Thursday, October 20, 2011


But, oddly enough, never in the same test Autoreview did not converge all three major competitors in the premium class segment D - BMW of the third series, Mercedes C-Class and Audi A4. And only now, when in our hands was the latest "treshka», BMW 320iA, we picked up her most famous rivals - this Mercedes C180 Kompressor and the Audi A4 2.0. ... And a genius, one paradox? Appearance of a new "treshki" paradoxical. You look at the front or side - and simply takes your breath away: what a beauty, what pressure! Compared with the previous "treshka" new roundness lost the well-fed, happy fat dropped - and appeared a long, low body of this predator. Especially good sharp edge that extends along the entire sidewall. It takes the body as if in another dimension, in a third series has ever had. But the view from behind is alarming. Coquettishly spreading edge of the boot lid (a reminder of the "seven"), rear lights, like a sponge bow ... However, if you like the "Five» BMW, the "three-ruble note," you'll love too. And if you do not like? Then "treshki" still has a chance. After all, it looks much less radical than many other creations of the team Beh ... But enough. Not a word about a U.S. citizen with the name of the letter B! Yes, and Walter de Silva, the current chief designer, Audi, say little. After all, before the cars from Ingolstadt were emotionally neutral model of technical aesthetics. Yes, sometimes it brings boredom, and new trends in design, Audi designed to dispel it. But in pursuit of emotions "quartet" has lost its kindly, deadpan - scowled, frowned. Why? Scare the competition? Mercedes C-Class is not an example of the minimum ispugaesh.Vot restyling - updated machines do not differ from the "pre-reform." Just from the start C-Class W203 with the body was so bright, spectacular and successful, that change anything in the exterior - just a sin. Although the salon mersedesovskom something could modify it. For example, do larger ruchechki "baseline" climate-control Thermatic. Or eliminate the obviously outdated system of control on the driver's seat height - in simple versions of the up and down moves only relative to a fixed cushion back. And the seat itself is specific - broad in its elastic-like spring sofa ... Mercedes! Inside, Audi A4 complain unless you can paddle levers on hlipkovatye. Well, another rim steering tonkovat and harsh, and pedals linked together so that the transfer of foot from gas to brake sometimes causes a delay. But the rest - the standard! And the symmetry of the front panel is completely organic and natural. And in the BMW? Minimalism. People who are fascinated by the interiors of Rolf Benz - rectangular blocks of leather sofas, aluminum, plastic and five-digit price tags in euros - will be happy here. Long, flat surface, lekalnye curves, non-Euclidean geometry slightly canted toward the driver of the central console. It is fashionable, it is modern, it is prestigious. Run key? Irrelevant. Even if it is an "electronic" key, as in a Mercedes, not to mention a simple manner with a metal tip vykidnym as in Audi A4. No. We are careless gesture inserted in a slot on the panel narrow pendant, decorated with a small symbol BMW, press the button without looking at Start ... And, using the paddle levers uncommittable include "caretakers" and "turn signals". At the same time almost making mistakes because of the efforts and levers on the new "treshke" were verified more than, for example, the "five". Before my eyes - two "saucers" instrument cluster. Again minimalism. Appliances four, but two minor entered in the bottom of the speedometer and tachometer. It is interesting that one of them - is notorious econometrics, which is constantly walking hand back and forth while playing the gas pedal. Fuel economy? Rather, the reminder. After all, econometrics - is the same heirloom automobiles BMW, as mersedesovsky stalk left arm with a rotating head ... Wide fabric seat version of the Business, perhaps a little rustic and myagkovataya, but comfortable. A "sport" seat version of the Dynamic - a miracle. Five mechanical adjustments, including a sliding pad for supporting the legs of the chair and swing in general, plus electric "ears" of lateral support! But clicking on the "lateral" adjustment leads to the fact that your body squeezes like a vise in - seat and already seems to narrow, and there you were squeezing, like a racing "bucket." In this anatomical profile is combined with a "civilian" softness, and again, with cloth