Monday, October 31, 2011


VIEWS ON UROZHAYU us in April to start selling two versions of the debut of Q7, and in the second half are expected to supply the model with a 3.6-liter gasoline V6 (280 hp. S./360 Nm). Basic Russian equipment is wider than the German. Price ($ 76 965 for the Q7 3.0 TDI / up to $ 107,673 for the Q7 4.2 FSI) adjusted to the BMW X5 3.0d and X5 4.4i. The company «Audi Russia" hopes that this year thanks to Q7 ingolshtadtskaya mark bypass Munich on number of sales. In 2005 the gap had narrowed to 223 cars ... I confess, I slukavil asking specialists Audi, why they created a King-size model - the answer guess. Only a novice on the invoice forces break through to the table where the gang hefty fine fellows - European luxury-SUV - long and enthusiastically shares the market pie. And in order to grab a tasty morsel from the most derived characters cream «US», you have to be if not a cut above the rest, much longer - at least by 13 inches. That's the ocean Audi plans to sell almost half of 76 000 th annual edition Q7, and in the United States, swear in marketing, an additional asset model will be rare for a "European" third-row seats - hence the length of over five metrov.Vprochem in the "stretching "was another reason. Audi has released its first SUV the size of a neighbor - VW Touareg, which is collected in the same factory in Slovakia, do not avoid the "ringed" indelible label of the product re-branding, or worse, badzhinzhiniringa. Prove to then, that the models for 15% of the common parts, including nuts and bolts! And there is not podkopaeshsya.V Ingolstadt, apparently, willing and competitors, Bavarians wipe. Munich at the time the project turned full-size X7 supposedly due to the inability to enter the model in standard handling BMW? We prove also that the large SUV from Audi is capable of "light" and "stitch" is not worse than the BMW X5, while excelling in the utilitarian, not only him but also "semeynoorientirovanny" seven-seat Volvo XC90! The scope of space, well so-and medium-business plans Audi universal scale. As early as 2008/2009. most profitable division of the VW have targeted to achieve a mark of one million cars sold per year against the current 829 100. The astronomical amount of almost EUR 11 billion, "charged" in the creation of new models to mark the classes, in particular the SUV, which will lead Q7. A flagship - flagmanovo. CROSSROADS MIROVVybor Munich "flyughafen" test-drive base Q7 is symbolic. This model, as well as major international airport - the intersection of the worlds. Where in SUV «compartment" slope of the roof? This decision was considered in the design and Volvo XC90, but the Swedes prefer external showiness comfortable cabin altitude for third-row passengers. The Audi openly declare: "The gallery" - for those whose growth was not higher than 160 cm. " Ingolshtadtskim important to not look like a kind of Q7 Allroad'om-age. They have a. Expressiveness, balanced power, thoroughbred - Q7 favorably and on the "cousins", presnovatogo VW Touareg and Porsche Cayenne.Stilistika grotesque "gryazemesiteley" alien Q7. Footrests for him - a luxury. Embarkation / disembarkation through the open door to 80o/70o easier than the other cars are a very wide thresholds. The absence of handrails on the inside legs sloping windshield, too, do not have to regret. Have you seen this "pribambas" inside the Audi A6? The inner space is in the Q7 is sustained "passenger" style. Just sit higher than usual. And of course, no question about the "mess of plastic" material finish. Q, Q and Q again. What else to expect from Audi?! And that's what. The choice of decorative aluminum inserts, plus insertion of the roots of American walnut, European olive tree and Japanese customs - a real crossroads of worlds. They are not all equidistant. Old and New World closer. European style, quality dominate, but there is and transatlantic accent. Gigantic range of longitudinal adjustment of the front seats, numerous cup holders, "podbutylochniki" in the side door panels, the simplest system of folding seats, power door cargo bay with programmable opening height, and the versions with air suspension system and more "pritaplivaniya" stern to 71 mm for loading / unloading - shtatovskih utilitarian idea of ??comfort in the German version is perceived very sehr gut. Foot parking brake? On models with sporty ambitions of "hammer" is preferred, but attach it to the floor console controller prevented the MMI, and of the electromechanical system, known on the A6 and A8, was abandoned for technical contraindications: it is, according to engineers, Audi, does not provide a secure fit on the car large deviations krutizny.Poymat large "flea" was only having studied the dimensionless (in the tradition of mark) list of options. Lifetime etsih with nails to the marketer, who persuaded him to include in the servo front seats. Such a trifle on the premium-segment models must go "in the database." And the simple Russian "OLC" designers "glove box" or, more precisely, glove yaschika.Odnako reproach Q7 in the