia a bit later. Those who prefer to drive yourself, please do not worry - all 127 millimeters of extra length will go back to the needs of the inhabitants of sofas, and "on the middle rack," all in this car will be absolutely no change. An interesting detail - in the trunk can fit Audi more baggage than the economic Allroad. He's just huge! But the S-Class not only that, and so can not boast of an outstanding amount of cargo space, so also, get a fridge, completely lost his place in the luggage. Lift the lid - and discovers underneath it all the same, which can be seen pushing domestic refrigerator from the wall at home. Nedorabotochka ... But enough to stand on the spot! We've all eight wheels - driven, so welcome to the slippery track, a special site! It's time to figure out how it works and moves in space, and simultaneously determine the leader in terms of manageability and smoothness of motion - the two main driving criteria by which potential buyers evaluate these vehicles. I have to say - in terms of ride and comfort for rear passengers' king of the hill "is still unequivocally a Mercedes. The ability of the S-Class suspension dampen vibrations and protect its riders from sea-sickness should be recorded in Guinness Book of Records Car! Just "Nautilus", preserving tranquility in spite of any agitation on the surface of the ocean! Audi even in the comfort of the adjustable suspension is not even on the level, but still inferior opponent. In principle, this is easily explained. For several years, winning cars from Ingolstadt's most worthy competitors in the various European and overseas tests in terms of manageability and "charge on the active drive." Of course, this price - the loss of passenger comfort in favor of the right fast driving. 18-inch winter wheels only add to the picture. No, this does not mean that in the depths of "eight" feel uncomfortable! But if you tried his hand as a passenger Mercedes, is unlikely you will want to change it back sofa in any other. The difference in the consumer's philosophy, by itself, significantly affect the ride. And speaking of philosophy, it should be noted that, in my opinion, it is obvious: the major market sales for the A8 becomes the New World, which has already tasted the delights of European suspension settings, but not cold to the large, comfortable, fast and heavy limousines. Therefore A8 with Torsen limited slip differential in the "center" and the free cross-axle diff, where instead of running proprietary system lock EDL, tied to the electronics and ABS, of course, will go there "to cheers." Just like in any other part of the world where people understand a lot about proper riding. In terms of handling on any type of coverage (provided that there may in principle to move a car of this class), the new A8 can be safely placed in the chamber of weights and measures. Standard. Moreover, if the system is activated Stability Program ESP, you are insured against trouble-wheel drive road on which the secure electronic bridle thrown. But it is necessary to dare to «ESP off», as you get a perfectly balanced wheel drive shell with which a skilled driver can do on the road all you want. Better, though, at the site, but under the supervision of experienced instructors. But trust me on word - on the highway A8 knows everything. S-Class 4Matic is very different. Very quiet, obedient and not provoking the active driving a car. It's no secret that "petty hooliganism" for full drive when you can pass all the turns sideways, suggests a rather large amount of work the steering wheel. The S-class cake this clearly does not welcome - not easy! In addition, we have already had an experience in which we have seen: in the "from stop to stop» Mercedes quickly make you shell out for a new steering mechanism to replace unserviceable. Well, agree: Riding in the slip-on 2-ton car with a star on the hood, even by looks idiotic, and in principle does not allow the Mercedes slips in its purest form! Is that the light angle relative to the ideal line in the rotation, after which it immediately enters the ESP and traction control, tugging sharply and peremptorily car putting it into place. Note that even clicking a button on the dashboard does not turn off the electronic stabilization system, but simply brings it in "standby mode": it is necessary to deviate from the trajectory of the car at a slightly higher angle than the one that says Mercedes safe - and you immediately hear a slight rattle ABS and TC, as mechanisms for cross-axle locks taking the situation under control. By the way, as the "center» Mercedes uses an S-class, single-ended differential rigidly divides the torque between front and rear axles at a ratio of 40 to 60. Adepts rear-drive, please do not worry - your favorite car still retained the traditional "face". And here is the time to take stock and see what is probably the best thing would be not to reduce the A8 and S-class in one test. Painfully, it is different in every car, and without the "Seven» BMW big "deuce" is a bit lonely. Large four-wheel drive Mercedes correct to be compared with its classic rear-wheel original. And it is here that all would become clear that with this option as "firmatik" in our latitudes, the purchase of any other Mercedes-Benz S-Class is shortsighted and impractical extravagance. The advantages offered by the owner transmission 4x4, can not be ignored and not evaluated. Aerobatics! An order of magnitude safer and more confident than rear-wheel drive. And in the dispersal of any traffic mess, and in turn. Despite the fact that electronics and copes with the S600, S500 4Matic Russian master would be much more preferred position, and therefore live longer in life and business at least through economies of nerve cells. Well, if you plan at least from time to time to get into his car to drive and are not going to spend your S-Class has the same tuning on CL, your choice - Audi A8. Without any alternative. Maybe at 34, I just have not grown so weary of life and to think about your personal driver?

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