upholstery. Bagel with "treshki" multifunctional, with built-in buttons - for example, directly from the steering wheel can be turned on recycled air in the cabin. Very convenient! But if the version of the Business is the usual well-built wheel with plastic rim tonkovatym, the Dynamic version falls into the hands of small and plump, deliberately sporty "bagel." As for "six"! Rather, as the BMW 120i - here it is the same. Access system with charm and click Start - too common. After all, "treshka" and "unity" based on the same platform. Of course, the third series sedan noticeably roomier than the "penny." From now on, sit back, and BMW, and Audi, and a C-class is equally convenient. Three of them closely in the shoulders, two - well, with a small margin of space from the knees to the backs of front seats. But this passenger comfort now able to provide far less expensive cars. Even Mercedes is no exception, although it clearly outperforms the BMW and Audi's passenger ergonomics. For example, in a Mercedes armrests in the rear doors of thought so that the arm rests on them naturally. Only in a Mercedes for the use of the rear windows do not need to twist the brush as the key is not where it was easier to plug its technology, and at the top - at your fingertips. Racks are also almost identical. Folding rear seat, hatch to carry long-length? It is possible, but for a fee. For the fact that the owner of an inexpensive sedan gets a golf class "in the database" when buying a Mercedes or Audi have to pay extra! And a lot - 387 euros for the C-class and $ 465 for Audi. It's like in the VIP-lounge of the international airport Sheremetyevo-2, where we once were in flight at one of the foreign presentations. Everything is very pathetic: dark wood, leather sofas, a personal desk ... But there were no free drinks or sandwiches, as a "simple" business class. Would you like some tea - pay, as in a restaurant! However, the logic in this. If you fly first class and buy expensive cars, then the question of the price you do not really care. And the simple sandwiches, as well as the possibility of long-length transport in a sedan, you do not care ... Just curious question of transformation salon resolved at BMW. Anyone who was a package of options for "fixed" versions of the new "treshki", for some reason decided that the customers the most affordable cars in Business Basic and transportation of oversized cargo does not need. Let's say they do not go for the furniture store IKEA, but on a skiing weekend, most likely skate! However, folding rear seat is available only to those "athletes" who will choose the more expensive BMW 320i Dynamic. Although, judging by our first impression to go out of town to ski better in raids Version Business ... Accelerating dynamics is not applicable - the power unit of "three hundred and twentieth," the same. Actually, he is already familiar to us in a hatchback BMW 120i - four 150-horsepower engine and six-step "automatic". "Treshka" 60 pounds heavier "unity" with the same motor, but acceleration is still excellent. Dimmed low growl, a soft pull on the "lower classes", smooth and confident right up to the promotion of the "top" ... Most active motor is in the "upper case" and then in very handy six-speed gearbox, which shifts gears very smoothly. True, the regime Drive «machine» rastoropen not as we would like. In addition, the gas pedal tugovat, and its response to the press seems almost zadempfirovannym. However, it should push the selector lever to the left "automatic" and "sport" mode DS will be simpler situation. Tachometer needle immediately flies up to 500 rpm, transitions, "down" are faster and more adequate ... Mercedes C180 Kompressor supercharged engine with its power capacity of 143 and five-step Stuttgart "automatic" - also very playful car. In the S box mersedesovskaya the behavior is similar to "automatic» BMW in the usual "drive." This is not surprising: after all, «S» in Stuttgart does not mean Sport, and the "standard"! Change it by pressing a lever next to the selector can only be C, Comfort, and do it simply makes no sense. But the "sport" mode, as in the BMW, a Mercedes C180 no. In addition, the supercharged engine is not as readily responds to the throttle - the drive supercharger, which provides a 1800 cc engine additional "two-liter" forces, to little time to connect. And the pedal to the C-class and too much tugovat zadempfirovana, as in BMW. But again, this is - the nuances, which quickly get used to. And you do not notice