absence of practicality - a clear distortion. The Audi is even more perceived MPV-DNA than the Volvo XC90, the first-born of genetic engineering. Three separate second-row seats not only move forward / backward 100 mm, they also tilt adjustable backrest. Finally, instead of three and need to be a pair of comfortable chairs and an extended floor console plus on the backs of the front seats are mounted folding tables. European SUV with a business lounge as built - this was not yet! Yes, Q7 not cheeky burglar. Still worth it elevated above the road a large-format grille appear in the rearview mirror as the natives were released the left lane. But their pepelats not any gadyushniki on wheels - all the more "bimeasures" yes "Merci." This means that inspires! FOR seven winds, "Mom, Mom, I'll do when winter weather will come? I do not have a warm kerchief, I have no winter polta. " How many KC "brought it» Audi in the heavenly office, so that she fit of generosity? One test day, the rains came, gave in the Alpine foothills thick snow and ice, and then pleased with the warm sun and dried immediately lowland trails. Q7 completely ignored the weather whirlwind. And the strange thing: dominating the way he does not seek to subjugate the driver. A sense of size? It came immediately. When talking about car 5x2 m, it is already self-sufficient. The optional parking assist with the scheme, hint at the colorful display reduces the problem to a minimum and eliminates its more advanced variant of the "valet" to the camera "building." "Look, as I cool!" - Rap bravado, and in a way not typical of Q7, since he Pros to the tip of the heated "janitors", heavy trim exhaust pipes and the "innards" of the differential Torsen. This contraption - home of the legendary transmission quattro - and expertly tuned stability can not be disabled even allowed to, in essence, "vsesezonki» Dunlop GrandTrek W TM2 confidently pass on the training ground almost bundesverovskom rally with additional melted Ledkov over gravel. PBS then allowed slippage, ESP and weakened the reins exactly enough to Torsen, throwing the rear axle up to 25% thrust to the "standard" 60%, helped dovernut feed in turn. And if someone went on a series of almost 2000, and 40 virtual real crash tests Q7, then the "blame" this is air suspension tuners (versions with the usual spring in the test was not). They are less advanced in their mysterious craft that subjectively rate - even on a hummocky lane - well below the actual perceived, and with a pair of Russian journalists SUV weight increased to 2.5 tonnes ... And what about off-road? The hosts did not direct a shadow over the fence and Bavarian "lick" any sand quarry at our hero. Actually, the air suspension with adjustable three-meter base itself is not a sentence. By maximum angle of the fracture is not only ahead of the Q7 BMW X5, but the five-door Gelandewagen (24o against 16o/23o), but a lot of overhangs turn modest angles of entry / congress. However, with a "gentle start», Q7, no choking, overcome 31o First ascent - lubrication system of engines brought. The descent will facilitate the automatic slowdown. If, however, has managed to get into the mud or soft snow, have to rely on the unfailing Torsen and the ability to simulate ESP locking differential cross-axle. Demultiplicator in order to save weight and reduce the cost of construction is not provided. Audi engineer explained: "In the down-and there is no need to tow heavy trailers, the powerful thrust of engines and a wide range of gear ratios 6-band automatic gearbox will close 99% of the needs of customers." Let shtatniki check, and my companion argued with colleagues that do not give them leave a gap in the Q7 with a 3.0-liter turbodiesel (233 hp.. / 500 Nm). The fact that this genteel V6 holds up to 2,200 rev / min, and then falls to the canvas thrust avalanche slopes, and grab the "tail" "nefteszhigatelya" can only transferring ACH Q7 with our V8 FSI petrol in sports mode. Sixth gear is locked. Silk silk-friendly paddle paddle - for another couple of steps down. And let the orange-yellow flashes of the indicator system side assist (aid for rebuilding) on ??the exterior mirror housings have warned of a blind zone in the noise - not scary! Our Q7 easily flows into the left lane. How cool is configured steering! Information content, clarity, without nervousness - always. The speedometer 200 km / h, a clearance of long uzhalsya up to 150 mm in flat cornering highway air suspension eliminates roll and a huge SUV like sticks to the road. Everything now will not go away! You can poernichat over more rigid suspension diesel version and enjoy that special acoustic comfort, when you hear only what is pleasant - a cheerful staccato of rain on the roof, for example. As if it was not before the flight from Moscow, jet lag, short of sleep. Seven times "CS"! So little by little - and permanently - energize few cars are capable of noble blood. Chatlians UEF might ask: "Is that your word back?" Rear does not happen.

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