Concern "Audi" was a difficult way to create a flagship brand. Audi 200, Audi V8 - the right steps in the right direction, but the ultimate goal has been achieved only in the A8. This machine was not anybody. Aluminum body - again. Aluminum multi-link suspension - two. All wheel drive - three. Executive Sedan - four. Audi A8 was produced from 1994 and constantly upgraded. The most notable update was in 1999, but apparently only the differences will determine the enthusiast. In addition to the usual A8, produced two interesting versions. For fans of sports style intended modification S8. Reduced ride height, an artificial motor sports decorative elements. With a manual acceleration to 100 km / h takes just 5.4 seconds. Unfortunately, for the operation "eski" will have to pay a little more. Especially in winter: in the ruts of households is the low front spoiler, which costs $ 300-400 for a new piece of painting. This problem is unknown, and the owners of the A8 L?? - An elongated version of the representation. Differences in service "Long" almost none, but the price tag - above. In ALUMINUM ShTANAHKak already mentioned, the body A8 - aluminum. Light weight, corrosion resistance - a plus. The cost of body repair - a minus. Most parts are not Richt, but changes entirely. Aluminum panels of the road by themselves, add a special fasteners, materials, qualified masters, special equipment. Please be assured that after a major accident you will want, in the first place, as soon as possible to restore presentation, and secondly, to quickly recoup the costs and even sell the car. It is not excluded that the previous owner was guided by the same message. Buying a car, looking for signs of galvanic corrosion - evidence of a poor body repair. A8 saloons differ greatly on the quality of materials, depending on engine and model year. But any interior "eight" is practically unaffected by time. Even 300,000th runs do not affect the condition of the cabin. It is best not to look shabby, and sniffed. Well, if the smell of expensive pipe tobacco. Worse, if the previous owner preferred the "White Sea". Leather upholstery absorbs odors for a long time, and especially from cigarette smoke. Moreover, the machine will try to keep him longer - frequent failures of servo valves in the ventilation system. Repairs can not be called cheap - $ 200-300. LIGHT, BUT SILNYYChetyre wheel drive, four-liter under the hood - that's a portrait of the "real" A8. The eight units are perfectly balanced, and power plant at all - a reasonable compromise between power and maintenance costs. Contrary to popular belief, six-cylinder 2.8-liter engine is not too bad. Yes, its momentum booster will not name the hurricane, but for cool people power will suffice. As well as a 2.5-liter diesel engine. His 150-180 "horses" backed up by good torque and thrust deficit is observed. Discharge of exotic - a 12-cylinder A8 and diesel 3.3-liter V8. Few of these machines, riding on them - a deliberate choice of a man who knows how to spend money. We educated the owners of any motor yet Otezdil the resource. If you consider yourself to be such a bother powertrains will be only minor problems. For example, the moisture disables the engine control unit ($ 2,000), so once a year to look into the "black box". Audi diesel engines with non-separated combustion chambers - some of the best in the world and worthy of admiration. But it's not a reason to buy them. Cost-A8 with a diesel engine shakes - about 7-8 liters on the highway. But the cost of operating a motor above. A new high pressure fuel pump costs $ 3,000, and fuel our dislikes. Because of him the same fuel, it is recommended to reduce service intervals of up to 10 thousand kilometers, and the "disadvantaged" regions - up to 7.5 thousand km. But the petrol versions require then only every 15 thousand miles. And then what kind of savings do you mean? It is much easier and cheaper gasoline V-shaped "Six". In addition to periodic failures oxygen sensor ($ 200), the characteristic disease it does not. With high-mileage appears uncertain cold start, and if the engine "troit", smokes, it's time to repair the cylinder head ($ 500-800). Any gasoline engine Audi A8 not "bore" - just replace the cylinder block (up to $ 10 million). So when you offer on the cheap A8 impaired motor - do not agree. A common feature of all petrol versions - the probability of breaking a timing belt just before ending the manufacturer's prescribed period of 120 000 km. The belt rollers and the pump is the pump, depending on model, $ 700-1000 - is not that expensive compared to the consequences of possible major repairs. So Gasoline "eight" existed in two versions: 3.7 and 4.2 liters. Choosing between them, look for a more powerful engine. The difference in the dynamics of a much more substantial, and for the service will still pay the same. Tiptronic gearbox, though technically difficult, but virtually trouble-free. She first appeared exactly at A8, and claims for her work there. Do you want to - go on "automatic", you want - change gears yourself. Do what you want, and repair will be unlikely. If you do not "kill" box consciously than to replace oil and filter ($ 200 for everything every 45 sq km), it does not require it. However, on most older machines often do not work to manual gear change, but this problem can be solved cheaply - $ 150. Sometimes the flow seals, but their replacement costs mere pennies - $ 150-200. PLACERS ISSUES of suspension: "What is the same loose, as in the old A6?" - Experts say: "And then!" Aluminum, damn it. In Russia, the suspension needs to donate money to the aluminum altar every 20-30 thousand miles. In detail the operation against Russian bumps looks like lower arms ($ 500 apiece), stabilizer ($ 50) - every 20-30 thousand, steering nozzles ($ 100 apiece), and all the other levers - 60-70 thousand miles. Shock absorbers are changed in the area of ??80-100 thousand miles, though it makes sense to put a new little earlier, during the replacement of the levers. Rear suspension tighter. Approximately 50 sq km are calculated stabilizer, at 80 sq km - silent-blocks, and 90-110 thousand km - shock absorbers. On the braking system or we can say good or anything. Resource pads and discs is dependent on driving style. On the 4.2 liter engine can be "cut down" thousands of shoes for 15 miles, and on slower machines with a manual transmission blocks is enough for 40-50 thousand miles. Judging by the price of the original brake pads Audi added platinum. $ 350 - it is more expensive than CDs! And the last. On the market front-wheel drive the Audi A8 is with manual transmissions. Nothing bad about these machines is impossible to say, good - too. Why front-wheel drive when there is absolutely smooth and reliable quattro? For years, spent the scheme does not have "hereditary" defects. Know monitors the anther SHRUS ($ 30) and ezdi his health.
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