them, unless ... not moved to the Audi A4 2.0 multitronic! Deserved 130-horsepower engine in the Audi-powered by inferior competitors - after all, a new 150-strong two-liter FSI engine with direct fuel injection for those A4, which are sent to Russia, has not yet been put. But is not "automatic", and CVT - a unique multitronic, two pulleys and a steel wedge chain. In the Drive seems like a machine infinite gear, almost always - with optimum gear ratio. Acceleration control is so convenient that the existence of the variator at all forget - just a car obediently and adequately follow the gas pedal. And the pleasant sensation of tight coupling the motor and the front drive wheels occurs immediately after pulling away! True, the engine is noisier than the Mercedes and BMW. But the sense of "sewing machine", as in many low-cost foreign cars with CVT, no. But there is a mode of Sport, in which the variator "emulates" a box with seven-speed sequential switching. Tough, athletic, up to date. In addition, they can be controlled manually. On Mercedes and BMW, of course, also has a manual mode "automatic". But there can only change the transmission rocking lever. In Audi - and yet very comfortable paddle "trigger." But as often happens with good automatic transmissions, using the manual mode to "multitronike" has very rarely. Why, if he changes the CVT "transmission" virtually error-free? It is a pity that BMW is no such variable-speed drive. But there is something else - the sports chassis in the class! The famous "half" of the weight distribution of the axes, fine jet action on the steering wheel, instant reaction ... As slides "treshka"! For the "classic" it is incredibly stable - for example, to break it into tight turns in a sharp skid discharge gas is not easy. And if you turn off the system stabilization DSC pressing and holding, then under the hood at the fixed transmission begins to twist obediently - plavnenko so predictable ... Clever! Even in standard mode everything is fine. Steering wheel on cars with conventional, rather than active steering makes a little less than three turns. Quick response, good informative - and almost neutral steer, thanks to which "treshka" stunningly kept on high-speed arc. But between the versions of Dynamic Business and there is a difference, and significant. "A dynamic 'car is equipped with a" sportpaketom ", which includes more energy absorbers and thicker stabilizer bars. Sense of "dynamics" here is really growing. Reaction - is sharper than the car for "business". A thick cake seems to be "peretyazhelennoy" - as if squeezed "rake" of the steering mechanism. Effort on the steering wheel - the highest among the three machines! But in this case - and the most informative. However, there is a specific feature is more pronounced "treshek", to which we have often complained in previous tests - excessive sensitivity to the road topography. It is necessary to dial a cruising speed on a country road, and BMW 320iA Dynamic begins to dance from side to side. Reaction forces from the road with "come" in the steering wheel and "pushing" it from side to side - to keep the wheel has to stress, with both hands! This is especially noticeable on the track, rolled into the left lane of passenger armored cars of the Moscow rich. "Normal" versions suspension Business responds to the track and the waves of the coating is not so active. And in general the force on the handlebars and the severity of the reactions are low. But for the smooth progress on hard bumps, oddly enough, "sportpaket" we liked. "Muscular" is collected Dynamic them with minimal shaking and almost noiselessly. A version of the Business and shaking a little harder - shock absorbers skip beats. Obviously, both the suspension is not fully designed for our roads - in Russia until the car will be delivered to European specification. Ground clearance, we measured from the ground to the bottom of the engine compartment protection - only 113 mm. As a Porsche 911! Later, as soon as BMW engineers will reach your hands to adapt the suspension, they will develop a new "treshki" so-called package for the bad roads - most likely it will be a spacer under the spring. Previous "treshka", incidentally, was adapted suspension is also not right away. Mercedes and Audi - no cars are new, and adapting them for a long time carried out. The highest ground clearance (162 mm) - at the Mercedes. His suspension is spread gently on the waves, but stiff on the "little things". Manage the Mercedes - not so exciting as