Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The aura of power

Now I know how to revive tired from a long flight from Moscow to Barcelona man. Neither brandy, nor even a skillful masseuse will not do to him what can only create one view of the good, really good avtomobil.Kogda through your hands in the month goes to a dozen new vehicles, stop to admire them. Touch a chord with rare specimens. Audi A8 is exactly the same case. How much grandeur in this cold severity, as confidence! Nothing extra: Chrome - only where necessary, optics - precisely the area that is needed for normal operation. This forms the image of a car that, except with the wealth and power, with nothing more assotsiiruetsya.Itak not, from the oppressive fatigue no trace remained. Another moment, and his whole appearance I will represent wealth and power. Give, give the keys! But the young man in a T-shirt with the logo of Audi AG, opened the car door for me, explained that hold the keys in his hands is not necessary. It is enough if they lie in a pocket or, as now, in the armrest. To start the engine, you must simultaneously press the brake pedal and the "Start" button on the center konsoli.No first study room, or rather, its central part, where the control unit Multi Media Interface (MMI), which is nothing more than a board computer. In fact, it's about the same system that is installed on the new "Seven» BMW - iDrive. But, as it seemed, MMI interface more understandable. In any case, a thick book in addition to it not daetsya.Upravlyaetsya and controlled by the MMI almost everything, "Navigation", radio, radio, television, salon lighting, air suspension, battery level, tire pressure (including - spare ) and much more. You can even "posharit" on the Internet and work with e-mail. The parameters are displayed on a fairly large LCD display, automatically leaving the center console after starting dvigatelya.Avtomobil is packed full of electronics. Perhaps no single node, for which she had not watched. Sometimes it seems that the driver of the car to anything. A8 even distance from the vehicle ahead defines itself - this is followed by adaptive cruise control, sensitivity is also regulated by MMI.Rasskazyvat about this system can be long, but then there would be no place to describe a simple hardware ... However, some iron, if the body and suspension parts are made of "winged" metal! Fit a seat, mirrors and steering column, looking for some engine. Judging by the fact that the tachometer needle broke away from zero, under the hood of something working. That "something" - 335-strong V-shaped 4.2-liter "eight" - one of the most powerful engines fitted to the serial Audi. It was no joke, the car accelerates to "hundreds" of just 6.3 seconds! But the highway is still far. First you need to come down from the top floor of parking. Translate selector AKP to "drive" otschelkivayu press brake and the car begins to dvizhenie.Nesmotrya impressive dimensions A8 maneuver it easily in cramped conditions. Affects a sufficiently large angle of rotation of the wheels and the complete absence of any resistance from the helm. Adaptive power knows his stuff - in this mode, the wheel can rotate paltsem.Kstati, depending on what angle the wheel is rotated, to help the main head light lamps light up the block in another light - left or right - even before the nose vehicle will enter the rotation. The idea is not new, but the fact that Audi has decided to revive it, very good - the effect of this "trifles" are really strong enough est.Traditsionnaya optics. The main light - Bi-Xenon, rear lights - LED. Plus a lot of auxiliary lamps - outdoor, covering the area around the car and home. The interior is illuminated everything - from keys to the place for your feet. The light intensity and options include regulated using the same Multi Media Interface.No's car pulled out into the open. The roads in Spain, of course, not the best in Europe, but here is where the mischief. Enough to pay a certain amount and you are pretty good on the highway with the five and even six-lane in one direction. The speed is limited to 120 km / h, but the Spaniards to come off polnoy.Raz so than we are worse? Leg literally hammers the gas pedal to the floor. Further words can not convey - you need to feel myself. Ecstasy speed and power. Control of the car even at 250 km / h one hundred percent. Perhaps, with further acceleration is diminished sensation to, but faster than the car did not go - the maximum speed is limited elektronikoy.Pomimo 4.2-liter engine, "eight" will be equipped with one another - a little less volume and power. This is a seriously upgraded 3.7-liter engine to 260 hp Able to drive a car with such a motor. The difference in dynamics was only a second and a maximum speed - the same gear 250.Korobka quite new. It is because she was so responsive A8 to "pedaling." Delay in the "machine" feel, but you can change gears manually by going to the sequential mode. It is not necessary to remove his hand from the "wheel" - it has the appropriate driving knopki.Spokoynaya delivers no less fun. In the end, the A8 is designed for passengers. Separate climate for everyone, heated seats, electric blinds on the doors - all of this, like many other things, creates an indescribable atmosphere of comfort in the back seat of his car Ultra-posadkoy.V excellent noise isolation. Enough to close the door and pick up the glass - and if you're in a vacuum. You can enable high-end audio system. Some speakers in the cabin of 11 pieces, and even 300 mm subwoofer on the rear polke.Skolko is going to cost a product of technological arts? Representatives of the firm promise that slightly more than the previous model. In any case, people who are used to drive a car of this class, the price does not seem too high.

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