Thursday, October 20, 2011

But against A

Now check it. Just specify that in this test at the Mercedes was a big advantage: it was a 1.6-liter engine (102 hp), while the A2 - the 75-strong, 1.4 liter. The ancestor of this genre of car was four years ago, Mercedes A-Class. What is it, a minivan? Probably not. Hatchback? And I do not like. And because all this time, none of the possible definitions and did not stick, the creators of Audi A2 had to accept the fact that in the world about their child say: "Same as the Mercedes A-Class, Audi only." If you do not remember the sad story of the coup Mercedes in Sweden during the "moose test" that the Audi is nothing offensive in this comparison there. And Mercedes, even though three years older, seems, in our opinion, cute, baby organichney.A between Audi, unlike the Mercedes, bears all the signs of the birth. Sometimes it seems that the Audi A2 - a powerful pump inflated coupe Audi interior design TT.I clearly recalls that you're just in the Audi. Other Audi models borrowed from the instrument panel, steering wheel chetyrehspitsevy cool, paddle switches, control panel, sound system, retractable cup holders, door handles and many little things. And the expensive versions of A2 is set exactly the same navigation system with a large display, which can be seen on a luxury station wagon Audi Allroad. But the differences from other Audi lot. The instrument panel, for example, is covered with beautiful semi-circular hood, center console isolated in separate functional block, above the glove compartment came romping rail, just like the off-road! Almost everything is made from a solid and although the touch, but very soft "to look" embossed plastmassy.Zhal that settlements for small things in a little Audi: pockets in the doors, shelf on the center console and a small "glove compartment", which fit only road atlas so manual. By the way, this statement in front-line "number of places" is a combination of numbers: 4 (5). Must understand that. If you sit down in the car like a human, then there will be four seats. And if you make a room, you can sit down and five of them. But the crowd did not want us, especially in winter clothes. A grace alone behind: his knees are not limited by the front seats, feet free, place over your head missing. Perhaps, the Audi A2 roomier than any "normal" golf hatchback class. And certainly, than in a Mercedes. No wonder the Audi Mercedes long by 25 cm .. In a futuristic interior class A more colors, more ideas, more life. But, alas, is significantly less comfort. And the ergonomics are not very close to ladno.Raspolozhennye floor front seats will fall just short of stature fit for people. The rest of my knees would be above the main pivot point. Therefore, in the long journey to Mersedesike better not to go - quickly get tired. Steering wheel is almost vertical, and in this case is not very convenient. Oh God be with him, with a single overloaded functions and shift paddles: for this throwback to keep a grip mersedesovtsy like nothing more valuable in their arsenal already gone. But the fact that the button is located rear wiper on the center console really is no good, insert "janitor", not taking his eyes off the road, it is impossible. But the climate control unit with three rotary handles are more comfortable than the Audi. Yes, and the effectiveness of the heater in a Mercedes povyshe.Zadnee seat A-Class, apparently, is also considered potentially triple what hinted at three separate headrest on his back. But the middle headrest can be easily removed - three of them are crowded. But together? Together spacious, but only the width. If you sit in front of a tall driver, then lifted high knees (the rear seat cushion is also set too low) will prop up the back of the front sidenya.Net, no, sit in the Audi is better. Not like a "bald" button on the center console, which require manipulation of attention. And the tight fit pedals: the distance from the central tunnel to the brake pedal a little, and if the legs winter boots for "tractor" base, then pressing on the gas, the driver will be hurt and a pedal tormoza.Chtoby aluminum body ensure high rigidity of Audi, the designers have done very broad semicircular longitudinal roof rails. Because of this reduced height of the doorway and side visibility deteriorated, and not only from the front, but with the rear seats. Mercedes does not suffer from this: it is easier to sit down and and look around udobnee.A still upset at Audi, "one-armed" windshield window (once so famous for Mercedes). Long brush does not reach the broad left rack 7-8 cm, and this "dead zone" forcing the driver to look sharp turns through a side window. Moreover, in the cold brush permanently frosted, not cleared then one sector or another. And in a Mercedes - the two brushes and clean them almost all the windshield, going to the two front uprights vplotnuyu.Obzor salon in the rear view mirror is bad on both machines. On the fence interferes with the Mercedes head restraints, and the location of the mirror relative to the driver's eye is that if car-chaser crept close enough to you, then you can do it not to notice. And the Audi is already narrow field of view reduces the wide spoyler.Zaglyanem