to BMW. Reactions softer force on the steering wheel is not as informative as the "three rubles." But on a bad road can not exert Mercedes - he retains the famous ease flyuidnost of the inherent three-beam machines with a star on the hood. Steering wheel will not move in your hands! And quickly take a turn, if need be, Mercedes is also capable of: its founders were taught this, and very good. "Most disabled" the ESP system will even allow you to portray a skid - to the permitted, of course, limits. The key word in describing the suspension Audi 2.0 - this is "comfort." In this sense, the "quartet", though not much, but better than Mercedes and BMW. Well-chosen stiffness does not cause the body to dance on the waves and ruts of the roadway, such as BMW, and does not pass the peaks of vertical acceleration, as in a Mercedes. Perhaps this is the best option for our roads. Even the hard bumps Audi is very comfortable. Steering wheel - the "light" and very informative of the entire Trinity. In addition to high speed Audi little "walks" along the road, forcing drivers to taxi times. But the deviations are small, soft and reaction machines make it easy to control - "four" can be carried out not less relaxed than the Mercedes. And on a winding road Audi keeps a stiff upper lip - for all its softness car holds the road brilliantly, willingly zanyrivaet in turns ... Softness does not deprive the "quartet" of wholeness, and it is very important. Poskolzit? Sweet deal: front-wheel drive! Even with the stabilization system off Audi can behave in a more relaxed than the "classic", for which be watched. So who's better - Mercedes C-Class, Audi A4 or a new "treshka» BMW? If we talk about our relatively "affordable" version (that carries the same, for whom the car is worth half of metropolitan apartments available!), The Audi - perhaps the most balanced option. Of course, I would like to control and aerodynamic poazartnee "quiet" - from all three cars in the Audi after only 120 km / h annoyingly audible wind noise. Mercedes C180 K, as always, is good that this Mercedes - he is able to give a sense of superiority special characteristic ethos. In addition, Mercedes' best visibility - Large and comfortable exterior mirrors, recessed rear headrests. But the BMW is clearly too small exterior mirrors. And all because their cases are narrowed for the sake of design ... Design! This - plus the new "treshki." It looks cool, and while on the warpath not released Mercedes C-class next-generation, equal to its novelty in the premium class segment D do not. And of course, BMW - the best rear-drive chassis in the class. At the same time with the BMW 320i Dynamic sportpaketom better for smooth progress in city driving, but he put on the highway. If you are coming from long runs of Mother Russia, it is better to choose the version of Business with conventional suspension and "civil" wide seats. But in general ... Take a look at the table of expert assessments. The difference between the machines - 5 points. Because the level of these machines is very high - and very close to each other. After all, the trendsetters. Triumvirate. What's more profitable? Like its predecessor, the new "treshka" sold in Russia in several fixed options. The easiest BMW 320i sedan with a four-Basis 150-horsepower engine and six-step "mechanics" is worth 29 900 euros. In the basic configuration - audio system "entry level", six airbags, separate climate control, parking sensors, trip computer, stability DSC, 16-inch wheels with tires and pressure sensors Runflat ... Modification Business with "automatic" cast wheels, sensors rain and lighting for 3000 euro more expensive (32 900 euros). And for 35 500 euro offers Dynamic version with 17-inch wheels, stiffer suspension, sport seats, bi-xenon headlights and a folding rear seat. A more powerful version of the BMW 325iA (218 hp) is offered only with the "automatic" and leather interior - from 39 500 to 43 500 euros, depending on the level of equipment. And on top of the range so far - 258-hp BMW 330iA Dynamic (leather seats, electrically, sunroof, park distance control) for 52 900 euro. Issue "treshek" in the Kaliningrad plant will establish Avtotor closer to the summer, but the cost of machinery and complete sets are not affected. Mercedes C-Class - the most expensive. And while Mercedes C180 Kompressor (143 hp) with the "mechanics" in basic configuration is the same Classic 29 900 euros, but for the "safe" tires, parking sensors and heated seats will have to pay 1650 euros. Cars