Friday, October 28, 2011

Last meeting

Audi TT creators gave unfading design. Question on filling: when the car was first shown? It seems as if passed on the strength of three or four years. Certainly not, debut back in 1998! A lot of gasoline burned since left behind the problems with the aerodynamics, the car finally tried on a new powerful engine and excellent transmission. Strokes last restyling completely changed her appearance. As such, she appeared before us a wonderful summer evening, on the threshold of autumn. We say goodbye to the season, and along with the model - very soon, as early as next year, the first TT will replace the second. In our time, not taken to produce a car more than 6-8 years, as if she did not look important and not matter how well traveled. It is a pity, because in such a TT - a self-contained, complete car, which is absolutely not lost in today's competition. But when you sit behind the wheel, just remember that it is constructed compartment in the nineties of last century. Salon kindness, but as a blasphemous as it may sound in relation to one of the top models Audi, is clearly outdated. The main reproaches style concept - flat and too many odnofakturnogo black plastic. Although ubiquitous polished metal, round vents, fun flip-lid with the letters TT radio and comfortable suede leather, sport seats, of course, enliven the picture. But the orange "plastic" needle tachometer and speedometer look a bit depressing. Inside is nothing superfluous - what sport-oriented model of obesity? The windows look like slits, a low roof crushes on the subconscious. Key in the lock, rotate, and bass exhaust TT lets you know that with a powerful 3.2-liter "six" and "instant" check point of the two clutches, it is not a lady's vehicle, but in a battle-worthy urban shell. And here we glide through the streets of garlands of colored lights: The size of the TT can do a lot. Do not just park in the tiny Piglet, but to squeeze into very narrow gaps in the flow, so that later, paddle paddle tucked downshift and hit the accelerator, nice blow away, away from the sleeping car of the herd. To the accompaniment of large round nozzle of the exhaust system which sounds pleasantly surprised its nekorrektnostyu.Na a red rag is easy to react by many, but few people can resist this yurkomu car in city traffic. Do not look at the dynamics of dispersal to "hundreds" - 6.4 seconds, did not disclose the nature of the machine in full, although they are a good indicator. The essence of the TT 3,2 DSG is known in the movement. The car accelerates great with average speed, powerful engine perfectly coexists with DSG (which we do not get tired of singing the praises), and each trip can turn into a busy urban overcome dopa. It would wish. And if the desire is not? If there is no gasoline in your blood? Show leniency if the TT, whether good boy, will take place either before a minimum of upheaval and inconvenience? Of course, do everything, and at its best. Because a soft job superskorostrelnogo magnificent "machine" in the "civilian" modes, you can simply ignore. Because the suspension - very comfortable. Because the power and resilience of the motor enough for a quiet move in the "up to 3,500 rpm." However, we must get used to the small clearance. In the trunk, by the way, you can throw a couple of large bags. But the back is better not to leave anyone - a natural Procrustean lozhe.No us melancholic modes of motion are not interested! Breaking into the open country road, I immediately stronger pressure on the accelerator, and CPR immediately begins to methodically otschelkivat stage. And what we have now with aerodynamics? Now TT securely glued to the roadway due to the elegant rear wing. However, do not steal a revised aerodynamics courage acceleration at high speeds and cherished miles "maximum speed"? 180 km / h are somewhere behind us, now 220, and then rush: not up against the limiter at 250. Total - 270 km / h (as shown) and good stability of motion in a straight line. It's time to put out the speed. I do not stand on ceremony. Slowing intensive, informative on the pedal is good, but small rudder needed. What low profile tires that wide trebuet.Obratno leisurely meal, with a cruising speed of 150-170 km / h. No stress. A small compartment is like a small locomotive on the rails - confidently, without trajectory ryskaniy.Nas again meets the sea of ??lights. TT obviously likes the city and the city obviously like TT. Red squat little car who leaves me cold - people look back, though they saw a car a hundred times. And hardly anyone would ever think to call it obsolete. However, marketers have always calculate the situation several moves ahead, and they've all decided a long time: In the morning return the car. I am a little sad. Giving one last look at the coupe, and I see the sadness in widely-spaced eyes TT. Do not worry, TT, with the appearance of non-existence does not threaten you.

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