in the trunk. Open setting to the roof of the T-shaped door Audi is more convenient, because the lock is equipped with large keys. And to open the door of the Mercedes, you must first press the freeze button round, and only then pull the handle. Racks approximately equal and the volume, and ease of use. But there are nuances. For example, in the boot of Audi double-bottom: raised floor, we found a hefty niche in which to hide several cans. And where is the reserve? These are for! It turns out that the basic equipment "two" reserve is generally not included! In the event of a puncture are available outside the standard features of the sealant and a compressor. However, the spare tire can be ordered from the dealer and hide it in an underground niche - the place for it here enough. But Mercedes is equipped with a full-size wheel, which is stored under the floor, now open to ulitse.A ... No, take off the hood! Yes, the aluminum hood for Audi A2 is completely eliminated. True, it's supposed to do only at a service station and only once in 30 thousand kilometers - it is an interval between successive THEN claimed by the manufacturer. And the driver to check the oil level and fill the washer fluid into the tank, false radiator grille is made folding - hiding behind her all the filler. Very udobno.My yet lifted the hood, revealing underneath a tiny motor. But soon found that this motor is very lively: it provides not only confident drive off, but surprisingly punchy acceleration. This helps him "short" transmission: second gear "spinning" is only 80 km / h, the third - to 120 km / h. Only manage to switch! And it's even nice: good selectivity, precision switches - too. Choose the right moment to switch not only helps the tachometer, but also the bass rumble of the engine. However, when "race" bored engine is already beginning to tire his rumbling. But the sound of tires to the interior does not come, and weak wind whistling appears only at high skorostyah.Mercedes with a more powerful engine, of course, proved to be faster. But that he always walked in front of Audi, the engine should turn up to the "top". A change of gear prevented uninformative pedal. In the clutch pedal free play is very high, also in the lowest position it like sticks, not wanting to come back quickly. Gas pedal too overly long-excursion, and the response to her work illogical: the first third of the pedal works almost in vain, finding no response from the motora.Tormoza on both machines are very good. The only difference is that Audi is working a little better ABS, and the A-class brake pedal more informativnaya.K Unfortunately, the unstable weather (ie snow, then thaw the ice "bald spots" on the roads) does not allow us to fully appreciate and compare the control babies. But we will share some observations. "Deuce" liked by informative steering and a very clear response to driver input. Concerted effort steering and suspension allow frisky "embroider" the rows, go confidently in the snow slush and boldly attack the high jinks. If, however, to overdo it with the speed on a bend, the Audi smoothly "slips" with a target of the arc with all four kolesami.Na this background, the Mercedes A-class with his "cotton", uninformative steering wheel, which after the rejection does not even want myself to go back to the center position is pale. Because of the Short-suspension on bumpy roads the car starts to "walk", which further complicates management. The car lurches, reactions and lazy to work and driving does discourage the desire to catch up with going ahead Audi.Kstati, both cars are equipped with ESP, and this system is not deactivated. Very good support, especially in the winter road. We only need to remember that the ESP - not a panacea, and avoid using it Newton's laws still do not udaetsya.V time we criticized the A-class ride for worthless (see the AP number 18, 1999). But this is justified by the fact that, say, from a car with a short base and Short-suspension can hardly expect anything else. Now it is clear: nothing to justify. Because Audi A2 behaves well even on broken suburban roads. No strikes on hard bumps, almost not feel the side swinging. Of course, the little Audi is not able to provide the same comfort as a medium-sized car, but for such crumbs ride velikolepna.Glavny's the bottom line is that our driving exercises. To establish a rapport with the Mercedes, it will take time. And then one can hardly expect that the process of steering will enjoy. But it's nice to look at it! It's still charming! With Audi simpler. I sat down - and drove off. No, it certainly does not driver's car, but almost nothing is annoying, and accustomed to nothing nado.Teper - the bad news. In Russia, these machines are not popular. Then, with some reluctance and caution, we bought Mercedes A-Class will not be a success and the Audi A2, which sold just begun. Because these cars are expensive and unusual. And, quite frankly, not very practical. They are in store for Russia a special role - luxury gifts. Of course, for zhenschin.Audi A2 depending on the equipment will cost from 22 to 28 thousand dollars. Approximately the same cost and the Mercedes A-Class.

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