in Elegance and Avantgarde versions differ in trim and the presence of some service details like pockets or extra light bulbs and are more expensive at 2400 euros. Everything else - in the extensive list of options. "Automatic" (2700 euros), Parktronic (1015 euros), "advanced" climate control with charcoal filter and display (803 euros) ... The more powerful version - Mercedes C200 Kompressor (163 hp, from 32 400 euros), S230 Kompressor (192 hp, from 34 500 euro) turbodiesel C220 SDI (143 hp, from 34 900 euro), C320 (V6, 224 hp, from 41 900 euros) and the extreme Mercedes C 55 AMG (V8, 367 HP, from 73 900 euros). In late spring version of S320 will replace 272-strong Mercedes C350, which are expected to be 1,500 euros more expensive. The most affordable wagon C200 Kompressor - from 34 400 euro. Slightly more favorable to buy Mercedes' special series "with a batch set of options. Audi A4 on the level of equipment is not inferior to competitors, but cheaper. Firstly, there is a version of the A4 1.6 (102 hp), whose prices start at $ 31,330 (ie from 23 670 euros). Second, two-liter version (130 hp) only $ 3000 more expensive - the base sedan Audi A4 2.0 is available for $ 34 356 (262 700 euros). But the list of options for the Audi did not shorter than the C-Class. We got to test sedan with CVT multitronic (+ $ 2010) with multifunction steering wheel (+ $ 856), leather interior (+ $ 2820), adaptive xenon headlights (+ $ 564) ... As a result, the 130-strong car costs $ 49,800 (37,630 euros)! Meanwhile, the $ 37,453 you can buy the base Audi A4 1.8T sedan with 163-horsepower turbo engine, and $ 40,858 - even with all-wheel drive transmission, quattro (Torsen)! For information: Mercedes S240 4Matic all-wheel drive with similar capacity (V6, 170 hp) is about the same number - 40900. But the euro. And the most affordable all-wheel drive "treshka» BMW 325xi previous generation was even higher - 44 900 euros. The new, presumably, will not be cheaper ... At the top of the range Audi A4 - the powerful version of the A4 3.0 quattro (V6, 218 hp, up from $ 54 398) and S4 4.2 (V8, 344 hp, up from $ 93 789). Avant wagon for $ 2,700 more expensive. Old and novayaNaskolko and differ from each other old and new "treshki" - series E46 and E60? First, appearance: everything is clear without words. Secondly, the interior: a full cockpit with the console, strongly expanded toward the driver has gone. On the new machine the central part of the panel also slightly turned to the driver. But just enough to ward off accusations retrograde, but not to break with a new interior design concept ... Second, in the notation versions triumphed over "justice." If the earlier cars with two-liter "four" power of 143 hp termed as the BMW 318i, 320i and the index were cars with in-line "six" in volume of 2.2 liters (170 hp), but now BMW 320i - an honest two-liter car. The "quartet" now develops 150 hp, coupled with six-speed (and the "mechanics" and "automatic") and almost not changed curb weight has improved momentum booster - Passport acceleration time "to hundreds of" decreased by 0.3 -0.5 sec. Once the road test site will be cleared of snow, check ... Price? They grew up, and equipment has become richer. Previously, BMW 318i c «mechanics" could be bought for 27 900 euro, but it was a simple car with air conditioning. And now even the "basic" machine for 29 900 euro 320i - climate control, dual-zone and the plus and parking assist "safe" tires. Has the nature of the sled? Only partly. The new six-step "machine" running smoothly, but the switch a little stretched and occur more often - it has more gears and they are "shorter". On the one hand, it is good - set speed is more intense. On the other hand, each extra switch still worse prediction overclocking. Reactions to the helm were sharper sportier. The chassis is different even verified the balance that is particularly evident in the slide. Electronics ABS and DSC was perfect - the new "treshka" fantastically stable even under heavy braking in slippery corner with a different cover under the left and right wheels. Interestingly, the new brakes "smarter" - for example, if the rain and the wipers are included, the control electronics periodically brings pads to the discs, "podsushivaya" brakes. Finally, back in the new car was a little roomier - especially the knees back riders. So now "treshka» BMW for convenience of passengers is not very different from its main competitors - the Mercedes and Audi

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